The Baltimore/Charleston Toodle-oo

The Baltimore/Charleston Toodle-oo


R.E. Prindle


Who is to say that this Baltimore/Charleston farrago is not a put up job?  An extenuation of the Ferguson/St. Louis takeover of that city.  Baltimore has now been officially captured and is a Negro city.  A no go zone where Whites and even the police are not welcome.  One guesses that the White exodus will be prompt and complete placing Baltimore alongside Detroit as Aryanrein.

How does a race achieve such a feat?  Obviously one slowly infiltrates a city then when critical mass is reached one begins to create incidents for which compensation is demanded.  The incidents usually concern the death of some hapless individual Negro who stands a symbol for the whole race.  Contrary to all evidence accumulated over hundreds of years Negroes entertain the notion that Whites are committing genocide against them.  The killing of the symbolic Negro preferably happens in a confrontation with the police so that the Force can be depicted as oppressing the race.

Thus in Ferguson an Officer was provoked so that he shot the perp.  The Negroes then arose in insurrection and burnt the city down.  The resultant ashes belong to them while Aryan society is instructed that Negroes can claim any city they want because the Aryans are too chicken to fight back.

Shortly after the news value of St. Louis/Ferguson died down the scene shifts to Baltimore.  Here the situation has clearly been plotted out.  The roles have been cast; the actors selected; the script written.  Remember only a few people are on the inside while the public only gets to see what is essentially a movie unfold.

Freddie the Heroin Dealer is arrested and in the movie, something like the TV show, The Wire also staged in Baltimore, dies in police custody.  Even more gruesome his spine is said to be severed.  Nice touch.  But we don’t get to see Freddie die so we have to take the word of the script writers.  Maybe Freddie did die by accident or maybe in order to advance the story Freddie was willfully murdered.  We have no way of knowing, only the script writers know.  Freddie may even not be dead but is down in Jamaica enjoying the sun.

But, as though planned the Negroes go into insurrection mode.  Now, there are two places in no go Negro Baltimore the Whites had reserved for themselves.  One is a tourist area on the Chesapeake side of the peninsula and the other is the vicinity of the baseball stadium.  The Negroes not only riot but they reclaim the area of the baseball stadium expelling the Aryans from their ‘reservation.’  As the Aryans will get the hint the Chesapeake location falls too.

The event is nearly choreographed as the mayor tells the police to stand down and not interfere with the rioters who have now made themselves criminals if they weren’t before with the mayor as accessory before, during and after.  So that what we have is a gigantic crime in which the city administrators are implicit, enablers and quite probably planners.

The mayor then has committed a crime of enormous proportions in which millions of dollars of property have been destroyed, the lives of dozens to hundreds, perhaps thousands of people ruined with a number exceeding nine dead.  No matter how horrific  this ‘Reichstag’ incident was there is no call to indict and try the mayor who is clearly guilty.  She walks away Scot free.  Like Bill Ayers she says:  God, what a country!  Guilty as hell and free as a bird.

There was some muted outrage and mumbling so while waiting for the next incident to unfold a diversion was deemed necessary.  Some incredible White crime that rather than being ignored or covered up could be magnified.  Some hapless Aryan guy was needed to continue the tradition of the Tucson and Denver massacres.  If you remember those two shooters who both looked hypnotized hence not responsible for their crimes in any way you can find similarities to the Charleston shooter who may be equally unresponsible for his acts that, again, appear to have been scripted and staged.  Amazingly there were no Negro riots and actually no murmuring while the church members ostentatiously forgave the shooter.  Of course, this was a Christian church not unlike all those churches in the South that were blown up or burned.  Ah, Selma, the gift that keeps on giving.

In any event, this guy in Charleston will never make it to trial either, like the others he will disappear down the memory hole when his fifteen minutes of use are over.  Should any of these shooters ever be allowed to come to trial they obviously would have to be declared not guilty by reason of insanity.  That wouldn’t fit the script, right?  So you’re never going to see them tried.

But, the mayor of Baltimore?  Is she crazy or just crazy like a fox?

Baltimore And Grim Realities

Baltimore And Grim Realities


R.E. Prindle


It is time we pause and locate our position.  The compass is spinning too fast to pinpoint where we are.  What should be clear is that while we weren’t paying attention there were those moving populations about maneuvering for position.  While people fantasized a country in which three or four States were turned over to the Negroes as their homeland a different vision was occurring to the Negroes and their Jewish handlers.

E.  Michael Jones in his Slaughter Of The Cities demonstrates how old ethnic neighborhoods in cities like Philadelphia and Detroit were broken up and moved out to be replaced by Negroes. Jones blames the Northeast Protestants for destroying these Catholic enclaves of Irish or Poles and he may be right or partially right, don’t forget those handlers.  At any rate the inner cities were delivered to the Negroes.

In possession of the cores the Negroes immigrated into the cities and multiplied slowly capturing a majority position in nearly all the major US cities East of the Mississippi.   With a majority of votes they captured the governments of those cities which have all been mismanaged; Detroit being the first of the paradigm.

Today, as in Detroit decades ago, St. Louis recently and now Baltimore they are asserting autonomous ownership demanding to impose a Negro legal system reflecting their own African mores and the ethnic cleansing of all Whites.

They are in possession of the turf.  They are not capable of governing today any more than they were in the days of the First Reconstruction, for this is the Second Reconstruction.  At that earlier time the Southern Whites fought back reclaiming their heritage.  Today the Whites are cowed, making more concessions than Roosevelt did to Stalin.

They haven’t even the backbone to say:  What is this shit?  They merely say:  What else can we give you and do for you?

So the cities belong to the Negroes.  The past of White Supremacy hasn’t even left a shadow.  Concessions have all been conceded, the next step after the White supineness we are witnessing is actual voluntary servitude and from there the ultimate Negro triumph, enslaving the Whites.  Psychologically this is half done.

The Liberals are well on the way of putting on their chains.  Let them, but why follow them?

Whites must realize the situation and cease to cater to the Negroes.  Are they not men and women?  Cannot they stand on their own two feet without our help?  There is no need to incur expense we can’t afford to call in the National Guard to suppress the insurrection of Baltimore.  Let it rage.  We don’t need White Boys to restore order.  Let the cities burn, send in agitators to encourage the lawlessness.  Not only let but encourage them to kill each other.  What do those crimes mean to Whites. Nothing.  Why waste money and White skills in hospitals.  They did it they can fix it.

Why go the expense of rebuilding the wreck they create.  Let them live in it.  Make them.  Refuse to let them out of their consecrated ruins.  Whites can’t even live their own lives why should they try to tell Negroes how to live theirs?  Why should Negroes try to tell us how to live ours.

Sever the umbilical cord that links them to you.  Cut it.  If that can be done then while the Negroes are festering in their ruined cities the next step to solving the problem can be determined.

Forget all that slavery nonsense.  Let the dead past bury its dead.  Whatever was has ceased to exist with no commitment or guilt.  The Negroes cannot be saved.

SOS.  Save Our Selves

Down And Dirty In Detroit



Down And Dirty In Detroit


 R.E. Prindle

Well, you know, what are we going to do about Detroit. The former city, now a sort of squatterville, has been reduced to a population so Negro that only about seven percent of the people are White. God only knows were they hide out.

Apparently the only jobs in this wreck of a city are provided by the various governments chiefly that of the former municipality of Detroit while one wonders what the seven hundred thousand or so Negroes who comprise the main mass of population do for a living. The industry has all left. The population has been more than cut in half. Apparently nothing as very few pay their water bill as the roll call of unpaid households nearly equals the delinquents.

While it seems to be going unnoticed it costs a lot of money to run and maintain a water department. Thus actually those costs were supposed to be underwritten by those connected to the water mains. The Negro administrators of this bankrupt town, that is one owing 20 billions of dollars with revenues in the millions, most of which goes to Negro city employees, in desperation are shutting off water to delinquents.

As I say, the Department doesn’t run on water it merely supplies it. Cash has to enter the system from somewhere. Of course the former city could just hire everyone and deduct the water bills from their wages, something like Social Security.

One wonders how the former city got into this debacle. There are loud but necessarily obscure voices on the internet, as the internet is the only place they can hope to be heard, who say that Negroes can’t adjust to civilization and this is the obvious result.

The Alternet, linked above, thinks like this:

Detroit, Michigan was once a thriving city but was sent into a tailspin by the deindustrialization of the United States, white flight, and institutional racism which blamed black people who were in fact victims of catastrophe.

Well, right. They were running the city and caused the catastrophe they were victims of. Institutional racism escapes me. Must be something like White Privilege.

As, perhaps a partial explanation, Alternet also gives this as a cause: …big banks,..sold risky derivatives to corrupt Detroit politicians…. Which banks to which politicians? Back toward the middle of the last century when Negro Coleman Young became mayor and led his people in triumph over the Whites who had not yet flown, the former White mayors had reduced Detroit’s debt to just over a billion. A few more years under their administration and the city, it was a city then, may have been debt free. And that is FREEDOM my friends.

The debt skyrocketed under successive Negro mayors, the city now reverted to desert ruins has been in Negro hands since Young. Now, one is not sold derivatives, one buys them. A ninny could have bought the recent mortgage bonds that resulted in such a disaster also and many did but a heck of a lot more didn’t. Bernie Madoff suckered a lot of people with his dodge but more weren’t than were. It was a choice. Sometimes a financial scheme not only looks but smells fishy.

It is certainly true that the bankers never get hurt, in fact they’re prospering more now than then, but the real cause of the demise of Detroit is that those Negro mayors spent more than they took in. An undeniable fact, don’t you think? While the subject is more complex than one might think- I recommend The Slaughter Of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing by E. Michael Jones for a detailed history of this Detroit situation- the fact is Negroes burned down Detroit in 1967. The city became unsafe for Whites at any time of day or place. Why wouldn’t they fly? If they shot back they would go to jail not the Negroes. The law had been perverted.

No, The problem in fact is the Negro. The bankers too but they have so many AA hires these days one can’t say Negroes aren’t a larger part of the pollution there too.

What then? The fact is Detroit cannot run a water system unless someone pays the bill. Maybe Daddy Warbucks will show up and laughingly take care of business. The human, or Negro problem rather, is preposterous. The water systems were predicated on householders paying their bills or else. There are alternatives, however outdoor privies went out of fashion when indoor plumbing came in when I was a child. Wells are now non-existent besides they used to be right next to the privies. I don’t know how I survived childhood.

We know Negroes are good at improvisation so perhaps they will work something out, a bucket brigade from the river or something. But hey! This preposterous situation is happening right here in formerly first world USA. Detroit is only the leading edge of the tsunami, there are a couple dozen US Negro cities forming the crest behind Detroit. Are you ready?

Who said: It can’t happen here.


Da Boyz From New York City



Da Boyz From New York City


R.E. Prindle

De Blasio cleared the first hurdle on his run for the mayor of New York City with room to spare.  There is little doubt that come November he will be the mayor elect.  Then watch out.

I’ve been reading Mahler’s The Bronx Is Burning and Jonnes’ South Bronx Rising.  The lesson to be learned from those two books is that when De Blasio takes his oath New York City will go into dissolution, total meltdown.

The stage is set today as it was in the late sixties and early seventies when all social cohesion dissolved in the Bronx and that city  was left looking like Dresden after the firestorm.  That was no small thing, The Bronx had a population about as large as Detroit had in 1950 while the destruction was even more devastating.

Thus at the 1977 World Series as the flames of the Bronx licked the sky over the rim of Yankee Stadium Howard Cosell is reputed to have said:  Ladies and gentlemen; The Bronx is burning.

While myriads of reasons are given as a cause the reason is simple:  too much low quality diversity.  It was a racial thang.

As Jonnes points out the city bred Negroes were swamped by illiterate Southern dirt farmers who brought their rural values with them.  The Negro city culture was destroyed and now it is the turn of the rest of the city.  Overflowing Harlem the Negroes, or some of them, moved North to the Bronx.

At the same time, after WWII, some enterprising ex-airmen bought surplus Army planes and began ferrying Puerto Ricans from the island to New York.  Thus by the sixties somewhere between a half million and a million mainly illiterate non-English speaking Puerto Ricans were also crowding into the Bronx.

The two large populations between one and two million strong displaced the former immigrants while being outside the influence of Bronx government and unfamiliar with US law and society.  The result was inevitable.  All cohesion was dissolved and things just fell apart.  Thus The Bronx preceded Detroit.

Meanwhile in Brooklyn the district of Bushwick was being changed to Negro.  In the blackout of 1977 all hell broke loose and the Negroes looted and burned Bushwick.

The city is now poised waiting for the break loose moment.  Prognostication is a tough business as any weatherman can tell you but even they get right once in a while.

Putting on my seers cap, and I hope I’m wrong, New York City will all but disappear when De Blasio enfranchises the Negroes as is his promise.  Salisbury and Johannesburg will look pristine in comparison.  One more of the vanishing cities of the globe.  One of De Blasio’s campaign songs is This City Belongs To Us.

Watch out for the Boyz from New York City New Yorkers.  They’re coming for you.  Property values will drop like you’ve never seen before.


Gone With The Wind

Gone With The Wind


R.E. Prindle


It isn’t that it couldn’t be seen coming.  The racial disaster of the United States should now be apparent to all.  The deterioration  of Detroit has been descending for decades.  The ethnic cleansing  by Negro Detroiters  drove out half the city’s  population reducing the city to ruins as buildings great and small stand empty waiting to fall.

With municipal income reduced by as much as two thirds, spending went on apace until the city’s debt stands now at an estimated, I said estimated, 15 to 17 billion.  Seven hundred thousand unemployed citizens can never repay perhaps as much as 20 billion.  The real figure may never need to be calculated as Detroit must go bankrupt.  As emergency manager taking control of the city from its official government  appointed by the State of Michigan to command city officials was  Kevyn Orr, another Negro.  The State undoubtedly appointed a Negro to avoid the rancid unpleasantness appointing a White would have caused.  For any who aren’t aware, after the cleansing Detroit is 90% Negro while being half vacant.

In an effort to raise money, obviously from anywhere, Orr has proposed to sell off the art collection of the Detroit Institute Of Art, one of the great museums of the US and the world.  The collection is valued at multi billions.  The art is the result of one hundred twenty-five years of accumulation almost all of which was acquired through civically conscious donors, both art and money.

Detroit is unable to support the museum so that in an effort to save the museum the three Detroit counties, Wayne, and two White counties Macomb and Oakley, agreed to a tax to supply the money.  So while both the building and art collection is actually owned by the City of Detroit others now have an interest in the museum.  A lengthy law suit appears to be inevitable.

In having essentially cleansed Detroit of Whites making the city a Negro municipality, the Negro city manager, Kevyn Orr, is proposing to cleanse the city of a major White institution to cleanse the city of any memory of its White past.  One may expect the renaming of at least the major thoroughfares at any moment as the Negroes claim the area as their very own, which in fact it is.  Like it or not the city is now an African country.

The collection of the museum itself is described as multi-cultural, which is to say it follows  the eclectic nature of the White mind.  The collections feature artifacts from all the world over, the Disneyland approach.

The structure housing the collection is magnificent itself.  A building and grounds on a choice location on Woodward Avenue downtown of 658.000 sq. ft. containing an 1150 seat auditorium, a 380 seat lecture/recital hall, an art reference library and a state of the art conservation service laboratory.  None of this is essential to Negro culture, it can be disposed of as so much garbage.

The situation of Detroit thus reflects the state of affairs throughout the country.  No one seemed to notice or analyze the situation as city after city has gone majority Negro.  In scores of cities the majority populations are now Negro, the old majority of Whites in the process of being cleansed.  The cleansing of course is euphemized as White Flight.  The demographics  of American cities has been shifted out of White control.  They are now part of what may be described as a separate or seceded Negro nation within the country.  Forts commanding the countryside.

Just as the Detroit Institute may be liquidated per Negro desires another development should be noted.  That of many major American universities.  Nobody seemed to notice or care but many universities are now surrounded by fully Negro neighborhoods.  Temple and UPennsylvania.  UChicago, USC, Columbia and a host of others, even the 203 acre Wayne State in downtown Detroit.

In order to protect the faculty and students from Negro violence on campus these schools maintain private armies, excuse me, police forces with UChicago being perhaps the largest private police force in the world.  It also polices adjacent neighborhoods to keep the Negroes at further bay.  Without these private police the universities would undoubtedly be forced to vacate their campuses as UChicago very nearly did before they adopted their defensive attitude of what might be styled martial law.  Students and faculty were harassed so badly both faculty and students were leaving.  Now they live in an uncomfortable war zone unable to leave the campus in fear of grievous bodily harm.

These campuses themselves are virtual museums possessing fabulous libraries into the millions of editions and other art assets not counting historic buildings.  These are multi-billion dollar plants.  Moving and rebuilding would be disruptive to a generation’s education and cost other multi-billions.  It can’t be afforded; it can’t be done.

On campus the students are forbidden to possess defensive weapons while the campus police would be unwilling to fire on invaders while being too few to offer any resistance, and probably are forbidden to do so.  In the current Swedish riots the police did nothing to interfere with the rioters but when the Swedes finally became aroused enough to push the rioters back the police arrested them.  So the situation is very critical.  Attitudes must be changed.

The carnage and destruction would be horrendous.  At the very least the Negroes could cut off access and egress thus shutting down the schools.

The situation has now passed into direct confrontational terms.  Short of dealing with the situation in a military manner, which will never be done unless the Negroes aggressively provoke a response, it is difficult to see what Whites will do about it.  Wring their hands and whine, plead for order, grovel, what?  What is clear is that Negroes and Whites are now two separate nations with two separate agendas.

It is also difficult to see how, short of armed revolt, the Negroes can press their advantage home.  Between the cities and the national government under Obama  the country and municipalities can be bankrupted and Whites progressively impoverished as the money gives out, but then what?

This does appear to be the arrival at the crossroads.  Which route are we going to take?

On Being White In A Black City

On Being White In A Negro City
R.E. Prindle

There are certain demographic realities that have always to be borne in mind. One key US demographic is that there are between forty and forty-five million Negroes in the United States- many more than any but a few African countries. US numbers are the equivalent of say about fifteen Chicagoes, fifty Detroits. A realistic fact is that many cities must necessarily be majority or better Negro. Thus Detroit, Chicago, Birmingham, Atlanta and Philadelphia have either been or are being ethnically cleansed of Whites.

White law and Negro law are based on two different standards, they are not compatible. This is a fact that must not be ignored. As the US Attorney General Eric Holder says, Negroes are to be given legal precedence.

Now, in Philadelphia a newspaper recently published an article describing the actual White-Negro situation there. They also published the pictures of a couple dozen most wanted murderers in the Philly area, all of which were Negro with the exception of a couple Mexicans and an ‘Asian.’ There were no Whites in this most wanted category in a majority Negro city.

Nutter, the mayor of Philly, obviously Negro, is now calling for the disciplining of the publishers and authors, which may involve prison terms, because the publication dared to criticize Nutter’s administration and for failing to put more Whites on the murderer list than Negroes. Discrimination, he says. He calls this irresponsible journalism. He is quoted as writing:


While I fully recognize that constitutional protections afforded the press are intended to protect the media from censorship from the government, the First Amendment, like other constitutional rights, is not an unfettered right, and notwithstanding the First Amendment, a publisher has a duty, to the public to exercise its role in a responsible way. I ask the Commission to evaluate whether the “speech” employed in this essay is not the reckless equivalent of “shouting ‘fire!’ in a crowded theater,” its prejudiced fact challenged generalizations an incitement to extreme reaction.


Apart from its egregious hypocrisy Nutter equates the publication of wanted murderers as crying Fire! in a crowed theater. Does it really matter whether the murderers were Black or White; weren’t they murderers? It does to Nutter who is a Negro running a Negro metropolis, obviously prejudiced. He is obviously at war with the White minority wishing to strip them of what have been universal constitutional rights.

Demographics are against the White residents of Philly. It is now functioning under Negro law that gives legal preference to negro notions. The message is clear. Ethnically cleanse Philly of Whites. Even the old Confederate capitol of Richmond is majority Negro. There are forty-five million Negroes in the US. They can easily appropriate fifty to a hundred cities unimpeded by the US laws that discriminate against Whites.

Think about it!

No defense is available against numbers. Vote with your feet, White people, get out of Philly. Move to the Northwest which is still predominantly White and when there ethnically cleanse it of Negroes. Make our own laws as the Negroes of Philly are making theirs. Negroes now have successfully appropriated the cities they need to create Negro paradises. Let them move to them en masse where they can live in ‘peace’ without White interference.

Demographically such appropriation cannot be resisted. But fair exchange is no crime. Live under White law or Negro law- take your choice.

Reclaiming Our Culture: Education

Reclaiming Our Culture: Education
R.E. Prindle

People speak of Globalism as if there were no attending problems. Education is a major problem. Perhaps not so much in racially and linguistically mono culture regions such as China and Africa, and neither is going multi-cultural any time soon, but in regions like North America and Europe that have been uniquely declared the common property of the world educating many diverse cultures as a single unit is proving impossible.

The cities of Detroit and Birmingham in the US are unique in being mono cultural but in cities like New York, Boston and Chicago student bodies are extremely fractured along racial lines, or, in other words, diverse. In those cities the student bodies are predominantly Negro and/or Mexican the rest of the students being in much smaller fractions. They are recent immigrants speaking scores of languages. What sort of curriculum has been devised to deal with such incongruous diversity? None.

As these cultures are encouraged to maintain themselves in some sort of United Nations setting would it not be the proper thing to do to establish schools for each culture. After all, of what interest can Shakespeare be to Hmong students who have no history of European culture? Can they even understand Elizabethan English let alone English society? Wouldn’t Khmer history be of more interest to them, the Indianization of the sub-continent?

Negroes insist on an afrocentric education. Who is to say that they shouldn’t have it? Shouldn’t schools be set aside for Negroes in a just multi-cultural society? Jews already have set up their ethno-centric schools as do Moslems. Catholics also have their more religiously centered schools. For all practical purposes Mexicans have their ethnic schools in places they have cleansed of other cultures such as in Los Angeles and San Diego. Is this wrong? I say no.

Separate out the various cultures and let them learn in their own way with a curriculum they desire. No culture left behind. Democracy in action.

When the cultures have been recognized and accommodated perhaps then the remaining White part of America’s students can be given their ethno-centric education with a curriculum based more on learning useful subjects rather than being indoctrinated in racial politics as the whole course of study. After all education in science and Euroamerican literature is sure to be more meaningful to their culture than enshrining anti-Aryan Hate Laws as the ideal.

I say the sooner schools are so culturally sorted the faster this country will get ahead. A healthy intellectual competition never hurt anything. Let the most productive culture prove what it can do.

This is the 21st century; change is now.

The Detroit Horror

The Detroit Horror


R.E. Prindle

Mayor Dave Bing

Mayor Dave Bing

     Back in 1953 a bunch of us school kids living on the Dixie in Michigan were sitting around talking when someone mentioned that cities such as Egyptian or Mesopotamian ones could no longer disappear.  Things had become permanent.  I objected saying cities such as Detroit, for instance, could disappear.  I was of course hooted down.

     I didn’t know how prescient I was as the Negro Mayor Bing of Detroit just announced (12/1/12) that he was shrinking Detroit to a fraction of its former size, but a size that he believes he and his Negroes can manage.  Thus Detroit will be shrunk to its downtown core and the river front.

     Consider the enormity of this.  Numerous sites on the internet record the decay and loss of vast stretches of old Detroit.  While areas of square blocks intersected by abandoned streets with traffic lights still blinking have returned to the wild.  The deer and the antelope play there so I’ve read.  If you feel the need to pay you can buy ruined mansions for a few thousand dollars.  Otherwise just move in and complete the destruction.

     Without municipal services wild groups or tribes of people, feral people, will soon roam the wastes of Detroit amid the giant looming ruins of abandoned factories.  Grass and tree roots will push up streets and sidewalks as sewers clog and water mains burst returning the land to its primeval swamp.  Mosquitos will reclaim their position in the immense pools of water bringing malaria back.

     The malarial mosquitoes will spread to the surrounding towns causing disaster.  As the Negroes of Detroit will be incapable of dealing with that or any other problem the situation will require the neighboring communities for their own protection to try to clean up the mess.  Drain those swamps.  This will bring them into conflict with the wild tribes leading to bloodshed as their entry will be considered an invasion

     The population of Little Detroit already less than half its peak and now all Negro will continue to shrink as Mayor Bing already with the second toughest job in America according to himself will undoubtedly move up to first unless by that time Detroit will have shrunk to a hamlet consisting incongruously of decaying large buildings.  May I suggest Mayor you rename your tiny empire New Lagos?

     Perhaps the fleeing Negroes will all flee to that wonderful Jewish dystopia of Chicago, one hopes.  At the present the heroic Mayor of Chicago, the Brave Rahm Emanuel, presides over a population 6% Jewish, 25% Aryan, 35% Negro, and 30% Mexican.  The odd percentage is labeled as ‘other.’

     One can imagine only that the Aryan population will continue to shrink to that of Detroit along with probably the Jews, so that Brave Emanuel will be shepherding a largely Mexican and Negro population.  As the Mexicans are very intolerant of Negroes, cleansing them from their settlements, the Brave Emanuel will have a constituency neatly divided along racial lines.

     Congratulations to both Mayors, Bing and Emanuel and may they get exactly what they deserve.

Emmanuel Rahm: The Voice And Conscience Of Chicago

Emmanuel Rahm: The Voice And Conscience Of Chicago

At The Crossroads


At The Crossroads


R.E. Prindle


     Negro-Aryan relations have reached a critical junction.  Negroes have apparently exhausted their political and social capital.  What direction relations will take is now at venture.  Barry Obama has brought the issue of race relations to a head over the death of the young Negro thug, Trayvon Martin who was shot in self defense by a White watchman.

     It matters not to me the true ancestry of George Zimmerman.  He may be half this and half that but the Obama adminsitration revealing its true intent has labeled him White and so, White he is.  The issue is White and Black, facts to the side.

     The issue then is, can a  White man defend himself against assault by a Negro?  That is the issue that will be tried in court.

     There is fear than an acquittal will cause Negro rioting that must be avoided at all costs.  Have these pundits considered the other side of the coin?  If George Zimmerman is convicted ought not the fear of Aryan rioting be considered?  Isn’t it possible that Aryans might rampage through what’s left of Detroit, for instance, burning the remains of the city with human casualities in the hundreds?  Perhaps even the fist of Joe Louis rammed into the smoldering remains?

     The fantasy of Negroes entertained by Aryans in such sentimental tripe as Disney’s Song Of The South or the radio and TV show, Amos And Andy have now been proven to be pure bunk.  Negroes are not the kind uncle figure of Uncle Remus portrayed by Disney.  They are not the decent figures portrayed by Amos and Andy.  Having been given a chance to show what they could do they have given us the disappointment of what they do do and what they intend to do.

     Of course I abhor rioting by Negroes or Aryans alike but, let me point out, the country’s history is one of violent race riots- Chicago, East St. Louis, Oklahoma City, Watts, Detroit, etc.  So, rather than being avoidable they appear to be inevitable.  Perhaps Obama’s timing is impeccable.  As Stokely Carmichael said:  All power comes from the barrel of a gun.  The hand that wields the weapon rules the nation.  There is a lesson there for all concerned.

     If rioting can be avoided honorably then by all means let it; but if it is a question of Negro rioting or Aryan rioting why then it is a matter of six of one or a half dozen of the other.  George Martin is innocent of any crime against the thug Trayvon Martin, that is simple justice.  He must not be made a victim and sacrificed on the altar of ‘social justice’.  Martin brought the confrontation on himself with his ‘Boss’ complex.  He merely proved he wasn’t the ‘Boss’ that’s all.  Let Zimmerman  be acquitted at the risk of Negro rioting; let him be convicted at the risk of Aryan rioting.  You can only push a people so far.  Let the blame rest on Obama’s head.

     It may be time to finish the unfinished revolution.

Are You Obtuse, Clint?

Are You Obtuse, Clint?


R.E. Prindle

     I watched Clint Eastwood’s spot on the Super Bowl with a combined sense of disbelief and sadness.  Here was the indomitable hero Rowdy Yates, Dirty Harry and the Unforgiven staggering down a tunnel, bouncing off the walls like a stumbling drunk while lamenting the good old days.

     He says he was not speaking for Obama yet he bore Obama’s shame like a stinking badge.  Detroit is coming back!  Doesn’t Obama wish this badge of Negro incapacity could come back.  Clint have you looked at pictures of the former Motor City lately?  They don’t make cars there anymore, Clint.  They don’t make anything there anymore.  They don’t even have grocery stores.  It not looks like Dresden after the carpet bombing, it looks like Dresden after they bulldozed the ruins.   In effect there isn’t any Detroit let alone car manufactories.   Good god, Clint, catch up on the reality of the situation.

     The US isn’t going to come back, Clint.  In case you haven’t been paying attention the Money Trust shipped all the jobs and the money, at least the National Debt, to China.  Were there voices raised in anger and waning, Clint?  You bet.  But perhaps you didn’t hear them.  Every Domestic Terrorist, as Obama calls us, raised an objection.  Still do.

     We have double digit unemployment Clint, and yet, they  bring in or let in millions every year and then give what jobs there are to them while Aryans are denied liveihoods.  Obama calls it redistributing the wealth, Clint.  Has any of this gotten through to you, Clint?

     Keep your whipped dog attitude to yourself.  Cut off the nation’s tail and give us a chance.  When there is no tail to wag us or for us to wag then there will be change we can believe in.