On Epstein: Off The Top Of My Head



On Epstein: Off The Top Of My Head


R.E. Prindle


As far as the Epstein thing goes it may be deeper than we think. It may go backward at least to the early Sixties and encompass the US, Europe, England and Africa, not to mention the Middle East as Epstein is or was Jewish.

I came across a title, The Lost Boys of Bird Island. The island is off the coast of Africa. The book was written in the nineteen eighties. It involves a pedophile location. Epstein may have been active beginning around that time. One has to assume, one knows, that these sexual antics go further back than the eighties. A convenient starting point might be the Profumo Affair in England in 1962. It was said or hinted that the affair spread to the Kennedy Admin.

Following that was the Lord Boothby-Ronnie Kray affair that involved boys and girls from orphanages, and the torture and murder of them. Thus, the eighties were only twelve years away. When the Krays were put down Boothby and his pervert circle continued on. That too surfaced again a few years back and was quickly suppressed.

So, we have a ring of pedophiles of international dimensions, spreading from South Africa across Europe and England to Mexico, the US and Canada. A snide cartoon was posted on facebook that had Queen Elizabeth giving the wink about Epstein’s death. I can’t believe Queen Elizabeth would have been involved in the pedophile ring but as her son Prince Andrew is definitely connected anything may be possible to protect the family.

Now, as to Trump. We are told that nothing has been found involving him and this is probably true. Obviously we have an in group here requiring admission. Trump was not a member of the in group, he himself called himself an outsider, so he never has been one and never will be. They absolutely detest him and always have. At best he has been tolerated. However, although never having been included he is in full possession of the facts.

This knowledge may have been a weapon he used to protect himself from the furious assaults made on him during the debates. In one of the debates he made a threat to Hillary that made her pull in her horns. The threat may have involved Epstein and the pedophile ring.

At any rate Trump may be behind the Epstein exposure as has been hinted. The Dems have made a big noise that Trump has withstood rather quietly for going on three years now. The Dems have shot their wad and have come up empty handed. Trump may have saved this scandal for election time and now he is humiliating the Dems and showing them up a sexual perverts.

For that reason the Dems may have staged the two massive shootings in El Paso and Dayton hoping to divert attention from Epstein as has been hinted. Trump came back to Epstein’s exposure forcing him into court and confession time. It would seem clear that it was time for Epstein to go before his Maker and confess his sins. Very little would get back to Earth.

Interesting to say the least.

The Civil War Never Ended

The Civil War Never Ended


R.E. Prindle


Considerable evidence exists to show that the Civil War began in England in 1066 when Big Bill Norman stepped ashore at Hastings with his hordes and pasted the natives. The Normans, named after Big Bill known in those days as William the Conqueror but now edited to meet current standards proceeded to enslave the Anglo-Saxons who had been lounging around the area holding the territory for the Normans. The Anglo-Saxons considered their enslavement a betrayal. A fierce debate concerning this so-called betrayal is still raging. The reader is invited to make up his own mind. Get a few more facts first.

Over there in East Anglia, on the East side of England, this slavery bit, iron collars and all did not go down well. A great deal of resentment was stored away. This was before the days of psychoanalysis so it went into their unconscious but not all that deep. This resentment blazed up in 1600 something when the East Anglians rose up and slew the good King Charlie the One. Old resentments die hard and a lot harder than you think. A lesson to be borne in mind.

The fight would have been contained on English shores but for the fact that the New World had been discovered shortly before Charlie’s head hit the basket, or he dangled, I forget which but when you’re dead how important is it? Escaping Charlie’s and his dad Jim’s oppression, real or imagined, a couple decades before a largish body of East Anglians now going by the name of Puritans fled across the big water, much bigger then when boats were slower, while sometimes not arriving at all, to land on the sparsely populated shore that they named New Anglia and that became New England.

Well, wouldn’t you just know it? No sooner were they getting settled than this fellow Cromwell from Old Anglia killed Charlie and seized England. Now the Anglo-Saxon ruled the roost and those damn Normans, now going by the name of Cavaliers, had to hightail it across the water too.

They now, in their turn, crossed over to the New World but veered South and formed the colony of Virginia, named after an English queen of doubtful virtue, don’t let the name fool you. It’s true that Charlie was a Scot and not a Norman but as nothing was named after him in the New World, it didn’t matter.

So, now, here is one of the great overlooked facts of history. The Puritans of New England were glaring almost eyeball to eyeball at the Cavaliers. I have no doubts they would have gone to war right away if the older colony of New Amsterdam, now New York, Old York is North of East Anglia in the Old Country, had it not been blocking the way.

But there was blood in the eye of the unforgiving Anglians. They stewed, their resentment festered. Then the Norman’s enslaved some savage Negroes from Africa. There, the Anglians thought, they went and did it again. It was a habit not a one off. But this time the Anglians were going to get those bastards and get them good. Kill them all.

Well, to make a long story medium long the Anglos began working up a head of steam about slavery even though they were not pure themselves. It wasn’t so much that they cared about the Africans, hell, they were just a bunch of savages anyway, but that slavery bit…if you know what I mean. We was slaves too and we’re not going to tolerate slavery now. If the Jews had been there in numbers it would have been quite a gathering of ex-slaves and slaves. A monster convention.

So the Anglians whipped up the bloodiest war there ever was and by force of excessive numbers, conscripting a whole lot of people who didn’t have a dog In the fight, they drove Old Dixie down. Yes, sir. They drove Old Dixie down. If you think that was enough for the Anglians, it wasn’t. They wanted to kill off the whole damn lot of those Normans, cum Cavaliers and any other White men who got conscripted, no distinctions. Justice is justice, yes, sir. Stern justice. Remember that. The field of Hasting’s will not be forgot although I don’t think it was mentioned at that time. I just made an historical interpolation, that’s all.

Well, those damn Yankees would’ve murdered the Southern Chivalry for sure except for, if you remember, New York was in the way, as well as Pennsylvania that had been added later. Cooler heads prevailed so the Yankees were reduced to imposing Reconstruction. They stripped that Chivalry of all weapons and denuded them of all rights and then made them subjects of their former Negro, African, dark slaves. Racist minds considered this an indignity, but the Negroes enjoyed it.

Yankee power would fade after a while and while Dixie didn’t rise again the White Folks would break their hold and bring their own heads level with their shoulders again. After another little while they had a silent revolution that was called Jim Crow and regained control of their country. Oddly enough they aligned themselves with their New England enemies and became the Democratic Party. Republicans had left a bad odor in the land.

Now, where was I? Oh yea, Jim Crow, believe it or not but the Rebs imposed Jim Crow on the whole of the United States. Then Jim Crow came to a crashing end in 1954, no whimper there, when the Negroes and their Northern allies staged a bloodless coup, a legal decision called Brown v. the Board of Education, something like that. Yes, sir, Jim Crow was over and the Liberal occupation of America began. Another revolution of sorts. Not unlike the first Reconstruction, the disenfranchisement of Whites began. You was with ‘em or you was Nazis. Yes, sir. The Yankees and allies became the Party of Virtue while any who objected to the occupation was of the Party of Evil, styled Nazis after the Party that fought Communism in the Old World.

The Party of Virtue had it their way, no matter what Party occupied the White House until 2016 when the game went wrong somehow. It wasn’t supposed to be that way but it was. The Virtue Party has kicked against the pricks, refused to accept the voice of Democracy that said they had overstepped the bounds. The Virtue party however became unvirtuous and would not accept the will of the country. Democracy or no democracy they should have won, they thought and said, hell, they even rebelled in the streets, they made Sumter look like child’s play. It is too early to tell, but maybe the Second Reconstruction is over and on the National level the Johnny Rebs are back in control.

As you can see, there is nothing new here, the war goes on, only the weapons change. What began in 1066 in England is still being fought out today. Will it end here? Nobody knows. The wheel of fortune is still spinning, the vagaries of history is still happening. My only hope is that it will be the best thing for the country. This I do know, it won’t be right if it comes from those Damn Yankees.

You Can’t Always Get What You Want



You Can’t Always Get What You Want,

(But if you try sometimes, you might

Find what you need.)


A Crude Sort Of Nationalist


Oh, yes. The results of the election took the Left by surprise. It didn’t take the Right by surprise. I knew from day one that Trump would win and never wavered. Back then around day one when the race began I was what Obama, taking the high road, called a ‘Domestic Terrorist’. Just today I learned that according to High Road Barry I’m ‘a crude sort of Nationalist.’ Keep an eye on me, I like the attention. Personally, I’m not so sure I’m one or the other. In my vanity I would consider myself a clear sighted globalist. But then, what do I know.

When I say globalist I don’t mean in the narrow, constricted, constipated sense that High Road uses; I mean in the expansive way that realizes that it doesn’t mean surrendering the country to fatuous trade organizations; I mean it in the sense that low cost producers are corrected from taking advantage of- I almost said exploiting- more advanced economies with higher wage and benefit structures. Note that word benefits. The low cost producers don’t provide their workers with any, a terrific advantage. Those benefits are what make it so easy for citizens of low cost or no cost countries to migrate to where the bennies are.

So, like Trump, I believe in tariffs that balance out the production costs. Probably what the High Road means by being a crude sort of Nationalist. Well, if High Road is actually leaving I say God Speed at exit levels and have a nice journey and take your wife with you. God, I’m tired of the sorority gal image. I liked her better in the pictures of the high life girl visiting Spain. Those jungle prints were revealing. Then she came back to the US and got into her sorority drag again. Queen of the hop. Boppity bop be bop.

Which brings us to that other vile defamation going around- misogynist. God, what a negative sexist term. What does it mean in the mouths of Liberals- a man who won’t bow and scrape before the eternal feminine? Talk about being afraid of ‘strong’ women, those crazy feminists are afraid of strong men. Masculinity is at a premium these days and why? I don’t apologize for it. Walk like a man my son. Trump beats that femmy High Road and somehow he managed to snare a snappy wife, then another and then yet another. That man knows women. Obama? Well, there are those persistent rumors.

Then our friend over at the Wall Street Journal, Peg Noonan, is all a-tremble at the Trump triumph. She apparently thinks something startling is going to happen; it isn’t. Oh, there will be a shift in attitude, that will be beneficial, a slight move to the Right, but after being a New York Liberal for seventy years I don’t expect anything major from Trump, no 8.1 on the Richter scale.

I hope that Trump honors his Chinese and immigration stances but we will have to see. He’s already said the sexist crap is settled law so the tranny population should sky rocket; our kindergartners will continue to be trained to perverted sexual practices. That ought to solve the late term abortion problem. No conception, no problem.

I could easily go on a ramble, but I’m going to call it here. If High Road is really going to check out I’d like to give him a heartfelt so long, it’s been good to know you.   Let me recommend a good parallel universe.

But then, I remember he categorically said that Donald Trump will never serve as President of the United States. What’s the trick?

George Soros Put His Money Where His Mouth Is

George Soros

Puts His Money

Where His Mouth Is


R.E. Prindle


Check out the 9/20/16 Wall Street Journal for a great self-aggrandizing blurb by George Soros that George grandiloquently titles: Why I’m Investing $500 million dollars In migrants. George apparently thinks this is such a charitable act that he doesn’t need any candles lit for his grand entrance into heaven.

The WSJ highlights Georges bit with this quote: I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives, and businesses founded by migrants and refugees.

Not that he is donating, this is not a charitable gesture, he’s going to invest expecting one might think to at least double his money. Heck, imagine if he found another Microsoft. That would turn his money green.

So, put simply, without grandiosity, it’s nice to know that George has 500 million to invest. Of course, who wouldn’t have half a billion to invest after looting the British treasury of billions.

Remember, one of George’s ‘social impact initiatives’ was the burning of Ferguson, the defamation of the police, and not a few deaths. Now, that’s social impact.

There are other bigger social impact initiatives George is interested in such as what he calls ‘forced migration.’ As we all know George is Jewish and that Israel, the home of the Jews, is largely responsible for the war in Iraq that created this ‘forced migration’ and that migration is now directed and encouraged by Israeli agents to move ‘migrants’ out of the area especially to Europe. Mama Merkel is believed to have taken a large bribe to allow a million edging toward two into Germany almost overnight. Perhaps that is a social-impact initiative George is funding.

Gosh, you know, George is part of the supposed most intelligent race on earth with an awesome average IQ North of 110. That’s brainy and I’ll bet George has a 160-200 IQ to help bring that average up. That’s super smart. Although it is only those Jews who have been in contact with Europeans for thousands of years who supposedly have that 110>, Jews in contact with areas out of Europe only sport an 85 but they’re catching up fast, I’ll bet.

So, while George is spending all this money to raft sub-Saharan Africans across the Mediterranean one wonders why he doesn’t think to plunk that 500 million down in Lagos and organize a bunch of startups on those ‘forced migrants’ home turf where the people have their roots, memories and traditions.

As George says, (I) will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technologies which seem especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face.

Nigeria? Perfect for your more or less charitable efforts George. Nigeria has it all. Oil and tech and computer skills. Gosh, they’ve made tens of millions soliciting people in the West by computer to help them get hundreds of millions of petro dollars out of Nigeria for investment in the West.

A little kick start like 500 million and we’ll have the Silicon River, opening jobs to tens of millions of Africans allowing them to stay home. No more forced migration. Why, a lot of African migrants to Europe and the US might even drift back to Africa in ‘unforced migration.’

Think about it George, you might not be looking at the problem from the right perspective. Why force these people looking for a better life to move George when you can create a better life for them right there at home. Tech and oil: Think George. Use that massive IQ.

The True Globalism- America First



America First-

The True Globalism


R.E. Prindle


When it comes to today’s ruling philosophy of Globalism let me say at the outset and right here and now, I am as Global in my outlook as anyone and more intelligently than most. However the globe is a vasty ball rolling ‘cross the sky and my home is a fixed relatively small place. As I look out my window I don’t see a globe; I see a flat disc. As Rudyard Kipling put in his poem Sussex:

God gave all men all earth to love,

But, since our hearts are small,

Ordained for each one spot should prove

Beloved over all.

As Kipling rightly sees that even though the fate of all lives are mingled and all earth holy that which is of me and mine is holiest of all. Kipling goes on:

So one shall Baltic pines content,

Or one some Surrey glade,

Or one some palm-grove’s droned lament

Before Levuka’s Trade.

Each to his choice, and I rejoice

The lot that has fallen to me

In a fair ground – in a fair ground –

Yea, Sussex by the sea!

Yea, as I live here in the land of the Douglas fir, and it seems paradise to me. Looking further out I live in the United States of America and its welfare comes first to me among all other nations.

China has it claims for the Chinese I’m sure. The Chinese being able bodied people require no sacrifice from me or mine or the people of the US. True, our destinies are in a general way entwined but we all have to look to our own interests first. First for me and mine, first for my city and first for America the place that gave me my identity. I am not Chinese, I am not Indian, I am not African. They are all able bodied people well able to look after themselves and I’m sure they place their interests first and may God bless them but in the struggle for the last crust of bread I place my needs first.

Kipling writing in 1899 at the height of the White Man’s domination of the world also wrote of what he assumed was the White Man’s responsibility. He called his poem The White Man’s Burden:

Take up the White Man’s burden-

Send forth the best ye breed-

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need;

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild-

Your new caught, sullen peoples

Half devil and half child.

Kipling’s was an admirable creed for a singular time but that time has long since passed and our ‘new caught, sullen peoples’ have assimilated our economy and machine guns, even our atom bombs. Times have changed, power relations have altered. Our task ‘to serve our captive’s needs’ has now been completed. It is time they repaid the debt. It is time we laid the White Man’s Burden down.

I believe that is presidential candidate Donald Trump’s message. Lay that burden down. We don’t have to make concessions to the Chinese, Africans or any of the ‘sullen peoples’ any longer. The Republican Establishment or Old Guard still clings to the White Supremacist attitude inherent in the lines of Kipling’s White Man’s Burden. They are willing to sacrifice our identity, our worth, to ‘lifting’ people who have their own identity and sense of worth and who no longer need the White Man’s largess, if they ever did.

Let the dead past bury its dead. The Republican Establishment represents that dead past while Trump looks to the horizon of the future, that Brave New World that requires a brave new attitude in competition with all on equal terms for the fair fruits of the earth. The intertwining of fates in globalism is inescapable but globalism itself is a mirage because:

God gave all men all earth to love,

But, since men’s hearts are small,

Ordains for each one spot shall prove

Beloved over all.

Each to his choice, and I rejoice

The lot that has fallen to me

In a fair ground – in a fair ground –

[Here in the USA.]

America First.

Vote Trump!

Kamau Kambon, Harriet Tubman And Whiteness



Kamau Kambon, Harriet Tubman And Whiteness


R.E. Prindle


The war against Whites and Whiteness goes on. While the placement of an inconsequential Negro ex-slave, Harriet Tubman, on the twenty dollar bill shoving Andrew Jackson into the trashbin of history may seem of little moment the intent is more significant than the deed.

While the uproar of a few years back caused by the Jew Noel Ignatiev and the Negro Kamau Kambon has receded or perhaps has been memory holed their legacy comes nearer fruition step by step. Speaking for his Jews Ignatiev intoned that Whiteness must disappear from the earth while for his Negroes Kambon merely wanted Whites exterminated.

Both come closer. Remember that hetero-White men have been marginalized, made inconsequential by the Jewish Hate Law that makes him the only ‘unprotected’ racial and sexual group in the US. In other words, he has been placed outside the law.

That key piece of legislation having been achieved, the erasure of the White past goes on. Sports teams from basketball to football are now nearly all Black and Brown while fewer and fewer White players are even considered for the leagues. Based on the ridiculous proposition that the White 67% of the population is incapable of playing while a mere 14% of the population is so capable they provide 60 to 90% of team personnel.   Did I hear the word: prejudice?

On the Supreme Court if Obama is successful seven out of nine judges will be non-White or female while no White Protestant is deemed worthy of inclusion. Four would be Jewish and one Black while five are Catholic. Any other appointee should Obama appoint him would doubtless be a woman or non-White, but not a White Protestant.

As the non-White percentage grows street names, statues, and public buildings will increasingly obliterate the memory of Whites. This is inevitable. Historically when one group replaces another they appropriate religious shrines and public honors.

One may expect a continuing distortion of history taught in schools as White contributions are minimized and the deeds or whatever of non-entities like Harriet Tubman are emphasized.

The process as you can see is actually well advanced. The team of the Jewish Jack Lew and Negro Barack Obama are rapidly pushing it forward. Even something so obvious is either going unnoticed or applauded by limp wristed Whites. Indeed, Quisling collaborators.

Both the Republican and Democratic establishments apparently unable to recognize the disappearance of their influence assist in their demise. They are even trying to kill the candidacy of Donald Trump who appears to threaten their lassitude.

The placement of Harriet Tubman on the twenty is significant. It is a sign of the continuing displacement of the White majority that should be in its prime.

Welcome to the New Stone Age.

A Question For Donald Trump: Are We Men Or Are We Devo?

A Question For Donald Trump:

Are We Not Men?  Or Are We Devo?


R.E. Prindle


In the 3/19/16 Wall Street Journal Miss Peggy Noonan asks what I imagine is a rhetorical question: Will the GOP break apart or evolve? Apparently no one in politics today remembers the word Insurgency- the Young Turks vs. the Old Fossils. That is what is happening now, an insurgency. Trump represents the forward looking half of the Party while McConnell, Ryan and that ilk are living in the comfortable past of the post-war, pre-9/11 fantasy of US omniscience and omnipotence while patiently bearing the White Man’s burden.

In addition to 9/11 your untried inexperienced street person Barack Obama blew away the Fossils’ vision of America’s omnipotence. That America no longer exists. Twits like the Mexican el presidentes feel powerful enough to demean the US president while telling us how to manage our side of the border. Obama even does his best to neutralize the Border Patrol to help the Mexicans along. You think I’m worried about a Trump presidency? Think again.

Negroes took control of the streets of Baltimore with the full complicity of the authorities. No objections came from the Fossils. The Negroes shut down America’s Baseball game with nary a squawk from the Fossils. The teams actually played to an empty stadium because ‘it was too dangerous for Whites to attend.’ The previous night when the Negroes rioted in front of the stadium and the police were told to stand down and let the guys who wanted to loot and kill have their fill, thousands of White men were imprisoned against their will in the stadium lest they emerge to contest the streets and thrash the Negro goons thus retaining the balance of power. Thank you Old Fossils.

McConnell and the Fossils represented criminals, looting and rioting.

Miss Peggy sounds as if she’s vacillating almost realizing the enormity of the situation but then she compares Trump’s supporters to garbage.   I didn’t mind the domestic terrorist smear so much while I found knuckledragging Neanderthals a risible smear.. I do object to her calling me, a Trump supporter with a fourteen year old mind ‘a particular kind of garbage.’ What kind, Peg?

I ask Miss Peggy to consider the field of our choices now reduced to four candidates and Kasich, a most marginal candidate now that Ohio’s over. Hillary is absolutely disgusting while guilty of enormous incompetence as Secretary Of State. I’m a little wary of the value of her experience. Sanders is personally offensive while being less qualified than Trump and a Bolshevic apparently subordinate to an international terrorist who has been banned from Russia and should be by the United States. Ted Cruz, who is apparently owned by Goldman-Sachs and is less presidential material than Clinton and Sanders. The last candidate being offered us is Donald Trump. Who exactly were the Fossils going to offer us as a brokered candidate? M-m-m, naw, not that loser.

Trump’s detractors say he isn’t qualified as an executive even though he has built up and runs a multi-billion dollar company. Yet these same detractors have consistently knuckled under to a street person cum community organizer who didn’t even have Trump’s qualifications. No wonder Trump is disgusted with Washington politics.

So he has begun an insurgency to capture the Party and expel the Fossils. If he is sincere, if Cruz is sincere, and if the Tea Party people are sincere they should form a bloc and wrest control from the Fossils. When the convention meets they should place themselves in charge and let the Fossils scramble for whatever crumbs they can pick up. But if the Party breaks up as Miss Peggy fears then Trump should be leading the Party and the Fossils can form a third party or become Democrats which is who they act like anyway.

Are we not men? Or, are we Devo?

Race War Plots



Race War Plots


R.E. Prindle


In the news today from Larry O’ Dell of the Associated Press an article alleging a race war plot by three ‘White Supremacists. As we all know the AP has a style manual that commands reporters to follow guidelines as to how to report ‘minority’ crimes and how they are to be referred to. We also know that the media are very selective as to what stories are news. Minority crimes are swept under the rug unless they fit the AP’s political agenda. Nothing derogatory about colored races or non-Cristian religions. When minorities commits atrocities they become domestic terrorists, true Americans running wild.

However the same manual apparently tells reporters how to negatively depict Whites. Whites are so inherently evil discriminatory hate laws had to be passed to control their supposed ungovernable rages. Negro attacks in their race war against Whites have so dominated not so much the news but the internet for the last several months that the AP apparently thought it was time to report a horrendous White crime. Bear in mind that George Soros the Jewish billionaire and trouble maker has been trying to stir up a race war for years. Both the Jews and Negroes have been calling for the extermination of Whites for decades with no consequences for them. Soros was personally responsible for the race war battle of Ferguson. He has been active since dispensing large sums of money to keep things going.

In his case he has been declared person non gratis in Russia. The groups he backs have been outlawed. Putin says he they don’t represent Russian values. Soros race war efforts apparently do represent the American values Obama so loudly proclaims, that’s the kind of people we are he says. Soros should be persona non gratis everywhere on earth, a man without a country except perhaps Israel where his values are fully appreciated. Why isn’t he unwelcome anywhere?

Both Jews and Negroes have committed real race crimes but in its search for White crimes the best the Associated Press can come up with is these White guys allegedly ‘planning’ to ignite a race war. The whole things sounds like the usual Liberal script, just another piece of fiction. These guys have committed no crime but are allegedly thinking about it. Depicted as career criminals at what looks like seventeen or so, mere children, the trio display little criminal intelligence. Over their alleged career of crime they have learned nothing. Look at the pictures; it looks like the AP painted the mustaches on these teenagers in an attempt to make them look older.

So what is the penalty for ‘fantasizing’ shooting up or bombing synagogues and black churches. For Christ’s sake Hollywood fantasizes blowing up the White House and reaches millions and no one accuses them of any crime. When the White House finally goes up will they be held responsible. Let’s see, that movie was made by Jews. No, nothing there. Bombing synagogues and Negro churches? There’s a first. This begins to sound like a Jewish and Negro fantasy about evil Fascist, Nazi White Supremacists.

Just today we learn that a Negro female college student was fabricating death threats to Negro people in general while seeking celebrity status. How seriously can we take any charges against White Men. Review the record, all have been disproved. No charges are anticipated against the Negro woman who certainly was trying to continue the race war against Whites with here nutty accusations. No charges will be made against her. No story there.



The men-all of whom have extensive criminal backgrounds, according to the FBI and court records- are being held in jail without bail.’


Not the Negro college woman though. Without bail! No crime has been committed, no synagogues or Negro churches bombed, not caught in the attempt, and their non-crime is priced beyond redemption. Hey, we’re all domestic terrorists now. Oh yeah, and the arch spy Jonathon Pollard who did steal thousands of classified documents has been released.

There is no law in the United States.

The Current Crop Of European And American War Criminals


The Current Crop Of European And American

War Criminals


R.E. Prindle


Following on the heels of the Parisian Massacre by the Moslems a second attack has been struck in San Bernardino in the US claiming fourteen or more lives and thirty-some victims. The authorities have no notion of the motive. We do.

The motive is clear to all but instead of acknowledging the attack as an act of war the Criminal in the White House rushes to call for a ban on firearms. Guns are not the problem dear Barry, the problem is ideology. Remove the ideology and the shootings, the bombings, the rapes, the murders will cease. These attacks will not end until you accept that you are mistaken in your idiotic encouragement of these paramilitaries by importing them in their millions. You must be insane.

You and your fellows in England, France and Germany are the true war criminals who should be removed from office and tried like the other war criminals at Nuremberg.

Your evil cohort in Germany, Angela Merkel, is knowingly encouraging the enemies of the German people while disarming the Germans making them defenceless. Merkel is personally responsible for the rapes of these thousands of innocent women. She should be given hundreds of life sentences to be served successively.

Hollande in France as well as the English idiot are no different. They should be removed and tried. Sarkozy with his moronic plan of forcing White women to sleep with Africans should be castrated, put on display and then shot. Hitler was saintly compared to these criminals.

As for Obama his crimes are mounting daily. He should be held responsible for each death in San Bernardino. The problem was ideology not guns. Remove the fellow now. Escort him to the door. He has already said that as long as he is in office he will bring in as many of these Moslem paramilitaries as he can. Stop him now. This is an emergency.

His supporters are no less guilty. Why Congress is even discussing vetting or not vetting the paramilitaries is ridiculous. Can their mouths form the words No Way? No discussion, just NO WAY. They too are guilty of the Berdoo shooting and the many that will follow as the season develops as no effort is being made to discourage the Moslems.   They are all guilty, don’t kid yourself.

Instead three White boys who have committed no crime but are alleged to be only ‘plotting’ retaliation are on their way to prison and long sentences for committing no crime. Think of that! They have committed no crime. These men who have done nothing should be defended strenuously by any means necessary.

If we take no action in either case we have only ourselves to blame.

Part III: Is Paris Burning?



Is Paris Burning?

Part III


R.E. Prindle


Anent the Moslem act of war in Paris in which perhaps as many as a thousand people were killed, maimed and injured not to mention the collateral damage to the thousands of related lives our Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has pointed out a significant fact. European citizens are unarmed and defenseless. They are intentionally being kept so by the criminally inept and incompetent Insiders in office. Apparently these morons and incapable of understanding the trap they have put Europe in.

Upon a signal no different than the one in ancient Roman Alexandria and Cyprus in the second century when the Jews descended upon the unsuspecting people and murdered a half million the Moslems armed with assault rifles, grenades and who knows what weapons will be able to murder defenseless millions of Europeans. This is what is known as a blood bath that will far exceed any so-called criminal WWII holocaust. You had better take this seriously, untold misery is awaiting Europe. Every European should be issued an assault rifle and ammunition at government expense. They should be allowed to use it rather than seeing the African and Moslem barbarians rape European women and assault the men. If the Insiders consider allowing them to do so unopposed is the rule of law then they should be arrested as accomplices.

Moslem rapists and murderers should be summarily executed by European paramilitaries. This is war; no crimes are involved. Trump is absolutely correct; his critics are fools.

As for the criminal Insiders they should remember the fate of Mussolini while no measures have been taken against the Moslem troops. Hollande closed the borders, indeed! Who does this nitwit think he’s fooling?

Instead he asks the French people to suffer their casualties in silence. Whose side is this nitwit on? Instead of acknowledging those paramilitaries are soldiers engaged in asymmetrical warfare carrying the Middle East atrocities back to Europe he points out that one of the soldiers was a petty criminal. In other words, this is just a crime rather than an act of war. Get with it Insider idiots; they are not petty criminals they are soldiers foraging for supplies. This is war Insider idiots and you are failed generals. You are to be replaced and treated as criminal incompetents and hanged just as at Nuremburg.

As Donald Trump seems to understand the situation well, it is important that we of the Outsider Parties see that he is elected. He is our last best chance before street warfare becomes more imperative in both Europe and North America than it is now.

Gird your loins, my friends.