How A Global Trading System Dies



How A Global Trading System Dies


R.E. Prindle


My title is one of the two slogans on the cover of the September/October issue of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine. As it is the CFR that can only mean the Council is lamenting the termination of the Chinese uncontested domination of manufacturing and distribution in both Europe and North America.

Of course nothing is more natural or desirable than change. During the Obama administration when the whole of American mores were forcefully being changed change was good. Now that President Trump is reorganizing the CFR trading system out of favoring China change is lamentable. The unfair Chinese system was thought perfect by the CFR.

Strangely, in reading the articles in Foreign Affairs there seems to be a cognitive disconnect about what happened. The Chinese did not originate the Chinese Trading System to which the CFR alludes, the US did. The Chinese didn’t have an inkling of an idea of establishing a global trading system. The country was quite insular and seemingly content to stay that way.

Then in 1971 Nixon and Kissinger traveled to China, groveling before Mao in his nighties and changed the successful old system of Chinese containment releasing the genie from the bottle.

Then Americans, always ready to sell their birthright for a mess of pottage, saw that the Chinese would work hard for virtually nothing so they took their expertise and exported it to China free of any charges to show them how to make gidgets and gadgets for simple minded Americans and so to be able to eventually conquer the world without munitions or armies of any sort but by simply manufacturing gidgets and gadgets.

Not being complete idiots the Chinese studied American history during the nineteenth century and learn that by merely using intellectual properties without paying for them was a royal road to riches and by excluding competition from American goods and restricting outside investments to exclude the very corporation who were exploiting cheap Chinese labor, stealing trade and manufacturing secrets that all the apples on the tree would fall in China.

Speaking of apples, here is an example of the peculiar trading system the CFR so adores. At one time Washington State was shipping whole crops of apples to China and prospering mightily. The bureaucrats in DC, mostly CFR members considerately thought this matter over and, apparently thinking it unfair that American growers should be prospering they ordered the Washington State growers to go to China and teach them how to grow apples commercially themselves. You see, the Chinese couldn’t figure that one out themselves. Consequently Washington State growers lost that lucrative market.

And in that vein the CFR bureaucrats organized their amazing global trading system whose demise they now deplore. The opinion of the apple growers hasn’t been solicited.

This incredibly unfair, even criminal, approach to global trade is now dying a natural death. No, correct that, President Trump is blowing it apart. As Chinese intransigence hardens into a total refusal to give up their advantages conferred on them by the CFR, President Trump, who’d rather win than lose, is hardening the US approach. In the latest development he is apparently assuming an autocratic stance more consonant with global political trends and has or is about to order US corporations to abandon China and bring their manufacturing back to the US.

Such a ukase would be the worst thing that could happen to China that, after all, has built its prosperity by exploiting the people of the US and Europe.

Not only is a global trading system dying but the whole post-French Revolution democratic political system is dying. Democracy is dead as autocracy rises from the ruins of the pre-Soviet Revolution Czarist autocratic system. Today, change is now. Rather than resist the current, let’s go with the flow.

The End Of Democracy



The End Of Democracy


R.E. Prindle


The September/October issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council On Foreign Relations arrived in the mail. The cover told me the whole story of the contents. The cover displays two slogans: the first is ‘Autocracy Now’ and the second is ‘How A Global Trading System Dies.’

For this piece let us tackle the slogan: ‘Autocracy Now.’ The CFR notes the multiplying of autocrats. Xi, Putin, Duterte, Ergonon etc. It pictures five while omitting the head of the EU, an autocrat if there ever was one, and the Presidency of the US. Note I do not specify Trump. The autocracy of the United States began with Bush Sr. continuing through Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and now President Trump. Democracy is dead and has been since at least 9/11/01.

The majority of the US is opposed to everything that is being foisted on it by a Liberal minority opposed to the majority. A Liberal minority rules the majority regardless what the majority wants or, indeed, votes for. A compliant judiciary declares all majority votes unconstitutional. That’s autocracy friends. The majority is impotent, the minority rules. Any dissenting head is smashed down.

Currently in Hong Kong, Xi has ordered that any employee of the airport who participated in the revolution is to be fired. The White administrator has complied. Nor is this complacency limited toward the Chinese autocrat. In the US anyone, for decades now, of prominence refusing to tow the Liberal line has been fired on trumped up charges amounting to nothing. No on can get or keep a job unless he’s a simpering idiot like Anderson Cooper. It took a few decades to assimilate Faux News but it has been done just recently.

We are, in fact experiencing a sea change not only in Western Civilization but in global civilization. The apparent democracy established by the French Revolution has passed. It is no more. Democracy has died, the passing was signaled by 9/11/01 and HomeLand Security. Autonomy has reemerged as the governing force. The Russian Czars were just a few centuries ahead of their time.

The time of crisis is now hitting the US. President Trump aborted the establishment of the Liberal autocracy by unbelievably defeating its candidate, Hillary Clinton, who defrauded the Democratic popular candidate Bernie Sanders. She’s CFR, is it clear?

The exact point of the crisis in the US then, is the election of 2020. If the Left wins in the US, as it most assuredly will, the US will be placed under the iron heel of an incompetent Leftist boob, whoever that Democratic candidate may be. It therefore behooves President Trump to establish an official autocracy of the Right, suspend the election, or at least count the ballots as the Dems have been doing for decades to get the desired result. The results of the election can be announced beforehand to relieve the ‘suspense.’

Now, Xi is clearly is taking actions to destroy personal initiative in Chinese territories that are steadily expanding. Obama was doing the same in the US. It is to be believed then that all the autocrats save possibly Trump will act to suppress any freedom of thought or expression thus ensuring the collapse of civilization.

The time has come to steel ourselves to act in our own self-interest. If any fragment of civilization is to survive, let it be us. Act now or wear the yoke forever.

A Review: National Enquirer 3/28/17, Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump

A Review: National Enquirer 3/28/17

Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump


R.E. Prindle


The National Enquirer continues to mix in serious politics with sensational celebrity gossip. This issue tackles the problem of domestic spying. The bugging of President Trump is proving to be a sensitive issue for Obama and the Democrats. They did it; finding it has criminal implications, they are now in full denial.

While the enquirer advertises that they have proof that Obama wiretapped Trump’s phone that proof is less than unequivocal, that is you can’t squash Liberals with it but the argument of spying on the now President is nevertheless convincing.

The act of Obama’s domestic spying apparently runs counter to the Liberal self-image; they don’t want to believe Liberals would do such things. In fact, even the term Liberal is becoming malodorous in their nostrils. The ’true’ Liberal has to distance himself from Liberal violence, hence Liberal groups that violate that self-image are being marginalized from the Left. such as anarchists and the Black Bloc, and severed from the orthodox Left because ‘true’ Liberals don’t do those things. They just wear ‘pussy’ hats.

Likewise in the past Liberals have valued ‘privacy.’ Spying violates privacy so that Obama’s spying on candidate Trump can’t be true in their eyes and if it should be undeniably proven, Obama will be knocked off his pedestal leaving the Libs without a hero. Neither Hillary nor Sanders can take Barry’s place and there is no other possible candidate on the Left. So, the NE article is more significant than it might appear.

For those with good short and medium term memories it will be remembered that Obama stated unequivocally that Trump would never be president. It wasn’t clear at the time how he would prevent it but that the prevention would be by any means necessary. The very so-called debates were set up to embarrass, humiliate and destroy Trump. It would be tiresome to repeat the extreme media bashing of Trump while it you supported Trump it isn’t necessary and if you are an anti-Trump Liberal there is no way to overcome your denial.

Obama had to so nothing extraordinary to bug Trump, the apparatus was already in place and in daily use throughout the country. Here’s how William Binney, 30 year NSA veteran and whistle blower says the system works. He explained to the NE:

“When anyone in the US makes a call- with a cell or a land line- it gets merged into the fiber running underground all over the US. There are taps on the lines- about 100 of them across the country- at the major switching centers of the telephone companies, or the main points that route data from one fiber network into another.

The telecom companies maintain it for the NSA, and get paid for it.” said Binney. “Some guy goes down to the fiber and installs a prism-like device that duplicates the information flow- and one flow goes to wherever the call is supposed to conclude and the other goes directly to the NSA!

They can store a terabyte of information in a device the size of your thumb, and now imagine a facility with 100,000 square feet with nothing but 8-foot high racks of these storage facilities.

The Utah one is the biggest. The one in Fort Meade will be three times the size of that one.”

So, with or without legal authorization all of Trump’s communications were recorded and stored. It is a simple matter for technicians to retrieve this. When the President of the United States wants the intercepts on anybody, someone who is in the NSA will give them to him. Indeed, the NYT printed the fact that a transcript of such material was laid on Obama’s desk the day before Trump was sworn in. Of course, whether you believe that depends on your view of the Times credibility.

If this stuff is so easy to hack by third party technicians it would a cinch for a President to get what he wants. Has anyone heard of Johnathon Pollard? Thus, when Obama said that Trump would never be president of the United States he was relying on his ability to track Trump’s campaign, as it were, from the inside’ and be in a position to counter Trump’s moves before he made them.

With all the hatred felt toward Trump by the media and the political establishment, both Democrats and Republicans, I’m sure Obama could get all the cooperation he needed from wherever he sought it.

With that in mind let us compare the objections to Trump with the objections to the ‘greatest American president ever’ Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As to qualifications, it was said of FDR that he was a nice man who ardently wished to be president but had no other qualifications beyond that so FDR and Trump are equal. Once elected FDR and his ‘brains trust’ had no plan so they simply lifted that of his predecessor, Herbert Hoover. Hoover’s plan was well beyond their intelligence to put into effect so when they failed at that the great FDR said we’re just going to try one thing after another and experiment until we find something that works. That was FDR’s plan. President Trump at least has an agenda that he is fulfilling. So, based on a comparison between the ‘great’ FDR and Trump, President Trump is on course to beat out that great Liberal hero.

As I said, the NE did not offer conclusive evidence although in quoting sources like New York Times, anti-Trump venues which have offered conclusive proof, the truth should be difficult to deny.

What is evident to the naked eye as well as the NE’s statement is that the East Coast Establishment is “trying to control the President or even get another one. The things they want are money, control and power- and Trump is fighting them.”

Obama has set up an alternate government in his attempt to oust Trump since he was unsuccessful in preventing Trump’s assuming the office. Unable to prevent that he apparently is trying to deny the President the ability to govern in an attempt to have him impeached.   A nasty little twit, isn’t he?

The outcome of this brouhaha must be the vindication of President Trump: it is impossible that every attempt legal or illegal was not done to prevent Trump’s election. It is now necessary for Trump to take strong action. He must protect the Executive’s powers. That means disregarding the unsupported decisions of low level local judges who have no business interfering in the national government’s affairs.

That means exiling trouble makers like Obama and George Soros for the security of the country. Both Obama and Soros are responsible for the national unrest. He must act by any means necessary to put the ship of State on a safe course.

A Review: The National Enquirer 3/13/17

A Review: The National Enquirer


President Trump: The Secret Psych



R.E. Prindle


‘The only publication with the guts to tell it like it is,’ in the 3/13/17 issue published an article titled: Trump’s Shocking Psyche File. Deconstructing the hyperbole the National Enquirer story gives an accurate idea of the mind of the President.

Always bear in mind that governments prepare psychological profiles of prominent actors of other countries. You may be sure that the Russians have profiled Trump the President carefully noting how he reacts in various situations. Hopefully the President is aware of this and tries to out maneuver his profilers by not reacting as they expect. You may be sure that the US also has a psychological profile on Putin and leading members of his government.

More appropriately the article answers the long time criticisms describing the President’s mentality as unfit for the job. The article begins:

Natural born leader Donald Trump is a highly focused, driven and charismatic genius who thinks outside the box- almost too smart for his own good…. While critics have suggested America’s commander in chief has displayed “grave mental instability” mental health experts told the National Enquirer President Trump is more than capable of handling the rigors of the Oval Office.”

I’m sure the President has been waiting some time to hear something like that. Anent the claim that the President is an unbalanced narcissist a Beverly Hills psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman told the NE:

“President Trump has narcissistic personality traits”- but that’s not a bad thing. She explained: “In order to think yourself capable of holding the most important office in the world, one has to have some degree of narcissism,” which shrinks define as being self-centered, craving admiration and trumpeting personal talents.

According to the NE the Presidents IQ of 163 makes him the second smartest president following JQ Adams at 169.

Explaining the President’s handshake:

Gartner insisted Trump “takes a friendly gesture and makes it an opportunity to dominate another person,” while Lieberman analyzed the President’s handshake and concluded; “It consists of two movements. First, he draws the person to him, signaling that he wants to be closer. Secondly, he pats the hand, in a comforting gesture, to reassure them of his good will.”

That’s fine as far as it goes but his violent handshake with Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch might be interpreted as a threat as in ‘You better not let me down.’ I hope Gorsuch got it.

I don’t know what the psychiatric evaluators of Clinton, Bush and Obama revealed but I doubt if any of them appeared as or more qualified for the role than President Trump. Hopefully the NE article will set a new trend toward a more balanced positive approach to the President. He is doing what he said he would do.

If you remember he claimed that he would have China take a more active approach to controlling Korea’s Kim Sung On. You will notice that after Kim’s latest missile rattling trick the Chinese did step up tell him to cool it.

Whether the President phoned the Chinese or they just decided it might be an appropriate gesture I can’t say but they have never done it before, so once again the President is delivering on a campaign promise.

Step back and give him room to do his thing; you might be surprised and pleased. Remember his campaign song of the Rolling Stones: You can’t always get what you want; but if you try sometime you might find what you need.

Mick missed his chance.

The Roots Of Liberalism

The Roots Of Liberalism


R.E. Prindle


Modern American Liberalism has its origins in Jewish praxis. This praxis was charmingly described by Tablet Ezines editor and writer Liel Leibowitz. Tablet is one of the foremost Jewish sites on the internet. Liel appears to be a director. Liel recently attended a concert by Billy Joel. Liel hates the rock singer Joel and his detestation was brought home at a concert a friend persuaded him to attend. Liel expressed his feelings in an article for Tablet called: Billy Joel: The Donald Trump Of Pop Music.

Table Magazine that Liel edits is vehemently hateful of Trump so comparing Joel with the President plumbed a deep depth of antagonism. I quote:

‘From the very beginning,’ Alana Newhouse wrote recently in Tablet, ‘there was a tacit agreement made between this country [US] and its Jews: You, America, give us liberty and freedom from the extreme degradation and oppression we experienced everywhere else and in turn, we Jews, will gift you with our…Jewishness. With Jewish thinking and Jewish reflexes.

It must have been a very tacit agreement because this is the first I have heard it expressed. Of course, it does raise the question whether we ever agreed to accept this wonderful gift of Jewishness or whether it was tacit from the Jewish side only. Let me say misquoting an ancient Aryan: Beware of Jews bearing gifts.

While I can vision Liberty and Freedom and know firsthand their value, I find the gift of Jewishness rather vague. It seems to me Jewishness gives with one hand and takes it back with the other, and what it takes from us we, as Alana says, gave to them- that is Liberty and Freedom. The Jewish Thinking Alana touts seems to embrace the Jewish notion of anti-Semitism with Jewish reflexes. In other words, think and act like us or be punished for rebelling. We are your superiors in every way.

The Jews thus arrogate all virtues to themselves while their vices and faults are dumped on their scapegoats, the anti-Semites.

But as they were gifting this attitude to us it seems that the gift was most readily accepted by the Liberals while Conservatives in general reject it. This is epitomized in former president, now troublemaker, Obama. He and his Liberal devotees arrogated all virtue to themselves while depicting non Liberals as stupid ignorant people unable to see their light while being called several malodorous names as their category being too new to have developed an all embracing epithet such as anti-Semite.

From the Jews then, through the Liberals, this Jewish ‘thinking’ passed to such ‘virtuous’ groups as the Negroes, the Homosexuals, the Feminists, the Moslems and everyone else standing in line.

All these groups then depict themselves as virtuous and pass their more evil traits off onto what they call White, deplorable knuckledraggers.

Thus, the Jews Jewishness and Jewish Thinking has been embraced by several minorities making them a majority while the former White majority has been ostracized under several different epithets. In the Jews gifting us with their Jewishness they have turned the world upside down. I hope the Jews won’t be offended, although they have already labeled me an anti-Semite, if I say to their generous gift of Jewishness- No Thanks, I’ve got a gift of my own that my forefathers mistakenly gifted to you- Liberty and Freedom.   You see how you have misused it not being accustomed to it.


I’ve linked the review of the Billy Joel concert for any Joel fans, I’m not one, who may find it amusing.

Whammo! We’re Back To 1984 Pt. II

Whammo! We’re Back To 1984, Pt. II


R.E. Prindle


Just beneath Bret Stephens article in the WSJ 1/24/17 issue is William McGurn’s article America First Takes On A New Meaning. McGurn examines his thesis in a more coherent form than Bret.

Trump used the term America First and was condemned by Liberals as a bigot. I’m not sure that most Liberals even know what the ‘40s America First organization was all about. The prime thing that most people know is that Charles Lindbergh was accused as an anti-Semite who insulted the Jews. He didn’t do that but having mentioned the Jews in his Omaha speech he was immediately denounced as an anti-Semite and that denunciation destroyed America First.

The issue was should America involve itself in another European war? If that was a possibility, as it was, then who was for involvement? There was certainly no populist movement, quite the opposite. Lindbergh accurately identified the perps as the British, the Jews and Roosevelt. As the trio couldn’t deny it or debate the issue they just gaslighted Lindbergh warning everyone away from him. This is essentially Trump’s situation today but he isn’t Lindbergh.

Now, it was obvious at the time that Jews, England and Roosevelt were promoting US entry. Books were written about it, check out Walter Millis, I haven’t seen magazine articles of the time but they surely exist and Hollywood produced many anti-German movies in the years leading up to the war.

It was only when it became obvious that the US was being led into war that the America First movement came into existence. Nor was it created by anti-Semites or Deplorables or Nazi sympathizers but by old line Americans at Yale University. Lindbergh as the group’s spokesman only became involved after the group was well established.

McGurn, who has limited space for his column assumes, as one must, that people are familiar with America First so he picks highlights to illustrate his point. It seems that he believes America First was isolationist, the ordinary defamation used by Liberals, as he contrasts use of the term to demonstrate Trump’s isn’t, hence his title: America First ‘Takes On A New Meaning.’

In my opinion the ’40 Firsters were not isolationists either. Isolation was impossible then as now. It was just that the US had no dog in Europe’s fight. If the war was going to happen the US could not prevent it while there was no great threat to democracy or at least no greater threat than the Communists who were infiltrating the US government.

McGurn tells an interesting anecdote.


A few months earlier two prominent senators- Democrat Burton Wheeler of Montana and Republican Gerald Nye of North Dakota- spoke to an America First rally in a Mid-town Manhattan hall then known as Mecca Temple. The next day, the New York Times carried a statement from an opposing organization contrasting the crowd’s reaction to mentions of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin on the one hand with its reactions to Britain’s prime minister on the other: “It is interesting to note, too, that while there was no disapproval of the foreign dictators the audience of Mecca Temple booed extensively at the name of Winston Churchill.”


In point of fact Churchill who Hitler denounced as a war-monger knew that in a war with Germany England had no chance of winning. When asked how he expected to win the war Churchill replied: ‘I’ll get America to do it for us.’ Rather coldblooded don’t you think?

As for the Jews and FDR, the Jews in the person of their spokesman Samuel Untermyer declared war on Germany in 1933. Shortly thereafter Roosevelt began cooperating with them in their war by declaring an embargo and other measures. So, actually the US was in an undeclared war with Germany from 1934 on. By 1940, then, anyone who cared to see saw that Jews, England and Roosevelt were leading us into war on Germany.

In the characterization of Lindbergh as a German agent the Jews are solely responsible. As a precursor to Philip Roth’s recent The Plot Against America Hollywood made a movie in 1941, Keeper Of The Flame, portraying a character supposed to represent Lindbergh as an incipient Nazi dictator.

So the defamation of Lindbergh was a vicious criminal act.

In a way comparing apples to oranges McGurn contrasts Trump’s claim to put America First. That is, just as the WWII trio were putting English and Jewish interests first, involving the US in a matter that did not concern it, so the Post-war ’45 Liberal Agenda has placed the interests of others above those of the US. The US became the doormat of the world while supposedly the most powerful country on earth.

Trump intends to change that. Rather than accept an inferior position to other countries he intends to put US interests first. America First. We’ve given enough of our country away.

Liberal’s, who should know better after watching Obama sacrifice our interests fully misrepresent what Trump means. Thus having exhausted the Nazi/Hitler meme they are resurrecting the old saw of Orwell’s 1984.

Bankrupt politically, Liberals are now bankrupt morally.

Trump And The New Global Era

Trump And The New Global Era


R.E. Prindle


What the Liberals must learn to accept is that Obama is gone. He’s in the dead letter box. He and his policies have failed abysmally. In a changing world Obama refused to change living rather in a nineteenth century pre-Civil War slave mentality. He and his policies have been discarded brutally as Americans, having had enough, look to the future.

The Pea Brains of Obama are being replaced by people of vast global experience. These people are so capable, so forward thinking that they loosen the bowels of the Pea Brains sending them howling to their ‘Safe Spaces’ for shelter from the storm.

Case in point is Trump’s choice of Exxon president Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. In contrast to the silly Hillary Clinton Tillerson is used to thinking and dealing on a global scale. He commands one of the largest enterprises in the known world. Therefore he is capable of major enterprises with invaluable experience in dealing with all kinds of governments first hand, mano a mano. Who wouldn’t want him? Who wouldn’t applaud his appointment?

Yet, the Pea Brains are fearful that he might offend somebody. Did it ever occur to the Pea Brains that he would win their respect, that he might already have it? No. The Pea Brains are cowering in what they call ‘Safe Spaces.’ Well, Pea Brains, not everyone is as chicken as you; a majority know that in the global competitive hurly burly you have to stand up and deal with problems, solve them and not cower in ‘Safe Spaces.’

One can only applaud Trump for having the courage to appoint people who can get the job done. Skin color and sex do not enter into his decisions. Unlike Obama who was elected on the basis of skin color and who chose his appointees based solely on their skin color, Trump goes for the best and most capable for the job they are to do.

Hence Rex Tillerson, a proven performer. It is objected that Tillerson has cooperated with Putin. Well, why shouldn’t he, the oil business is global and not local. The future is not going to be based solely on bombing power but an economic power hence all these so-called trade organizations entered into on a disadvantageous basis by Trump’s predecessors.

They have weakened our sovereignty that Trump with the help of men and women of proven capabilities such as Tillerson’s is going to restore.

If you don’t want the US to be a global leader than go cower in basement safe spaces. You are not needed; you will be safe there and out of the way of the doers.

Trump’s New Era: Look Out There’s A Monster Coming



Trump’s New Era:

Look Out, There’s A Monster Coming


R.E. Prindle


The election is over. It has Taken President-elect Trump but little time to signal that his coming is a New Era. The hot house incestuous Left took even less time to throw a hissy fit, rioting in the streets while physically abusing Trump voters as they shouted about how democratic they are.

The media reacted to the Trump peril in their typical way bemoaning the fact that the Left’s era was over, at least temporarily. After distorting Trump’s proposed policies to nonsense pre-election the media isn’t now prepared to deal with the fact that Trump is actually putting those policies into effect now.

The ever obtuse editor of the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens, either pretends not to understand or is too thick to understand what Trump means by putting US interests first. Mr. Stephens asked what I presume is the rhetorical question: [WSJ 11/11/16] “What real American, after all, wouldn’t put “American first” in his political priorities?”   Mr. Stephens is apparently ignorant that our outgoing president, Barack Obama, put every country’s interests before the US. Not being overly familiar with US history Mr. Stephens is also unaware that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who one might describe as a ‘real American’, put British and Jewish interests first before ours by driving us into the most destructive war in the history of the world. Obviously you don’t have to be a ‘Domestic Terrorist’ knuckledragger to subordinate US interests to others, you can be a ‘real American.’

Therefore Mr. Stephens is hysterically vocal in his opposition to Trump’s appointment as counsel of Stephen Bannon. Mr. Stephens snidely says quote: “Mr. Bannon also says his “America first” which- see if you can spot the difference- either is or isn’t “America First.”

In my opinion there is no difference, small f or capital F. The idea is that we not look to others’ interests in preference to our own as Obama and FDR did. A crime in Mr. Stephens’ eyes. Mr. Stephens apparently applauds that China and Mexico are being made rich at the expense of the US working stiff.

As incestuous as the Left is Mr. Stephens then not so closely associates one he detests with one he hates. He says:

As my colleague Bari Weiss pointed out in a recent article in Tablet, the foremost figure in today’s alt-right, Richard Spencer, dreams of “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans. It would be a new society based on very different ideals than, say, the Declaration of Independence.” [Mr. Stephens gives no indication of where he obtained the quote. Sloppy journalism WSJ.]

Mr. Spencer’s vision may not be Mr. Bannon’s. But the new found political power of the latter will inevitably open channels for the former.

That’s an interesting quote. For those not aware Tablet Ezine is a rabid anti-Trump orthodox Jewish site that promotes the ethno-State of Israel that has very different ideals than, say, The Declaration of Independence. So Mr. Stephens isn’t against ethno-States in principle he merely opposes a European ethno-State. Such bigotry on the page of the WSJ!!!!

He ends his quote with the paranoid fear that Mr. Bannon is ‘inevitably opening channels’ for a European ethno-State. G-d forbid. Watch out! There’s an anti-Semite coming. Or even more fearsome creatures, the Godzilla of them all:

In “The Second Coming” Yeats asked, “What rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?” The answer may yet turn out to be the likes of Steve Bannon and his ugly little litter of neo-nationalists.

Look again Mr. Stephens, re-read Poe’s The System Of Dr. Tarr And Professor Fether. Those aren’t monsters coming Mr. Stephens, those are the asylum keepers escaped to put the hot house loonies back in their bins. Worse luck still, hey?

You Can’t Always Get What You Want



You Can’t Always Get What You Want,

(But if you try sometimes, you might

Find what you need.)


A Crude Sort Of Nationalist


Oh, yes. The results of the election took the Left by surprise. It didn’t take the Right by surprise. I knew from day one that Trump would win and never wavered. Back then around day one when the race began I was what Obama, taking the high road, called a ‘Domestic Terrorist’. Just today I learned that according to High Road Barry I’m ‘a crude sort of Nationalist.’ Keep an eye on me, I like the attention. Personally, I’m not so sure I’m one or the other. In my vanity I would consider myself a clear sighted globalist. But then, what do I know.

When I say globalist I don’t mean in the narrow, constricted, constipated sense that High Road uses; I mean in the expansive way that realizes that it doesn’t mean surrendering the country to fatuous trade organizations; I mean it in the sense that low cost producers are corrected from taking advantage of- I almost said exploiting- more advanced economies with higher wage and benefit structures. Note that word benefits. The low cost producers don’t provide their workers with any, a terrific advantage. Those benefits are what make it so easy for citizens of low cost or no cost countries to migrate to where the bennies are.

So, like Trump, I believe in tariffs that balance out the production costs. Probably what the High Road means by being a crude sort of Nationalist. Well, if High Road is actually leaving I say God Speed at exit levels and have a nice journey and take your wife with you. God, I’m tired of the sorority gal image. I liked her better in the pictures of the high life girl visiting Spain. Those jungle prints were revealing. Then she came back to the US and got into her sorority drag again. Queen of the hop. Boppity bop be bop.

Which brings us to that other vile defamation going around- misogynist. God, what a negative sexist term. What does it mean in the mouths of Liberals- a man who won’t bow and scrape before the eternal feminine? Talk about being afraid of ‘strong’ women, those crazy feminists are afraid of strong men. Masculinity is at a premium these days and why? I don’t apologize for it. Walk like a man my son. Trump beats that femmy High Road and somehow he managed to snare a snappy wife, then another and then yet another. That man knows women. Obama? Well, there are those persistent rumors.

Then our friend over at the Wall Street Journal, Peg Noonan, is all a-tremble at the Trump triumph. She apparently thinks something startling is going to happen; it isn’t. Oh, there will be a shift in attitude, that will be beneficial, a slight move to the Right, but after being a New York Liberal for seventy years I don’t expect anything major from Trump, no 8.1 on the Richter scale.

I hope that Trump honors his Chinese and immigration stances but we will have to see. He’s already said the sexist crap is settled law so the tranny population should sky rocket; our kindergartners will continue to be trained to perverted sexual practices. That ought to solve the late term abortion problem. No conception, no problem.

I could easily go on a ramble, but I’m going to call it here. If High Road is really going to check out I’d like to give him a heartfelt so long, it’s been good to know you.   Let me recommend a good parallel universe.

But then, I remember he categorically said that Donald Trump will never serve as President of the United States. What’s the trick?

Donald Trump Before Gettysburg



Donald Trump Before Gettysburg


R.E. Prindle

Hello Stranger, how do you do.

I’ve got something to say to you.

You seem surprised I recognize

I’m no detective, I just surmise

That you’re from Dixie, I say from Dixie,

Well, I’m from Dixie too.

–Jack Yellen


I’m surprised that no one recognizes what a brilliant political strategist Donald Trump is. The way he organized his campaign was pure genius, daring of a very high order. From the start he discarded the entire New England, New York and the Pacific States that he knew were out of reach. They included the two largest States, California and New York, with 90 electoral votes between them. All conventional pols said you had to be able to take them.

He knew he couldn’t win the cities anywhere or college towns and if he didn’t lose all of them there were few missed. In Texas, for instance, he lost all the large cities save Forth Worth, where the West begins, yet he won Texas and the other States. While most people consider his campaign as seat of the pants he must have done serious population studies to know the more rural counties could override the cities. In Missouri he lost KC and St. Louis County and City, the university town of Columbia and swept the rest of the State and won.

He followed the strategy of securing the solid South which he managed to do with the exception of Virginia where he was over powered by the cities. Building on that base and being secure in the heartland he then went after the rust belt, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.

The linchpin of his campaign was the State of Pennsylvania. His plan would fail without that State. It was tricky because the major city Philadelphia, a Negro city, was a stronghold of the Democratic coalition, it didn’t fail them. Also Pittsburg, the second city, went Democratic so Trump had to win and win big in every other county and he did. It was hair raising. Philly posted first and it looked like a lopsided victory for the Dems.

I saw his strategy and prayed his calculations weren’t too far off. So like Lee before Gettysburg Trump was charging uphill seemingly impregnable numbers. If he failed as Lee did than the war was over and the Dixie Empire would be a mere mirage. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Pennsylvania crumble and those twenty votes were his.

Ohio had fallen earlier and as the remainder of his strategy was going his way, pink on the board, it was a matter of praying that the last elements fell into place. When they did as Wisconsin fell. Neither Caesar nor Napoleon could have conducted any more brilliant or breath taking campaign.

As I say, the whole election was gorgeous. Trump played into their prejudices to disarm the pols, who fell all over themselves laughing; then while they weren’t watching he sprang the trap. Trump didn’t break any rules, if anything he made them.

I’m sure that he will do the same as president. Only the sick or paranoid need worry. Obama can go fishing in his Canadian home. The country is in good hands. Trump does not like to lose.