Why the Ukraine.


R.E. Prindle

One of the most puzzling aspects of the Ukraine/Russian conflict is that there has been no attempt at conciliation. There has been no attempt to negotiate, iron out the problems. Indeed, the West-Europe and North America just want to bull ahead and annihilate, genocide the Russians. The conflict is now being escalated by the West as the Ukraine is merely a staging place for the all out war on Russia.

Who knew that the Ukraine had the drones being used to invade Russia? Well, they didn’t. All of the war materiel has been ‘donated’ by the EU and North America, that is in actuality, the US. The US has emptied its store of the most incredible high tech weapons costing many, many billions of dollars to be wasted in the Ukraine. Previously the Ukrainians fought with hoes and pitch forks.

The US and the EU pour hundreds of billions of currency into the Ukraine. The Ukraine is not at war they are just gulls that lent their country as a field of action. This war is between the EU, the US and Russia.

What did the Russians do to deserve this? Nothing, except they don’t wish to become slaves to the EU. They don’t wish to be isolated by the unelected officials of the EU

Does anyone think that these officials could be elected in an open unfixed election? No, they couldn’t.

Who are they?

One of a series.

The Peril Of Elon Musk

The Peril Of Elon Musk

Read, then burn—or download first.


R.E. Prindle

Alright!  I think I have Musk’s purchase of twitter worked out.  It was obvious that something was going on but it wasn’t clear what.

Musk has built up a tremendous current and potentially stupendously valuable enterprise.  He has done what the money men (read Jews and others) can never do and that is build.  They buy after success.

Money men do not create, they manipulate money, they buy.  Musk has his businesses going so that all the money men (read Jews and ohers) have to do is buy the companies, the industries that Musk has created from nothing, and hire managers to run them.

For this they will need a lot of money, more than they have now, and that is why the stock market is gyrating so wildly on a daily basis.  The money men have created a pump—buy and sell, buy and sell.  It’s like those oil field pumps working tirelessly, up and down, up and down, and every cycle brings up a big gush of oil.

Now, Musk doesn’t want to sell, and money men (read Jews and others) don’t want him anyway; so, they have to put him in a corner.  Musk appears to be a little giddy with his success right now so he is being told he’s a universal genius and can do anything, turn water into wine.  He can save free speech by buying twitter.  Actually there is no free speech, only tolerated speech.  Now the internet is in the complete control of Jews.  What they don’t own they can hammer, witness Microsoft stock

So, they get Musk involved in a sinkhole like twitter completely under the control of Leftists who cancel anyone of whom they don’t approve, even the President of the United States.  Imagine a twenty year old neophyte cancelling the President of the United States.

The day has only twenty four hours while Musk appears to be using thirty six of them; he’s spread pretty thin.

Once the money men get him embroiled in the problem of the undisciplined airheads who work twitter you won’t be able to see butter traces on his toast.  The airheads are not the disciplined scientists Musk is used to working with.  The scientists solve problems, the airheads create them.

Having used their traditional method the Jews now have Musk between the upper and nether jaws of the vice and they and the other money men are the file.   Remember little Germany between the  US and Russia, that’s what happened to that country.  Also revive the memory of the Czar, Henry Ford and a host of others.  Musk is in trouble. So, what Musk should do is get rid of everyone of the twitter employees.  He should go find, as Trump should have done, is search the internet for selected conservatives who understand the situation and will execute without confusion.  This is his only chance otherwise he’ll be walking the streets within a year.

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R.E. Prindle

2m  · 

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I’ve just understood what to call the so-called homeless. After the war was over in Europe there were millions of displaced persons. They were all gathered up and placed in concentration or DP camps. In the US today the homeless are actually displaced persons.

Early in the Sixties the CIA made drugs easily available and the drugs destroyed the minds or incentive of millions. By the late sixties discombobbled teenagers left their homes to wander, ending up in Hippie enclaves across the country especially in SF. Then in ’65 Congress opened the doors to the world by eliminating immigration restrictions. Floods of people around the world answered the call.

In the American tradition immigrants were given preferential treatment displacing more Americans. The immigrants took jobs that ‘Americans’ wouldn’t do’ which quickly morphed into all labor jobs. At the same time in an effort to build up China millions of jobs were shipped overseas displacing more millions.

Also at the same time the electronic revolution gained full steam creating jobs but jobs that required education and a high level of intelligence. By that point low intelligence people were squeezed out of the job market completely. They became Displaced Persons no different than the survivors of WWII. Unlike the survivors of WWlI there is no place for them.

There’s the problem.

DPs in America

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R.E. Prindle

2m  · 

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I’ve just understood what to call the so-called homeless. After the war was over in Europe there were millions of displaced persons. They were all gathered up and placed in concentration or DP camps. In the US today the homeless are actually displaced persons.

Early in the Sixties the CIA made drugs easily available and the drugs destroyed the minds or incentive of millions. By the late sixties discombobbled teenagers left their homes to wander, ending up in Hippie enclaves across the country especially in SF. Then in ’65 Congress opened the doors to the world by eliminating immigration restrictions. Floods of people around the world answered the call.

In the American tradition immigrants were given preferential treatment displacing more Americans. The immigrants took jobs that ‘Americans’ wouldn’t do’ which quickly morphed into all labor jobs. At the same time in an effort to build up China millions of jobs were shipped overseas displacing more millions.

Also at the same time the electronic revolution gained full steam creating jobs but jobs that required education and a high level of intelligence. By that point low intelligence people were squeezed out of the job market completely. They became Displaced Persons no different than the survivors of WWII. Unlike the survivors of WWlI there is no place for them.

There’s the problem.

The Biden Regression


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R.E. Prindle

13m  · Shared with Public


The Biden Regression Well, well, we now reach the critical point in Negro-White relations. Enough of tearing down White cultural artefacts; we have now reached a bend in the Rubicon. Let us discuss an article in the WSJ 9/11-12/21 issue byelined Lori Lawing.This involves a site in North Carolina called Latta House. On the US national register for nearly fifty years. It was a Civil Warr Monument that had reenactments of Civil War customs obviously related to slave matters. On June 19th, the inmate of the White House created a new US National holday called lugubriously, Juneteenth celebrating Lincoln’s ending of slavery below the Mason-Dixon Line.Quoting Miss Lawing:One even was to portray the expulsion from the house of the slaveowner. An announcement posted on Facebook read: “Come out to Historic Latta Plantation for a one-night event, Saturday, June 19th, 2021. You will hear stories from the massa, himself who is now living in the woods…his former bondsmen have occupied his home and are now living high on the hog, hear how they feel about being freedmen.” Other events would portray the overseer, confederate soldiers, and white refugees.The reaction was swift, Miss Corine Mack, president of the Charleston N.C branch of the NAACP, sent an angry email to Mr. Campbell: “Your incendiary and frankly bigoted initial decision to reenact our (Negro Nation) ancestor’s pain and trauma from a white supremacy perspective will not be tolerated…Unqote.So, truth and reality will be sacrificed in favor of Black sentimentality. White Supremacy Miss Corine Mack of the NAACP is the issue.White Supremacy! Let us look at the notion of White Supremacy. In fact, White Supremacy is a biological reality and must remain so. Un undisputed fact is that the Negro National IQ is 85, has been, is, and will be. Biology is inviolate. The White IQ us pegged at 100 but runs from that figure to 160. From that there are about 42 million of the Negro Nation residing in the US. There are undoubtedly that many or more Whites with an IQ of 115 to 160, possibly even from 120 to 160.Unfortunately for the Negro Nation apart from the political aborting of Biology that means absolute White Supremacy. There is no hope for equality for the Negro. None. White is an unfortunate biological reality, it is so.Nature through Evolution has decreed it is, humanity has no hand in it, there is no appeal to the decree. It only remains for the Negro Nation to accept that fact.Have you own History, have your own society but leave ours (White Nation) out of it.

Act Now.

The country for which the eductational setup was designed has now disappeared. An entire different country has displaced the old. The advent of the Afghans will destroy what remains.To begin with it was a major mistake to integrate Negroes into White education curricula. Now with dozens of different cultures jammed into the same classrooms it is impossible for Whites to reach their potential thus a serious dumbing down that injures the race.The school system will have to be reorganized, segregated according to cultures, the Negro, the Hispanic, the White, etc. with appropriate curricula for each.This must be done now. Not in five years, not in ten years. Now! Whites are now under sixty percent of the population. As the percentage drops a trash culture will result further than it has now. Act now, set up an agitation, force the school boards to act. Forget all this racist crap. Our race comes first. Let the other races take care of themselves.It is now time for us to look out for ourselves. Forget all this racist crap.

A Religious Credo

This is close to any religious beliefs I might have. From Bulwer Lytton’s Last Days of Pompeii:The gods! Speak not thus vaguely; perchance there is but one god!My brother!What if the sublime faith of the Nazarene be true? What if God be a monarch- One-invisible-Alone? What if these numerous countless deities whose altars fill the earth, be but evil demons, seeking to wean us from the true creed? This may be the case, Ione!Alas! can we believe it? or if we believed, would it not be a melancholy faith? answered the Neapolitan. What! all this beautiful world made only human!-the mountain disenchanted of its Oread-the waters of their Nymph-that beautiful prodicality of faith, which makes everything divine, consecrating the meanest flowers, bearing celestial whispers in the faintest breeze-wouldst thou deny this, and make the earth mere dust and clay? No, Apaecides; all that is brightest in our hearts is that very credulity which peoples the universe with godsl

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Another Side Of White Supremacy

Another Side Of White Supremacy


R.E. Prindle

As we all know there is a tremendous reaction to White Supremacy.  All the sub-races are calling for an end to White Supremacy in which case  we can be sure that there is White Supremacy.  We’re dealing with facts here.  True Science.

Look at the clothes.  Do you see anyone walking around in Aztec dress? No?

Look at China.  Mao’s Cultural Revolution was a success.  Traditional Chinese dress has disappeared from the face of the Earth.  Replaced by…clothes that White people designed.  The whole world dresses like White People.  T-shirts with slogans on them.

Look at the cities of Asia—China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar for Christ’s sake, India, the Arab States, Israel, what do you see?  Skyscrapers.  Skyscrapers, the iconic structure of the United States.  Made the Arabs so jealous they knocked a couple of ours down and then built one much taller than ours ever were.  Half a mile high.  Skyscrapers!  Born in Chicago before the Negroes arrived.

See anybody riding horses?  Driving ox-carts?  No?  Automobiles, trucks, trains, planes, Electric Cars.  Motor City redux.  It’s all White.  Everything.  Whites have white washed the world.  There is nothing so evident of White Supremacy than how the Rest look, act and live.

What is more ubiquitous evidence ow White Supremacy than the cell phone, created in a garage in the United States.  Took over the world in a decade..  Look at the photos, everyone walks around with a cell phone in their hand.  Push a button and you’re face to face with your friend.  Science fiction right?  Came from right here in the land of White Supremacy.

Phones, TVs, computers, the Internet, movies you name it.  White Supremacy makes the rest feel inadequate.  They’re embarrassed by it. Better to get rid of the Whites but keep the Whiteness.  Whiteness good, Whites bad.  Hey?

Even the Jews sing:  We’re not White we’re Jewish.  Sure.  The horror of living off the bennies of the US!  US monetary support ends, Israel disappears.  They’re not White but they want the Green.  Need it.  To Survive.   They won’t let you on the bus without the fare.  ‘Smartest people on the Earth’ but living off the US dole.

Suppose the Rest do remove Whiteness from the World.  What happens then?  The life goes out of the world.  The nineteenth and eighteenth centuries return.  Famines, diseases, parasites and not Paradise.  You can count the ticks of the clock while everything runs down.

Africans can’t offer any contribution.  Before the West sent them a shipment of sun glasses they were plagued with eye diseases.  Then they pleaded:  We don’t want you to send us shoes; we want you to send us people to show us how to make them.  No hope there.  They were static before the White Man arrived to pick up the burden.

The Chinese advanced a little further up the evolutionary scale but their society had always been in a condition of stasis until some Western Whites showed up and asked them :  Can you guys make this crap cheaper?  Western business practices were grafted onto Chinese stock and lo! The Chinese desert bloomed.  Without Whiteness China sinks back into apathy.

Japan! Now there was a dynamic response to the Western Challenge.  But they will get gulped down by the Chinese Godzilla.

No, People of the Rest.  Like it or not White people are your saviors.  Whiteness is the Path.  You all want to come to the US for a better life?  No room but we will be happy to export Whiteness to you and you can stay where you are and use Whiteness to make your lives better.  Try it.  You’ll like it.

Unraveling The Presnt

Unraveling The Present


R.E. Prindle

Listen! The wind is rising,

And the air is filled with leaves;

We have had our summer evenings:

Now for October eves!

–Humbert Wolfe

Read Nien Cheng, Life And Death In Shanghai, 1986, Grove Press

It is becoming quite clear that what is happening is that China has exported Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution to the West.  North America and Europe. 

The Chinese Cultural Revolution instituted by Mao Ze Dong in 1968 was an all out attack on destroying the Chinese past.  Mao sought to destroy it so that any cultural icons that were of a failed past were smashed by his youthful organization The Red Guards.  They may be compared to Antifa here in the US in which cultural icons such as statues of Washington and Jefferson among others are torn down.  People wondered when Lincoln was torn down because they confused Black Lives Matter with the Cultural Revolution.  BLM along with Antifa may be considered as two faces of the same Revolution.  Xi is merely exploiting racial unrest.

One may link Mao’s revolution with that of Xi whose revolution this is.  The Chinese Virus which is being used to terrify and condition the US population is a psychological warfare operation.  It will go on until the population is conditioned to function as unthinking automatons.

Nien Cheng in her Life And Death In Shanghai which was her tragic experience gives an accurate  description of the terror aspect of Mao’s revolution as well as the psychological conditioning.

In the US the psychological conditioning  is largely being conducted by the internet social media.  The US and China came into conflict when the social media eyeing the huge Chinese market with typical American arrogance thought that they could expand their operations to China with impunity.  They neglected to think that that China is the elephant and Google is the flea.  The Chinese elephant said: We can develop our own Chinese social media network according to our own social standards.  They went on saying that Google could compete in the market but not with US standards.  Google said:  US standards?  We’re talking money here.  I think we can do that.  And just like that they threw overboard every revered America tradition ultimately inculcation Chinese standards in the US.

I should imagine that Xi put pressure on them while the EuroAmerican leaders of the New World Order said:  Forget American traditions, we can make this Chinese stuff work to our advantage.

So, they began to close down free expression while using Antifa and BLM agents as trolls.  They began their assault on unsuspecting social media users who quickly saw something was going on but they didn’t know what when the psychological steam roller showed them what they could say and what they couldn’t.

If you didn’t comply they didn’t punish you harshly but they denied service for various periods of time until the user learned the parameters of expression.  The Constitution of the US is now observed or valued by less than half of the population and they have no means of protest.  Any sites that offer them freedom of expression are immediately shut down.

A recent notice on Facebook which goes on about Community Standards advised that their standards are the same for all two billion users.  That is to say then that Chinese Standards rule as they won’t tolerate any other.  Facebook, Google, You Tube and the rest wouldn’t be allowed in China otherwise.

So Xi has completed what Mao began.  The next step for Xi is the actual subordination of the US.  This can likely be done with the minimum amount of violence.  A peaceful annexation without any need for a vote.  The US will be occupied without recognizing it.

The US and Europe are two tails to the same dog.  Tails do not wag dogs.