Peg Noonan And The Arsenal Of Democracy

Peg Noonan And The Arsenal Of Democracy


R.E. Prindle


Peg Noonan returns to the pages of the Wall Street Journal after an absence of seeming months with an article bemoaning the sad state of current affairs. That’s a given, but Peg has worked herself up over the Rooseveltian nonsense of the US being the Arsenal of Democracy during WWII. Arse of Democracy is more like it. Peg compares this imagined idyllic situation of WWII somehow with the Khashoggi affair. For myself this is an intra-Saudi affair and beneath notice. Of course they mutilated him, they cut women’s noses off for smiling in the wrong direction, heads, hands and feet separate for god only knows what reasons. Khashoggi should have known better.

First off, historians have misstated the situation in WWII. The US was never the Arsenal of Democracy unless you consider the USSR a democracy.. This was Rooseveltian double speak. Stalin and the USSRCP was a brutal dictatorship that murdered tens of millions of Russians in the gulags and by starvation, using food, or the lack of it, as a weapon of mass destruction.

Roosevelt wheeled his wheelchair around in circles trying to satisfy every imperious demand of Stalin for more of everything and pronto! while Stalin denied the US any concessions even to the point of refusing to allow military observers in the USSR. Stalin gave Roosevelt nothing and Roosevelt licked Stalin’s boots in an effort to please him. The end result? Communism spread out all over Central Europe while Soviet backed CPs in France and England, the whole of Western Europe and the US kept the West on the defensive and edge.

As a reward for our prostitution before him Stalin took a large part of Japanese territory, first taking control of half of Korea and then trying to annex the other half by military force.

Some Arsenal of Democracy, hey? Roosevelt was a doddering fool and should be execrated as such rather than being held up for veneration.

And Peg compares this to the Khashoggi affair? Shame, Peg, Shame. Khashoggi is not important enough to merit a disinterested, ‘Oh yeah?’

It’s time to revise the history of the Second Thirty Years War and put it in its true perspective. Enough of this self-congratulatory Liberal nonsense. To the showers with them.