A High Wind In Jamaica



A High Wind In Jamaica


R.E. Prindle


The New York Times has given front page space to the most amazing non-story every seen on the propaganda sheet, pardon me, putative newspaper. They title this piece, it reads more like a movie idea or scenario than not: 1 Pistol, 9 Killings: An Epidemic Overseas, Spread by U.S. Guns. Takes place in Jamaica.

Jamaica! The most violent place in the world, tops Chicago by a mile. Jamaica was the first visit of my wife and I outside the US. Our travels began there. One of the most horrific experiences of my life. I thoughr sure we were going to be murdered or worse a half dozen times. Kingston, Jamaica, oh, and Montego Bay. Christ almighty. There was more violence and crime in an hour than any place in the universe. One guy riding double on a motor scooter—a motor scooter—shot an extremely steatopygic fat women in the right cheek of her ass and rode away screaming laughter. I saw this.

I will say one thing in Jamaica’s defense- their newspaper was a hell of a lot better and more honest in its reporting than the NYT.

But, to the point. Once I see a byline by Azam Ahmed I know that this loyal American, (he was born in the USA.) is going to bash the country he loves so much.

Here’s the first three or four paragraphs. Commentary later.

CLARANDEN, Jamaica—She came to Jamaica from the United States about four years ago, sneaking in illegally, stowed away to avoid detection. Within a few short years (is a few, the same as four), she became one of the nation’s most-wanted assassins. She preyed on the parish of Clarendon, carrying out nine confirmed kills, including a double homicide outside a bar, the killing of a father at a wake and the murder of a single mother (single MOM would have been more heart rending) of three. Her violence was indiscriminate. She shot and nearly killed a 14 year-old girl getting ready for church. (On the street?)

With few clues to identify her, the police named her Briana. They knew only her country of origin—the United States—where she had been virtually untraceable since 1991. She was a phantom, The eighth-most-wanted killer on an island with no shortage of murder, suffering one of the highest homicide rates in the world. And she was only one of thousands. (One of thousands? That’s a lot of murder. However she was from the US making her special.)

Briana, serial number 245PN70462, was a 9-millimeter Browning handgun.

An outbreak of violence is afflicting Jamaica, born of small-time gangs, warring criminals and neighborhood feuds that go back generations—hand-me-down hatred fueled by pride. This year, the government called a state of emergency to stop the bloodshed in national hot spots, sending the military into the streets.

Jamaica has always been in a state of emergency . I and my wife were in a state of emergency, eager to get out. Kingston-my god! I would suggest that Azam get a new role model for his fiction as there wasn’t one verifiable fact in the story above. There is a good movie in there though. Or perhaps it’s already bee made- Jimmy Cliff in The Harder They Come. Now, there was the real Jamaica.

This piece is all fiction and it can be developed for the movies. For instance, Briana perhaps arrives from the US by ship but when she disappeared in 1991- virtually disappeared that is, it was from Jamaica where she had been raped and gangbanged. Fleeing to Mexico she entered the US from Brownsville, illegally, so actually as native Jamaican she wasn’t entering Jamaica illegally as Azam reports. Of course we’re dealing with virtual facts here so we can make it up as we go along. Once back in Jamaica with her American made 9mm Browning, she had apparently never heard of a Glock, she began tracking down the gang bangers who hurt her sore in mind and body.

Now, these gangbangers, and indeed, all Jamaicans had been reared on American records, movies and violent video games. Without these three items and the Browning, Jamaica would have been a sunny happy go lucky place. All singing and dancing as they say in Hollywood. Zippity do dah if you know what I mean.

The Times should change their motto to ‘All The Propaganda We Can Create.’ When you create news is that the same as faux. Anyway, just in case this movie idea is acted on by Tarantino, I get half or you’ve got real trouble buddy. Where’s Matt Damon?

Strange Days

Strange Days


R.E. Prindle


You wanna talk about strange days. These are the strangest. The Libs are building a fantasy world in their disappointment at losing the election that is unequalled. It is paranoia rampant.

I just received a subscription solicitation from Nation Magazine, the most Liberal of all Liberal rags. The thing might be the product of the imagination of Stan Lee or Jack Kirby, two really paranoid writers. The Nation’s editor has been reading too many comic books. Captain America, the X-Men and those vigilante squads must be real to him.

I’m posting the entire solicitation for your amusement. John Nichol’s, the presumed editor, marbles have broken out of their enclosure. Below the solicitation:


Our subscribers have always

Sustained this magazine.

We are speaking truth to power in an age when the president of the United States says that challenging his authority make us an “enemy of the people.” We know we can win the fight—by framing the terms of debate as no other media outlet will, and by raising the profile of a resistance that refuses to back off.


But we cannot do this without new subscribers, like you.


Donald Trump has made no secret of his disdain for independent and skeptical media. He has banished reporters from his press conferences, created media blacklists, and proposed to alter libel laws in order to constrain criticism of political charlatans like himself.


This is scary stuff.


But what’s even scarier is the tendency of so many media outlets to dance to Trump’s tune: treating his tweets as major news stories, allowing his lies to go unchallenged, amplifying the voices of the defenders of the indefensible. Trump’s toxic rhetoric has been normalized by media outlets that too frequently fail to recognize the threat posed by his presidency.


This is outrageous. But since 1865, The Nation has honed its capacity for outrage.


We have seen plenty of intimidating times, but we have never been intimidated. We know that today’s resistance can prevail because we have celebrated so many victories for so many popular struggles. Our experience gives us the strength to defend freedom of the press and every other First Amendment liberty that Donald Trump threatens.

We stand strong in these times because we know our readers demand journalism that never bends, that never cowers in the face of intimidation. And we will stand stronger because our journalism is sustained by our readers—not by corporate investors or advertisers.

Let’s do this together. Subscribe today. We will pay you back with journalism that overwhelms Donald Trump’s lies with what most terrifies this pathetic president: the truth.

Solidarity forever,

John Nichols.


I can feel his terror and pain, but it doesn’t come from President Trump. No, it comes from the Great Silencers, terrorist groups like the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League. Apparently Mr. Nichols hasn’t noticed those two great pathetic organizations that roam the country with their hit lists in their hands. Defaming to the left and defaming to the right, half a league, half a league onward they go.


But, to the Nation’s endorsers, the usual suspects. These fairly public figures are apparently leaders in the underground resistance. They are the Undefeated. The list is headed:

Resist. Organize.


The Nation.

Barack Obama: it’s more than a magazine, it’s a crucible of ideas.

Elizabeth Warren: An indispensable voice in our political dialogue.

Bernie Sanders: [The Nation] has never played a more important role than it does today.

Dan Rather: The Nation has provided consistently uncompromising and important journalism.

Harry Belafonte: The Nation has brought to the table of human need a menu of truth.

Nancy Pelosi: The very highest standards of journalistic integrity.

Sarita Gupta: The Nation has set a standard for journalistic excellence.

Alex Baldwin: There are few places where one can still read…courageous journalism. The Nation is one.


There you have it. The Rogues Gallery of the leading resisters. The Liberal champions of the Fighting Underground. The take the Knee, with pride. Let’s give them a big hand.


This solicitation was better than one of Stan Lee’s comic books and a barrel of laughs. It was sent to the wrong person however.

President Trump And The Lost Election

President Trump And The Lost Election


R.E. Prindle


(The book of) Genesis refer(s) back to primitive beliefs held by the Hebrews. For them in fact the human soul was not immortal, and the sole function of religion was to establish privileged relations between humans and God, in order to have as long and happy a life as possible. The dogma of immortality and the soul entered the Jewish religion at a fairly late date and is still subject to debate. During the time of Jesus, only the Pharisees and Essenes accepted it. The origin of the belief can obviously be found in Greek philosophy, which itself has been subject to heavy Eastern influence.

All of this boils down to the problem of evil being extremely simplified in the Bible: Jews faithful to the pact sealed with the Eternal God represent good, while other peoples, as well as Jews who are unfaithful to the covenant, represent evil.

Jean Markale,

The Church Of Mary Magdalene


Explaining the Liberal mind is one of the most necessary tasks of our time. They are, in fact, a species of religious faith quite divorced from considerations of reality. Their minds are impervious to reason, seemingly based on a kind of divine revelation.

As a religion they are a species of the Semitic belief system begun by the ancient Hebrews as in the quote from Jean Markale above.

Jean Markale is French of Breton ancestry, a scholar of religious evolution. He has contributed to the religious beliefs surrounding the Celtic myths of King Arthur. As such he has uncovered the core religious beliefs of today’s Liberal faith.

Markale’s understanding of the Jewish myth is as concise and accurate as any I have seen while accurately reflecting my own understanding. He defines an outstanding example of the origin of bigotry. To understand the Jewish fallacy one has to understand their position in the ancient world. According to their literary remains the Hebrews were a savage brutal people exterminating their way from Mesopotamia to Egypt and back to Palestine. Genocide was just their way and they made no excuses about it. Offended because the Amalekites refused them passage through their territory the Jews returned decades later to exterminate them.

At the same time the proto-Jews, the Hebrews, according to their writings, were always a subordinate people even, as they tell it, slaves in Egypt. Once back in Palestine they were in a backwater, flyover place in current Liberal terms, a bunch of Deplorables to quote Hillary Clinton. Then, first the Assyrians came, defeated them and transported the legendary Ten Lost Tribes, who have been reported from every location on earth.

After the Assyrians left the Babylonians came and carted the last two tribes of to Babylon. The captivity is ably portrayed by the biblical writers Isaiah and Ezekiel. While the Jews had grandiose notions of themselves and their temple in Palestine they quickly realized the poverty of their pretenses, both intellectual and material among the stupendous splendors of Babylon. It was then they made the fateful decision to oppose the nations of the Earth by declaring themselves the Selector’s choice anointing themselves as a chosen people to determine good and evil.

As Jean Markale points out, as the chosen people they thought themselves the personification of virtue while all others were the same of evil. Thus Semitism and anti-Semitism came into the world. While tens of thousands of pages have been wasted trying to explain the evil of negating the Jewish will it is explained quite simply and easily as those who are not Jewish. As the Jewish bible says, the Lord will bless those that bless the Jews and curse those who curse them. In other words: two fingers to you Jack.

Born at that time was the idea of good gentiles and bad gentiles. But, when the great Jewish uprising of the first and second centuries occurred when Jews committed incredible massacres in Egypt and Cyprus, the great Jewish sage Simeon Ben Yohai was asked whether the ‘good gentiles’ should be spared the good Rabbi replied: Kill them all. That is, genocide. This is the foundation of modern Liberalism.

In the fifteenth century AD Gutenberg invented movable type and began the mass production of books at relatively affordable prices. Just as an aside, today’s Easton Press has just published a facsimile of Gutenberg’s bible. It is massive. While Easton’s is bound with a cover, Gutenberg’s came not only unbound and no cover but with no pagination. While Gutenberg came up with moveable type he didn’t bother to invent punctuation marks and spacers between words. Not only is the language Latin but the typeface is obscure and difficult to read. So, the page is double columned into two nearly solid black blocks.

A few decades later Tyndale published an English language copy. I haven’t seen that. The upshot of that was that while not universally owned the bible was accessible for independent study. The eye became as potent as the ear; no longer did one have to rely on a reading by a priest.

The result of Gutenberg’s innovation was that an already Judaized mind was even more Judaized and in a location such as East Anglia the Torah became so beloved that the East Anglians quickly adopted the role of the Chosen People. The whole of the Jewish baggage was assumed by the East Anglians. They modeled their lives on the biblical scripture, even adopting the brutality of genocide. Fired up by the spirit of Judaism they killed the English King, Charles I, revolted against the non-chosen people of England and successfully established a Jewish style dictatorship proscribing all but their own beliefs.

At the same time these now bigots began to colonize the North American continent in order to establish a pure theocratic State. Thus the notion of an infallible good people surrounded by evil others. Hillary Clinton in our time was to give them their own designation of Deplorables. The flyover country between the two US coasts filled with Deplorables became a waste land of primitive savages to the Liberal mind.

As derivatives of the Jews, being a Semitic religion, the Liberals naturally became a dependency of the Jews who had in the years around the turn of the twentieth century basically colonized the United States while beginning their ascension as governors and imposing their mores on the ‘anti-Semites,’ the other.

The Jews formed terrorist units like the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP etc. These units then established norms such as Jews good, anti-Semitism evil; Negroes good, racism evil (and only Whites can be racists). The Liberals then adopted these norms as articles of faith thus forming a coalition of White Liberals, Negroes, Jews and eventually any dissident group such as homosexuals and, even more bizarrely, transsexuals. They then called this coalition, their democracy.

After WWI new technologies for propaganda such as radio, talking moving pictures and eventually TV came into existence the Liberal Coalition succeeded in establishing an authoritarian government reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 that through the use of double speak and Political Correctness discredited or silenced anyone not in lock step.

Thus, using the attack on NYC’s Twin Towers, World Trade Center, as a lever, pressure was increased through the Bush and Obama administrations to establish a full fledged dictatorship. Obama using race as a cover brought the plan nearly to fruition. His designated successor Hillary Clinton was poised to spring the trap.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. The designated Republican candidate was another Bush, Jeb Bush from Florida. But the Lib Coalition ignored an improbable corner in which lurked a candidate so incredible that he was the scorned of the scorned. He wasn’t even an impossibility in Lib eyes, he was considered a total political non-entity below serious consideration.

This was the reality TV star and mega real estate builder Donald Trump.

To the Coalition Trump wasn’t even a bad joke, there was nothing remotely funny about him. He was ridiculous. However, in the flush of their success to the end of the Obama occupation the coalition had ignored the increasing resentment of the very people on whose votes they depended. Surrounded by yea sayers they ignored the fact that their following was confined to a few population Liberal Coalition strongholds like NYC and California.

Donald Trump may have seemed like a buffoon, may even have been one, but, if so, he was a savvy buffoon. He brushed Jeb Bush aside. In his campaign he essentially gave up the Liberal population centers and went after voters that not only did the Coalition despise but they actually said so repeatedly over the controlled media of the entire nation. Their candidate, Hillary Clinton, sneered at those voters as deplorable people. The upshot was that Trump won over three thousand counties while Clinton won fewer than sixty. The anomaly was that these fifty plus counties, heavily Liberal, gave Clinton the popular vote but the three thousand plus counties gave Trump the Electoral College and the Presidency.

Trump had cannily formed his own Coalition of many dissident groups from despised and persecuted Christians to, if you can believe this, biker groups. As Jack Johnson’s mother said: He said he would bring home the bacon and he did.

Note: Strange as it may seem the boxer Jack Johnson, the first Negro heavyweight champion, has been all but forgotten. A current singer by the name of Jack Johnson is all a large percentage of the population knows by that name. I refer, of course, to the turn of the twentieth century boxer, Jack Johnson.

So, Trump’s great unforgiveable offence is that like Warren G. Harding in 1920 he has disrupted the Liberal program and threatens severe damage if he is allowed to succeed and place like minded politicians in power for the next twenty years. Just as Liberals were pushing a Communist agenda in 1920 so today they are pushing an agenda of unlimited immigration.

Harding quashed Communist hopes within six months of being elected ruining Lib hope for the twelve years before FDR brought them to influence in 1933. It may take Trump slightly longer to stifle unlimited immigration but he seems in a fair way to do it.

As there are only two ways to stop the Trump Redemption, murder or economic collapse they will probably choose the latter. After nearly a hundred years of mass murder by the various Communist regimes the Liberals seem to be opposed to killing although it was undoubtedly used against Harding. Economic collapse which was used to get Hoover out of office to the incalculable harm of the American people we seem to see the beginning of the use of the tactic against Trump now. As Trump has claimed credit for the rise in the stock market since his election and if it continues through 1918 voters will almost certainly return Republican candidates to congress in that election. It is important for the Libs to sink the market for the year. It matters little how people suffer to the Liberals so long as they can regain power.

The real challenge will be the mid-term elections. If they can fill the Houses with Democrats they will be able to contain and stifle Trump. The danger here is that they will use economic means to scuttle the near certain prosperity Trump’s methods are bringing. The Fed which is completely outside presidential or legislative control can easily shoot the interest rate up, which they have already begun to destroy the stock market and whatever other shenanigans they may have up their sleeves. They will undoubtedly invent sufficient justification for raising the discount rate after twenty years of punishing a certain class of people with a near 0 interest rate.

Remember, the Fed is a private corporation in the hands of certain Jewish banking firms. The Fed is outside government control. The next few months until the ’18 elections are going to be critical. Get the Conservative vote out in ’18.

Shumer Shutdown And Pres. Trump

CFR’s Foreign Affairs Magazine Announces

Trump’s ‘Lucky Year’ Is To End.


R.E. Prindle


The Council On Foreign Relations is finally putting its cards on the table in an article published in its magazine Foreign Affairs. The article was scheduled for the March-April issue but the CFR found it important enough to release it in advance on the internet. Thus the article will be free for one week beginning on 1/20/18. Can it be a coincidence that the article was released on 1/20 on the eve of the Shumer Shutdown of the government?

The article is titled Trump’s Lucky Year: Why The Chaos Can’t Last by Eliot A. Cohen and admits that the Pres.’ first year has been a success but that his ‘luck’ has run out now. The CFR wants a return to the seventy year post-war agenda. The Pres. has upset that agenda and will continue to destroy its foundations and will succeed if allowed to continue in office unobstructed.

The CFR has always gone to great lengths to remove presidents from office who won’t follow their program. The CFR was founded in 1921 to advance the socialistic program of Woodrow Wilson. The first hindrance came when Warren G. Harding was elected in 1920. While he hinted that he might advance Wilson’s program and bring the US into the League of Nations he didn’t follow through.

Under strange circumstances Harding died two years into his presidency. While the conditions of his demise are still undetermined I have no doubts that the CFR removed him. It was believed that Harding’s lackluster VP, Calvin Coolidge, would be easily defeated in 1924. Such did not turn out to be the case and Coolidge lived to pass the presidency on to Herbert Hoover in 1928.

The Federal Reserve had been building toward a stock market crash during what was called the Coolidge Prosperity and six months into the Hoover presidency the Fed pulled the plug plunging the country into twelve years of agonizing economic misery salvaged only by two massive world wars, one in Europe and one in the Pacific, that is, Asia.

‘Lucky’ Trump’s second year bids fair to be as or more successful as he barrels ahead with his own program that negates that of he CFR’s. It would appear that assassination is not to be considered. However the 2018 congressional elections that the CFR imagines will give them an overwhelming majority in both houses would stultify Trump’s presidency placing him in the CFR’s hands. The best that Trump could hope for would be Hoover’s fate.

To achieve this, given the fair omens for the Pres.’ second year they have to follow the Hoover scenario and sabotage what bids to be the Great Trump Prosperity.

Therefore, can it be a coincidence that this article was rushed to advance free publication on the very eve of the Shumer Shutdown of the government? CFR, Cohen written article, Shumer Shutdown. The article had to be planned and written at least two or three weeks before the Shumer Shutdown thus it follows that the Shumer Shutdown was planned as a ploy to scuttle Trump some time ago..

The plan shows how little the CFR, Dems, the Left, care for the welfare of the voters of the United States. The Shumer Shutdown has begun. The Pres. cannot fold and probably the CFR will carry it to great extremes placing the economy in jeopardy not unlike the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929. In fact, the key point of the incipient Great Trump Prosperity has been that startling advance of the stock market. That means that something over 50% of the public that owns securities has already improved their finances considerably and bid fair to improve further. That means that the Pres.’ base has improved considerably. There can be little doubt that substantial numbers of immigrants have invested and benefited so they may be reluctant to give up their gains by not voting Trump in ’18.

Thus, the CFR is willing to risk a stock market crash, one that is almost certain now, while putting in jeopardy the welfare of all the peoples resident in the US and perhaps all the peoples of the world. This is the madness of the CFR.

The Pres. cannot give in without destroying his presidency now and it is possible that the CFR will not in complete contempt of every living US resident, possibly every person in the world.

CFR, Cohen, Shumer Shudown. Those behind this incipient disaster should be clear to all.

President Trump On The Discard Pile

President Trump On The Discard Pile


R.E. Prindle


When you’re stuck in Juarez,

And it’s Eastertime too,

And your negativity fails you,

And gravity don’t pull you through…

Bob Dylan


It is clear at this point that Pres. Trump is going to be discarded. The process by which it will be done may be becoming clear. First he must be discredited in the eyes of his constituency so that sympathy for him is destroyed. DACA, the Wall, Immigration, the renunciation of the will of the people who elected him will be essentially the final straw while at the same time being the Left’s renunciation of democracy. The CFR triumphant.

What is the How?

Let us review the 1916 election between Wilson and Hughes. It was a very close election, not unlike the 2016 election, and Wilson actually thought he had lost. It was three days later when the results were determined that he knew he found himself still president. In those days the inauguration was in March. The World War was in progress and Wilson deemed it important that effective leadership be continuous in case he did lose. He therefore devised a plan so that Hughes could seamlessly succeed him according to the Constitution.

Thus, following the succession in case of the President’s death or incapacity was and is to the VP, then to the Secretary of State. In Wilson’s case the VP would resign, the serving Secretary of State would resign and the President would appoint Hughes to succeed him then resign himself. Hughes thus being elevated immediately to the office.

In 1916 the plan wasn’t needed. Let us transpose the plan to the present. Trump is to be given a life or death choice, it probably has already happened, to resign or die.

Trump’s situation can be compared to that of President Harding who won the 1920 election placing him in opposition to the League of Nation forces. Not to be denied, Harding died of mysterious symptoms two years into his presidency. It was assumed that the colorless VP, Calvin Coolidge, could be swept aside in 1924. Such proved not to be the case so the League forces had to wait for the 1928 election where they were disappointed again by the election of Herbert Hoover. Hoover was discredited by the staged stock market crash of 1929 and then manhandled for the duration of his presidency, much as Trump has been manhandled, opening the way for FDR.

Now, after Trump has disillusioned his constituency sufficiently Pence will resign as VP. By my understanding Pence has always been a stooge of the CFR and will perform his role without a problem. The succession then passes to Secretary of State Tillerson. Trump has already renounced his control of the military to Mattis and has delegated his powers as President to Tillerson at State. Tillerson has been given what is in effect a Power of Attorney to act in the President’s name. Tillerson then in the affairs of State is already the de facto President. That means he has the full approval of the CFR. The transmission has been seamless.

Well, that’s in the eyes of the CFR not mine, and not in the eyes of the majority of Americans who will then, finally, realize that they have been taken for a ride. Their will has been betrayed by a cabal.

The CFR would do well to pay attention to what’s happening to the attendance of professional football over the Kaepernick fiasco. Those empty seats will not likely be soon filled. The NFL has committed suicide by not responding appropriately to majority opinion.

As with the NFL the connection between the people and the US Government in Washington DC will be broken; all cooperation will cease. The country will be adrift. The government’s only choice will be to try to rule by force or terror.

Beware the consequences of thwarting or removing President Trump; the end game is at hand.

The Civil War Never Ended

The Civil War Never Ended


R.E. Prindle


Considerable evidence exists to show that the Civil War began in England in 1066 when Big Bill Norman stepped ashore at Hastings with his hordes and pasted the natives. The Normans, named after Big Bill known in those days as William the Conqueror but now edited to meet current standards proceeded to enslave the Anglo-Saxons who had been lounging around the area holding the territory for the Normans. The Anglo-Saxons considered their enslavement a betrayal. A fierce debate concerning this so-called betrayal is still raging. The reader is invited to make up his own mind. Get a few more facts first.

Over there in East Anglia, on the East side of England, this slavery bit, iron collars and all did not go down well. A great deal of resentment was stored away. This was before the days of psychoanalysis so it went into their unconscious but not all that deep. This resentment blazed up in 1600 something when the East Anglians rose up and slew the good King Charlie the One. Old resentments die hard and a lot harder than you think. A lesson to be borne in mind.

The fight would have been contained on English shores but for the fact that the New World had been discovered shortly before Charlie’s head hit the basket, or he dangled, I forget which but when you’re dead how important is it? Escaping Charlie’s and his dad Jim’s oppression, real or imagined, a couple decades before a largish body of East Anglians now going by the name of Puritans fled across the big water, much bigger then when boats were slower, while sometimes not arriving at all, to land on the sparsely populated shore that they named New Anglia and that became New England.

Well, wouldn’t you just know it? No sooner were they getting settled than this fellow Cromwell from Old Anglia killed Charlie and seized England. Now the Anglo-Saxon ruled the roost and those damn Normans, now going by the name of Cavaliers, had to hightail it across the water too.

They now, in their turn, crossed over to the New World but veered South and formed the colony of Virginia, named after an English queen of doubtful virtue, don’t let the name fool you. It’s true that Charlie was a Scot and not a Norman but as nothing was named after him in the New World, it didn’t matter.

So, now, here is one of the great overlooked facts of history. The Puritans of New England were glaring almost eyeball to eyeball at the Cavaliers. I have no doubts they would have gone to war right away if the older colony of New Amsterdam, now New York, Old York is North of East Anglia in the Old Country, had it not been blocking the way.

But there was blood in the eye of the unforgiving Anglians. They stewed, their resentment festered. Then the Norman’s enslaved some savage Negroes from Africa. There, the Anglians thought, they went and did it again. It was a habit not a one off. But this time the Anglians were going to get those bastards and get them good. Kill them all.

Well, to make a long story medium long the Anglos began working up a head of steam about slavery even though they were not pure themselves. It wasn’t so much that they cared about the Africans, hell, they were just a bunch of savages anyway, but that slavery bit…if you know what I mean. We was slaves too and we’re not going to tolerate slavery now. If the Jews had been there in numbers it would have been quite a gathering of ex-slaves and slaves. A monster convention.

So the Anglians whipped up the bloodiest war there ever was and by force of excessive numbers, conscripting a whole lot of people who didn’t have a dog In the fight, they drove Old Dixie down. Yes, sir. They drove Old Dixie down. If you think that was enough for the Anglians, it wasn’t. They wanted to kill off the whole damn lot of those Normans, cum Cavaliers and any other White men who got conscripted, no distinctions. Justice is justice, yes, sir. Stern justice. Remember that. The field of Hasting’s will not be forgot although I don’t think it was mentioned at that time. I just made an historical interpolation, that’s all.

Well, those damn Yankees would’ve murdered the Southern Chivalry for sure except for, if you remember, New York was in the way, as well as Pennsylvania that had been added later. Cooler heads prevailed so the Yankees were reduced to imposing Reconstruction. They stripped that Chivalry of all weapons and denuded them of all rights and then made them subjects of their former Negro, African, dark slaves. Racist minds considered this an indignity, but the Negroes enjoyed it.

Yankee power would fade after a while and while Dixie didn’t rise again the White Folks would break their hold and bring their own heads level with their shoulders again. After another little while they had a silent revolution that was called Jim Crow and regained control of their country. Oddly enough they aligned themselves with their New England enemies and became the Democratic Party. Republicans had left a bad odor in the land.

Now, where was I? Oh yea, Jim Crow, believe it or not but the Rebs imposed Jim Crow on the whole of the United States. Then Jim Crow came to a crashing end in 1954, no whimper there, when the Negroes and their Northern allies staged a bloodless coup, a legal decision called Brown v. the Board of Education, something like that. Yes, sir, Jim Crow was over and the Liberal occupation of America began. Another revolution of sorts. Not unlike the first Reconstruction, the disenfranchisement of Whites began. You was with ‘em or you was Nazis. Yes, sir. The Yankees and allies became the Party of Virtue while any who objected to the occupation was of the Party of Evil, styled Nazis after the Party that fought Communism in the Old World.

The Party of Virtue had it their way, no matter what Party occupied the White House until 2016 when the game went wrong somehow. It wasn’t supposed to be that way but it was. The Virtue Party has kicked against the pricks, refused to accept the voice of Democracy that said they had overstepped the bounds. The Virtue party however became unvirtuous and would not accept the will of the country. Democracy or no democracy they should have won, they thought and said, hell, they even rebelled in the streets, they made Sumter look like child’s play. It is too early to tell, but maybe the Second Reconstruction is over and on the National level the Johnny Rebs are back in control.

As you can see, there is nothing new here, the war goes on, only the weapons change. What began in 1066 in England is still being fought out today. Will it end here? Nobody knows. The wheel of fortune is still spinning, the vagaries of history is still happening. My only hope is that it will be the best thing for the country. This I do know, it won’t be right if it comes from those Damn Yankees.

Battle Cry

Battle Cry


R.E. Prindle


When did our national discourse become so consumed with the state of our national discourse? Rarely has so much public dialogue been dedicated to arguing over what can’t be said, who can’t say it and just how they shouldn’t put it. It has always been politically profitable to frame your opponents’ rhetoric as irrational, cruel, even dangerous. But our now-constant public skirmishes over speech have moved to another level entirely: These days, the closer you can situate your opponents’ words to actual violence, the better.

When James Hodgkinson opened fire at a Republican congressional baseball practice in June—wounding Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana among others—he was killed in the attack and left no manifesto to explain his actions. But the shooting immediately became, for many, a chilling example of the consequences of someone else’s rhetoric, and commentators raced to track down who that “someone” might be.

A Newsweek headline asked if “anti-Trump” rhetoric inspired the shooter…

Amanda Hess NYT

Magazine 8/20/17

This post concerns a discussion on Michael Sellers’ Facebook page.  It should be of interest.

Cc: Johannes Rebhan, Alan Derian, Ian Hawke, Scott Rosen

Gentlemen: In reply to your comments I had written a reasoned comment that attempted to deal with facts and historical opinion. However, since reading your comments among others on Michael Sellers’ post of the last couple days of scurrilous ad hominems and defamation I didn’t think you deserved it while it would be futile as you refuse to answer arguments preferring to resort to slander. Therefore I am going to tell you how you appear to an intelligent reader of your comments.

Scott Rosen is a mere thug with a mouthful of canards and insults. In addition he is not so bright as he spells the Adolf of Hitler Adolph with a ph. Scott is no longer welcome on my site.

Next, let’s consider Alan Derian. His reply was very interesting because he cleverly manages to threaten me with dire consequences if I don’t fall in line without exposing himself to the casual reader as he says it is my choice whether I want to be beaten or whatever thereby exculpating himself.

His comment is very well composed, he obviously knows what he is doing.


OK, RE. Before anyone else reacts to your last discussion about the science of the abilities of the races, let me address two points.


Here Alan admits that there is a science that addresses the relative abilities of the races. This is an important point because he admits that there are races and that they have differing abilities.

As an aside the Liberals on Seller’s thread always speak of scientific disciplines as if that knowledge is wholly different and separate from other knowledge. They speak of scientists as though they were a different race, almost alien, rather than merely someone whose specialty is physics or chemistry etc.. In point of fact anyone with the necessary intelligence can take up a scientific specialty although those who excel at them possess superior qualities and are few.

Scientific disciplines are one thing while the use of the scientific method is available to anyone and applicable to any task. When I was in college we were told to not take the course information too seriously but if we got the method that was the point. I got the method. You Ian, although a fine fellow do not have the method although you have an overweening self-confidence in your opinions.

Alan then continues:

Quote: First, you are correct in saying that in Communist countries opposing speech was censored and how America is supposed to be different [exceptional] and allow free speech. But that term “free speech” is a misnomer. America has freer speech, it has a wide range (of) what kind of speech it allows, BUT, all countries, in order to survive, must enforce their core values and reject and suppress those who work to undermine those values.


As we all know, America is a diverse society of many cultures each vying for dominance. Aryan culture did not inhibit the speech of any culture or political point of view. In other words whatever core values the Aryan society of the nineteenth century possessed and expected all immigrants to accept has now been split into competing cultures with different core values who wish to inhibit speech. So, Mr. Derian leaves open as to which core values he is referring to. As he here offers a tactic of the Jewish culture, which has no provision for free speech or conscience, it is obvious to which diversity Mr. Derian belongs and whose core values he wants to protect.

As Judaism is a semi-autonomous culture, as now are the Negro and Moslem cultures, while he seemingly speaks for Americans in general or universally his concern is for Jewish core values. In the struggle for cultural supremacy the Jews at present are leading the rest. Mr. Derian is also an Israeli citizen; a dual citizen who carries an Israeli passport or can obtain one but it is an important consideration. One needn’t ask where his primary loyalty lies.

Now, these White demonstrators characterized as Nazis by Mr. Derian are specifically guarding the core values of the Aryan population of the US. As Mr. Derian points out they must do this or be submerged. The problem is that they are competing with Jews, Negroes, Moslems on the same basis. Quite obviously they are the enemies of Mr. Derian and his Jews and vice versa. Virtue is not the issue here as all are fighting for the same cause but who they are. There is no possible way of faulting the Aryans without faulting Negroes, Jews and Moslems.
The Aryans were also shouting, according to reports: The Jews will not replace us. Given the competition for supremacy between the Jews and others this is a legitimate war cry. They are also reported as shouting Blood and Soil. As their core values, which Mr. Derian admits must be defended by any means necessary are based on blood as are Mr. Derian’s Jews as well as the Negroes, not so much the Moslems, and soil which means that as they are Americans they have no other soil to claim. This is not the case with Mr. Derian and his fellow Jews. Anywhere they hang their yarmulke is home to them.

Now, Mr. Derian says that ‘free speech’ is a misnomer and that in defense of a culture’s core values anyone who challenges them can be forcibly shut up by any means necessary. This is strange, as Mr. Derian then invokes the Constitution of the United States which guarantees unrestricted freedom of speech as well as assembly and has been confirmed by the recent decision of the Supreme Court as a core value of the United States. Mr. Derian is subjecting himself to a forcible rebuke.

He then quotes the words “all men are created equal” from the Constitution out of context and says that this is a core value that must never be attenuated as if a mere phase could be attenuated. He neglects to complete the sentence to: “in regard to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” There is no reference to preference of certain people. The rest of the sentence changes the meaning imputed by Mr. Derian as the evidence for all men being created equal makes it an oxymoron. Quite obviously all men are not created equal as a certain percentage of births are stigmatized with often horrible birth defects.

Further, in the broader sense, Mr. Derian has already admitted that there is a science of racial differences which implies that all men are not only not created equal but those differences persist throughout life.   Thus, Mr. Derian is hoist by his own petard.

For Mr. Derian it is enough to impose his opinion on US law even though no laws support his points.

Thus while other countries have draconian laws to protect ‘their ‘ core’ values, one of which in most European countries is to never, never criticize the Jews or their interpretations of the holocaust and WWII or you will be put in concentration camps called prisons and have at least a portion of your assets confiscated. It should be clear whose core values take precedence both in the US and Europe and that those values are not endemic to any European country.

The difference in the US, he says, is people might lose their jobs, that is, their means of subsistence, get screamed at by counter-protestors, that is, competing cultures, deprived of their core value of free, not freer, speech and otherwise to be made to feel bad. That is defamation, insults, directed hatred, which, one imagines are acts of tough love to bring the deluded in line.

To cap his climax Mr. Derian makes this dire threat, which one is led to believe is backed by the full force of the Jews and their auxiliaries.


Bottom line: all men are created equal. Not all men are more or less created the same depending on your race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Men. Equal. Period. You either adopt that or you get crapped on. Your choice.


So, Mr. Derian ends his diatribe with the threat that you either go along with his and the Jews’ program or they will fuck you over like you have never been fucked over before. Your choice: On your knees before your masters, slaves, or what happens to you you have brought on yourself. Your masters are free of guilt; you have been warned.

So, American democracy has come to that. The Jews are staged to replace Whites and the Aryan demonstrators were quite right to chant Jews Will Not Replace Us. That, does however, remain to be seen. The war is on, not over.

Trump’s New Era: Look Out There’s A Monster Coming



Trump’s New Era:

Look Out, There’s A Monster Coming


R.E. Prindle


The election is over. It has Taken President-elect Trump but little time to signal that his coming is a New Era. The hot house incestuous Left took even less time to throw a hissy fit, rioting in the streets while physically abusing Trump voters as they shouted about how democratic they are.

The media reacted to the Trump peril in their typical way bemoaning the fact that the Left’s era was over, at least temporarily. After distorting Trump’s proposed policies to nonsense pre-election the media isn’t now prepared to deal with the fact that Trump is actually putting those policies into effect now.

The ever obtuse editor of the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens, either pretends not to understand or is too thick to understand what Trump means by putting US interests first. Mr. Stephens asked what I presume is the rhetorical question: [WSJ 11/11/16] “What real American, after all, wouldn’t put “American first” in his political priorities?”   Mr. Stephens is apparently ignorant that our outgoing president, Barack Obama, put every country’s interests before the US. Not being overly familiar with US history Mr. Stephens is also unaware that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who one might describe as a ‘real American’, put British and Jewish interests first before ours by driving us into the most destructive war in the history of the world. Obviously you don’t have to be a ‘Domestic Terrorist’ knuckledragger to subordinate US interests to others, you can be a ‘real American.’

Therefore Mr. Stephens is hysterically vocal in his opposition to Trump’s appointment as counsel of Stephen Bannon. Mr. Stephens snidely says quote: “Mr. Bannon also says his “America first” which- see if you can spot the difference- either is or isn’t “America First.”

In my opinion there is no difference, small f or capital F. The idea is that we not look to others’ interests in preference to our own as Obama and FDR did. A crime in Mr. Stephens’ eyes. Mr. Stephens apparently applauds that China and Mexico are being made rich at the expense of the US working stiff.

As incestuous as the Left is Mr. Stephens then not so closely associates one he detests with one he hates. He says:

As my colleague Bari Weiss pointed out in a recent article in Tablet, the foremost figure in today’s alt-right, Richard Spencer, dreams of “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans. It would be a new society based on very different ideals than, say, the Declaration of Independence.” [Mr. Stephens gives no indication of where he obtained the quote. Sloppy journalism WSJ.]

Mr. Spencer’s vision may not be Mr. Bannon’s. But the new found political power of the latter will inevitably open channels for the former.

That’s an interesting quote. For those not aware Tablet Ezine is a rabid anti-Trump orthodox Jewish site that promotes the ethno-State of Israel that has very different ideals than, say, The Declaration of Independence. So Mr. Stephens isn’t against ethno-States in principle he merely opposes a European ethno-State. Such bigotry on the page of the WSJ!!!!

He ends his quote with the paranoid fear that Mr. Bannon is ‘inevitably opening channels’ for a European ethno-State. G-d forbid. Watch out! There’s an anti-Semite coming. Or even more fearsome creatures, the Godzilla of them all:

In “The Second Coming” Yeats asked, “What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?” The answer may yet turn out to be the likes of Steve Bannon and his ugly little litter of neo-nationalists.

Look again Mr. Stephens, re-read Poe’s The System Of Dr. Tarr And Professor Fether. Those aren’t monsters coming Mr. Stephens, those are the asylum keepers escaped to put the hot house loonies back in their bins. Worse luck still, hey?

The Constitution Vs. Foreign Invasion



The Constitution Vs. Foreign Invasion


R.E. Prindle


Wonder of all wonders. The Trump presidency may be the first in history to do what it promised. Kris Kobach of the administration is reported by the hostile press to suggest that the Trump administration may require Moslems to register with the government as foreign agents.

Naturally the Liberals are agog that such a thing could happen rushing precipitously to the Constitution which they believe requires the protection of enemy operatives within US borders. My supposition is that they don’t read well while having the weakest intellectual faculties. Why do they suppose that any government, Constitution or no, must allow enemy paramilitaries to operate freely in its territory?

One expects nothing from Liberals, and gets it, but this attitude boggles the imagination. On what grounds are we to tolerate the bombing of a marathon race, the murder of fifty people at a nightclub or the shooting up of a Christmas party?

On what grounds are we to dismiss the ranting of a Moslem ‘scholar’ who says that the Moslems are going to take over the country and impose the jizya tax on Christians and if they won’t pay it, fight them? In Moslem terminology you can read ‘Christian’ for non-Moslem.

Thank god we have a President who isn’t going to sit idly by or encourage this to happen while Liberals dither over whether it is Constitutional to allow invaders to occupy the country.

It seems only yesterday that these same Liberals were screaming that the Constitution was antiquated and should have no force.

First and Second Amendments? What First and Second Amendments? They shrilled.

Obama may have been a Moslem who wished for a Moslem State with Sharia law but the US has ejected him and his acolyte Clinton. It’s a New Day, a New Hope and Change that We can believe in. Send the Moslems packing.

You Can’t Always Get What You Want



You Can’t Always Get What You Want,

(But if you try sometimes, you might

Find what you need.)


A Crude Sort Of Nationalist


Oh, yes. The results of the election took the Left by surprise. It didn’t take the Right by surprise. I knew from day one that Trump would win and never wavered. Back then around day one when the race began I was what Obama, taking the high road, called a ‘Domestic Terrorist’. Just today I learned that according to High Road Barry I’m ‘a crude sort of Nationalist.’ Keep an eye on me, I like the attention. Personally, I’m not so sure I’m one or the other. In my vanity I would consider myself a clear sighted globalist. But then, what do I know.

When I say globalist I don’t mean in the narrow, constricted, constipated sense that High Road uses; I mean in the expansive way that realizes that it doesn’t mean surrendering the country to fatuous trade organizations; I mean it in the sense that low cost producers are corrected from taking advantage of- I almost said exploiting- more advanced economies with higher wage and benefit structures. Note that word benefits. The low cost producers don’t provide their workers with any, a terrific advantage. Those benefits are what make it so easy for citizens of low cost or no cost countries to migrate to where the bennies are.

So, like Trump, I believe in tariffs that balance out the production costs. Probably what the High Road means by being a crude sort of Nationalist. Well, if High Road is actually leaving I say God Speed at exit levels and have a nice journey and take your wife with you. God, I’m tired of the sorority gal image. I liked her better in the pictures of the high life girl visiting Spain. Those jungle prints were revealing. Then she came back to the US and got into her sorority drag again. Queen of the hop. Boppity bop be bop.

Which brings us to that other vile defamation going around- misogynist. God, what a negative sexist term. What does it mean in the mouths of Liberals- a man who won’t bow and scrape before the eternal feminine? Talk about being afraid of ‘strong’ women, those crazy feminists are afraid of strong men. Masculinity is at a premium these days and why? I don’t apologize for it. Walk like a man my son. Trump beats that femmy High Road and somehow he managed to snare a snappy wife, then another and then yet another. That man knows women. Obama? Well, there are those persistent rumors.

Then our friend over at the Wall Street Journal, Peg Noonan, is all a-tremble at the Trump triumph. She apparently thinks something startling is going to happen; it isn’t. Oh, there will be a shift in attitude, that will be beneficial, a slight move to the Right, but after being a New York Liberal for seventy years I don’t expect anything major from Trump, no 8.1 on the Richter scale.

I hope that Trump honors his Chinese and immigration stances but we will have to see. He’s already said the sexist crap is settled law so the tranny population should sky rocket; our kindergartners will continue to be trained to perverted sexual practices. That ought to solve the late term abortion problem. No conception, no problem.

I could easily go on a ramble, but I’m going to call it here. If High Road is really going to check out I’d like to give him a heartfelt so long, it’s been good to know you.   Let me recommend a good parallel universe.

But then, I remember he categorically said that Donald Trump will never serve as President of the United States. What’s the trick?