Everyone Knows The Truth About Politics



Everyone Knows The Truth About Politics


R.E. Prindle

Peggy Noonan

Peg Noonan bloviates her way through another weekend article in the 9/14-15/19 issue of the Wall Street Journal. Don’t get me wrong, believe me I don’t mean bloviate in its negative sense but, since it doesn’t have a positive sense, I mean in a more neutral sense—she’s just talking and I like a good talker. Peg is the best.

I nearly fell off my chair when in her first paragraph she mentions James Burnham. That’s going back quite aways to an obscure figure. Of course her photo is probably touched up but she doesn’t look old enough to know James Burnham except from his books and history. If you catch my good side, which is a toss up, in a photo I look younger than Peg.

Burnham was your usual Commie who turned whatever post-WWII when the 1917 generation felt that Stalinism failed them, which is to say his crimes could no longer be concealed, so they chose a different boring from within strategy and called themselves born again conservatives. Burnham, Peg says, was a founder of the magazine National Review. Good title, it sounds definitely right-wing. It took me about two issues in the Sixties when I launched into what has passed for an adult life to realize that the Review was a magazine run by born-again Reds. Christ, Whittaker Chambers said he ‘abandoned’ Communism and immediately became a senior editor of Time Magazine, a so-called conservative rag. Time and Newsweek both were suspect outfits. Newsweek marketed a book because it weighed five pounds. I still have my copy. Still weighs five pounds.   I have since moved higher and recently bought a twenty pounder. I’m heavy into self-improvement.

Anyway, Burnham wrote books. Just before 9/11, to leap ahead a moment, it was announced that 2.3 trillion dollars couldn’t be accounted for, just disappeared. Went away. Can anyone really wrap their mind around 2.3 trillion. Incomprehensible. Without asking yourself how much 2.3 trillion dollars weighs which can be represented in comprehensible numbers, do you how much 2.3 trillion dollars is? Nobody does. Incomprehensible.

What this has to do with Burnham? Along about 1951 an atom bomb disappeared from the stockpile. Do you know how big an atom bomb was, how much it weighed? One can’t even consider it in relation to Newsweek’s five pound book. But that’s not the important part. Burnham though he knew where it was, in a general sense. It was in the basement of a house in the South Side of Chicago—in the Black Belt, Chicago. Yowsuh, Negroland. How do you get a bomb that big into the basement of a house in the Black Belt. Obviously you disguise it as a five thousand pound book going by at five miles an hour on a flatbed. What and how else? It must have easier to build the Great Pyramid.

So, here’s Peg, quoting this guy Burnham who sagely said: If there’s no alternative there is no problem. OK, I can dig that. I used to be a beatnik a few decades back and we could talk like that all day long. Once you get the swing of it it’s easy. Viz. ‘the greatest minds of their generation’ Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsburg and geniuses of that stamp.

So, having made her point Peg goes off on a blizzard of ‘everyone knowses’.  Everyone knows the Democratic candidates are dildoes. But everyone knows that Pres. Trump is a nutcake so I suppose that means dildoes to the left of me, nutcakes to the right, Sane people in the middle. There is no alternative so there is no problem to follow Burnham and Peg’s logic.

As much as I like Peg’s stuff, she could develop a more subtle understanding. Trump is the alternative and Democrats find that a problem. Everybody knows that, and, she says everyone knows Trump makes a fool of himself with his tweets as though that were an unforgiveable sin. She doesn’t ask why Trump turned to making tweet storms with winds up to 180 miles per hours. I can answer that question. Because from the moment he announced his candidacy the United Media of America made the greatest noise of denunciation America has ever heard. Even H.L. Mencken who was always prepared for the worst in politics would have been stunned into breathlessness.

How else was Trump to breach this wall of vitriol? Every reasonable remark he made was turned into something ridiculous by the media. As President of the United States he was openly mocked by ignorant TV commentators during interviews. No, Lemon, no, put your hand down, you’ve got your own forum. Trump’s only way to make a point as everyone knows was to tweet it out. And then Twitter intimated it was going to ban him for, get this, hate speech. Nevertheless his tweeting has worked and breached the offensive of the media.

So my point is that until Left and Right acknowledge how unfairly the President has been treated I have to dismiss every single criticism of the Pres. as mere bigotry.

Peg writes: By my observation something is going on with Trump supporters. They now concede much more about him in private than they did in the past.

In other words Peg is insulting Trump’s supporters as total nutcakes who now realize Trump is dropping below even their nuttiness. Nonsense, we Trump supporters have always served as apologists for his seeming faux pas and gaffes. Now they’re beginning to make sense. Everyone knows….

There is no middle Peg and if there were they would have the alternative of voting for delusional Leftists or intelligent Rightists. In the same issue of the WSJ containing your ruminations Peg the Journal records that China has just blinked in Trump’s ‘crazy’ trade war. They are removing the ‘punitive’ tariffs on food stuffs- that is principally pork and soybeans. Why? Not as a concession to encourage Trump but because they can’t feed their people. They need us more than we need them.

Trump wins if he knows how to weaponize food and doesn’t get into any Democratic sentimental maunderings. You see, it is easy to win trade wars when you can starve the other guy out. Everybody knows that and I believe the Pres. does too. Just takes a little time but then that is what negotiations do, isn’t it? You may learn Peg, that the Pres. isn’t nutty, just crazy like a fox.

Humor In The News



Humor In The News


R.E. Prindle


This is the funniest news paragraph I’ve read in a very long time. From The WSJ 9/14/19 headline: China Waives Tariffs On U.S. Farm Goods.

China will exempt purchases on U.S. soybeans, pork and other agricultural products from punitive tariffs, in a move that appears aimed at addressing one of President Trump’s demands during the protracted trade war.

Oops. China can’t feed itself. They require US soybeans, pork and other essentials that they can’t provide for themselves. Oops. They think they’re doing the US a favor by removing ‘punitive’ tariffs. Not at all. What they are doing is demanding that the US provide them with food essentials. Begging even. How hilarious this is.

What President Trump should say is that no, no, if you want us to feed you then you must provide us with an incentive and that is this and this and this and this. Then, no problem, we are shaking hands. The very idea that the Chinese are caving to US demands! How can I or anyone else stop laughing. Concede or starve China. What about those other sources from whom you were going to buy? Well, what about them?

And my message to leeching US farmers is this. The Pres. Has put you in the driver’s seat. You can expect no more problems from the Chinese. Now that you can recoup every dime you temporarily lost from China you can repay the American people every goddamn billion you extorted from us in your anguish. Give that money back. We need it. You have been compensated and how.

Support Our President



Support Our President


R.E. Prindle


Personal status is a very important matter when heads of State have conferences such as a G20 or the current G7.

Status has to do first off with the strength of the country. The momentum currently is with China and the US is slipping to second, no longer first. The US should automatically sit at the head of the table because all other countries of any consequence, even China, are sucking off us in one way or another. They have all been tremendous beneficiaries of the United State for over a hundred years now.

We are the big consumer that have kept and keep their economies running. All other countries have favorable trade balances with us to our loss. That the means the US if giving more than it is getting as the Pres. so accurately maintains.

When the heads of State gather, such as at this G7 the men and women themselves are not equals. The most talented and skillful will assume a dominant position. There is a battle for preeminence. The leaders’ role in their own countries may be compared to the quarterback of a football team. As capable as he may be he has little or no power unless the rest of the team perform their roles. It therefore follows that for maximum effect the leader’s country should be offering him its full support. This isn’t hard to understand.

If a country is cutting the legs off its leader he cannot be fully effective while his people are cutting their own throats, mine and yours are included.

President Trump is therefore undermined when a significant portion of his country are cheering for his harassment as loudly as they can. These people are traitors and fools. This affects myself and yourself and everyone else. Whether one agrees with the President or not the Pres. is correct in the trade contest with China. Europe- England, France, Germany etc. are wrong.

But, as the Pres. is being diminished by traitors his ability to be the preeminent leader of the G7 is being sabotaged. Thus he may be shoved down the table below such useless trash as Macrone and Merkel. If these countries, any country, in Europe think of themselves as viable they are mistaken. They are already dependents of China. Their only hope is to unite with the US or Russia, both preferably, to maintain any semblance of independence or sovereignty at all.

The Pres. needs maximum support at home for maximum performance at the G7. For those who understand, shout louder than the detractors. Give the impression that the traitors are insignificant. Have open contempt for them.

Be indignant of these European losers trying to lessen the Pres. preeminence as in Macrone’s unilateral invitation to the Iranian representative to attend and his snubbing of the Pres. These proceedings are not jokes. Our future is being determined by them. Everything we have sacrificed for Europe over the last more than a century now is forgotten by our European ‘friends.’

Liberals stand down.

A High Wind In Jamaica



A High Wind In Jamaica


R.E. Prindle


The New York Times has given front page space to the most amazing non-story every seen on the propaganda sheet, pardon me, putative newspaper. They title this piece, it reads more like a movie idea or scenario than not: 1 Pistol, 9 Killings: An Epidemic Overseas, Spread by U.S. Guns. Takes place in Jamaica.

Jamaica! The most violent place in the world, tops Chicago by a mile. Jamaica was the first visit of my wife and I outside the US. Our travels began there. One of the most horrific experiences of my life. I thoughr sure we were going to be murdered or worse a half dozen times. Kingston, Jamaica, oh, and Montego Bay. Christ almighty. There was more violence and crime in an hour than any place in the universe. One guy riding double on a motor scooter—a motor scooter—shot an extremely steatopygic fat women in the right cheek of her ass and rode away screaming laughter. I saw this.

I will say one thing in Jamaica’s defense- their newspaper was a hell of a lot better and more honest in its reporting than the NYT.

But, to the point. Once I see a byline by Azam Ahmed I know that this loyal American, (he was born in the USA.) is going to bash the country he loves so much.

Here’s the first three or four paragraphs. Commentary later.

CLARANDEN, Jamaica—She came to Jamaica from the United States about four years ago, sneaking in illegally, stowed away to avoid detection. Within a few short years (is a few, the same as four), she became one of the nation’s most-wanted assassins. She preyed on the parish of Clarendon, carrying out nine confirmed kills, including a double homicide outside a bar, the killing of a father at a wake and the murder of a single mother (single MOM would have been more heart rending) of three. Her violence was indiscriminate. She shot and nearly killed a 14 year-old girl getting ready for church. (On the street?)

With few clues to identify her, the police named her Briana. They knew only her country of origin—the United States—where she had been virtually untraceable since 1991. She was a phantom, The eighth-most-wanted killer on an island with no shortage of murder, suffering one of the highest homicide rates in the world. And she was only one of thousands. (One of thousands? That’s a lot of murder. However she was from the US making her special.)

Briana, serial number 245PN70462, was a 9-millimeter Browning handgun.

An outbreak of violence is afflicting Jamaica, born of small-time gangs, warring criminals and neighborhood feuds that go back generations—hand-me-down hatred fueled by pride. This year, the government called a state of emergency to stop the bloodshed in national hot spots, sending the military into the streets.

Jamaica has always been in a state of emergency . I and my wife were in a state of emergency, eager to get out. Kingston-my god! I would suggest that Azam get a new role model for his fiction as there wasn’t one verifiable fact in the story above. There is a good movie in there though. Or perhaps it’s already bee made- Jimmy Cliff in The Harder They Come. Now, there was the real Jamaica.

This piece is all fiction and it can be developed for the movies. For instance, Briana perhaps arrives from the US by ship but when she disappeared in 1991- virtually disappeared that is, it was from Jamaica where she had been raped and gangbanged. Fleeing to Mexico she entered the US from Brownsville, illegally, so actually as native Jamaican she wasn’t entering Jamaica illegally as Azam reports. Of course we’re dealing with virtual facts here so we can make it up as we go along. Once back in Jamaica with her American made 9mm Browning, she had apparently never heard of a Glock, she began tracking down the gang bangers who hurt her sore in mind and body.

Now, these gangbangers, and indeed, all Jamaicans had been reared on American records, movies and violent video games. Without these three items and the Browning, Jamaica would have been a sunny happy go lucky place. All singing and dancing as they say in Hollywood. Zippity do dah if you know what I mean.

The Times should change their motto to ‘All The Propaganda We Can Create.’ When you create news is that the same as faux. Anyway, just in case this movie idea is acted on by Tarantino, I get half or you’ve got real trouble buddy. Where’s Matt Damon?

Are America And China Trading Friends Or Enemies?



Are America And China

Trading Friends Or Enemies?


R.E. Prindle


We’ve got a new flap concerning old grievances. The Sunday (7/25/19) New York Times, our arbiter on which news is fit to print and which isn’t, has published a front page article condemning Pres. Trump’s recent tweet encouraging US companies to move back to the US. The Times is outraged that anyone would consider China an enemy, that is pursuing purely Chinese goals at everyone else’s expense. In some circles such self-centeredness would be considered aggression but not the NYT.

For decades now Americans have been complaining about the lack of transparency in governmental decisions. Heck, Obama even ran as a transparent candidate but then reneged immediately on election. We have it now. Pres. Trump is so transparent that he tweets his goals and objectives on a daily basis in the what the NYT derogatively designates as ‘tweet storms.’

I guess there’s transparency and then there’s transparency. There’s a good transparency and a bad transparency. We’ve never seen the former and now that we have the latter we’ll have to accept that as a step forward.

At any rate, what is clear to everyone not a Liberal is that China has been taking advantage of America’s good will for decades and the Pres. wants to stop it. Hence, he has ‘ordered’ US companies to begin laying the foundations for a return to America’s ‘welcoming shores.’

The NYT disagrees with this affirmative action as it is so wedded to the China First policies of the last seventy years. It would be too costly and impossible for such a return to take place, they say. They point out the Chinese plants would have to be abandoned and that would be an outrageous financial burden. (It would also be the first time they considered the welfare of businesses.) One tires of pointing out the contradictions of Liberal thought but one must ask why abandoning vast US factories to establish themselves in China was not an intolerable financial burden on companies? Why are these millions of vacated acres and rusting plants in the US not a symbol of something? One also has to ask what dog does the NYT have in this matter? We all know that Mexican money is propping up the NYT propaganda factory; how much are they getting from China?

The Pres. does have the authority, if for nothing else, to encourage the companies to re-establish in the US. In any event building the infra structure would take some time, longer or shorter depending on the industry, reestablishing pipelines etc.

But that fabulous propaganda machine, the NYT, that can’t do advocate, says it can’t be done. Transferring businesses only works from West to East but the earth’s rotation, apparently, precludes East to West.

One is reminded of that old saw of Louis XIV or Jack Kennedy, take your choice, about planting the tree that takes a hundred years to mature. To overrule the gardener, one the other or both are said to have excitedly ejaculated: My goodness, get it in the ground right away we have no time to lose.

Same situation here. Get moving.

How A Global Trading System Dies



How A Global Trading System Dies


R.E. Prindle


My title is one of the two slogans on the cover of the September/October issue of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine. As it is the CFR that can only mean the Council is lamenting the termination of the Chinese uncontested domination of manufacturing and distribution in both Europe and North America.

Of course nothing is more natural or desirable than change. During the Obama administration when the whole of American mores were forcefully being changed change was good. Now that President Trump is reorganizing the CFR trading system out of favoring China change is lamentable. The unfair Chinese system was thought perfect by the CFR.

Strangely, in reading the articles in Foreign Affairs there seems to be a cognitive disconnect about what happened. The Chinese did not originate the Chinese Trading System to which the CFR alludes, the US did. The Chinese didn’t have an inkling of an idea of establishing a global trading system. The country was quite insular and seemingly content to stay that way.

Then in 1971 Nixon and Kissinger traveled to China, groveling before Mao in his nighties and changed the successful old system of Chinese containment releasing the genie from the bottle.

Then Americans, always ready to sell their birthright for a mess of pottage, saw that the Chinese would work hard for virtually nothing so they took their expertise and exported it to China free of any charges to show them how to make gidgets and gadgets for simple minded Americans and so to be able to eventually conquer the world without munitions or armies of any sort but by simply manufacturing gidgets and gadgets.

Not being complete idiots the Chinese studied American history during the nineteenth century and learn that by merely using intellectual properties without paying for them was a royal road to riches and by excluding competition from American goods and restricting outside investments to exclude the very corporation who were exploiting cheap Chinese labor, stealing trade and manufacturing secrets that all the apples on the tree would fall in China.

Speaking of apples, here is an example of the peculiar trading system the CFR so adores. At one time Washington State was shipping whole crops of apples to China and prospering mightily. The bureaucrats in DC, mostly CFR members considerately thought this matter over and, apparently thinking it unfair that American growers should be prospering they ordered the Washington State growers to go to China and teach them how to grow apples commercially themselves. You see, the Chinese couldn’t figure that one out themselves. Consequently Washington State growers lost that lucrative market.

And in that vein the CFR bureaucrats organized their amazing global trading system whose demise they now deplore. The opinion of the apple growers hasn’t been solicited.

This incredibly unfair, even criminal, approach to global trade is now dying a natural death. No, correct that, President Trump is blowing it apart. As Chinese intransigence hardens into a total refusal to give up their advantages conferred on them by the CFR, President Trump, who’d rather win than lose, is hardening the US approach. In the latest development he is apparently assuming an autocratic stance more consonant with global political trends and has or is about to order US corporations to abandon China and bring their manufacturing back to the US.

Such a ukase would be the worst thing that could happen to China that, after all, has built its prosperity by exploiting the people of the US and Europe.

Not only is a global trading system dying but the whole post-French Revolution democratic political system is dying. Democracy is dead as autocracy rises from the ruins of the pre-Soviet Revolution Czarist autocratic system. Today, change is now. Rather than resist the current, let’s go with the flow.

The End Of Democracy



The End Of Democracy


R.E. Prindle


The September/October issue of Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council On Foreign Relations arrived in the mail. The cover told me the whole story of the contents. The cover displays two slogans: the first is ‘Autocracy Now’ and the second is ‘How A Global Trading System Dies.’

For this piece let us tackle the slogan: ‘Autocracy Now.’ The CFR notes the multiplying of autocrats. Xi, Putin, Duterte, Ergonon etc. It pictures five while omitting the head of the EU, an autocrat if there ever was one, and the Presidency of the US. Note I do not specify Trump. The autocracy of the United States began with Bush Sr. continuing through Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and now President Trump. Democracy is dead and has been since at least 9/11/01.

The majority of the US is opposed to everything that is being foisted on it by a Liberal minority opposed to the majority. A Liberal minority rules the majority regardless what the majority wants or, indeed, votes for. A compliant judiciary declares all majority votes unconstitutional. That’s autocracy friends. The majority is impotent, the minority rules. Any dissenting head is smashed down.

Currently in Hong Kong, Xi has ordered that any employee of the airport who participated in the revolution is to be fired. The White administrator has complied. Nor is this complacency limited toward the Chinese autocrat. In the US anyone, for decades now, of prominence refusing to tow the Liberal line has been fired on trumped up charges amounting to nothing. No on can get or keep a job unless he’s a simpering idiot like Anderson Cooper. It took a few decades to assimilate Faux News but it has been done just recently.

We are, in fact experiencing a sea change not only in Western Civilization but in global civilization. The apparent democracy established by the French Revolution has passed. It is no more. Democracy has died, the passing was signaled by 9/11/01 and HomeLand Security. Autonomy has reemerged as the governing force. The Russian Czars were just a few centuries ahead of their time.

The time of crisis is now hitting the US. President Trump aborted the establishment of the Liberal autocracy by unbelievably defeating its candidate, Hillary Clinton, who defrauded the Democratic popular candidate Bernie Sanders. She’s CFR, is it clear?

The exact point of the crisis in the US then, is the election of 2020. If the Left wins in the US, as it most assuredly will, the US will be placed under the iron heel of an incompetent Leftist boob, whoever that Democratic candidate may be. It therefore behooves President Trump to establish an official autocracy of the Right, suspend the election, or at least count the ballots as the Dems have been doing for decades to get the desired result. The results of the election can be announced beforehand to relieve the ‘suspense.’

Now, Xi is clearly is taking actions to destroy personal initiative in Chinese territories that are steadily expanding. Obama was doing the same in the US. It is to be believed then that all the autocrats save possibly Trump will act to suppress any freedom of thought or expression thus ensuring the collapse of civilization.

The time has come to steel ourselves to act in our own self-interest. If any fragment of civilization is to survive, let it be us. Act now or wear the yoke forever.

On Epstein: Off The Top Of My Head



On Epstein: Off The Top Of My Head


R.E. Prindle


As far as the Epstein thing goes it may be deeper than we think. It may go backward at least to the early Sixties and encompass the US, Europe, England and Africa, not to mention the Middle East as Epstein is or was Jewish.

I came across a title, The Lost Boys of Bird Island. The island is off the coast of Africa. The book was written in the nineteen eighties. It involves a pedophile location. Epstein may have been active beginning around that time. One has to assume, one knows, that these sexual antics go further back than the eighties. A convenient starting point might be the Profumo Affair in England in 1962. It was said or hinted that the affair spread to the Kennedy Admin.

Following that was the Lord Boothby-Ronnie Kray affair that involved boys and girls from orphanages, and the torture and murder of them. Thus, the eighties were only twelve years away. When the Krays were put down Boothby and his pervert circle continued on. That too surfaced again a few years back and was quickly suppressed.

So, we have a ring of pedophiles of international dimensions, spreading from South Africa across Europe and England to Mexico, the US and Canada. A snide cartoon was posted on facebook that had Queen Elizabeth giving the wink about Epstein’s death. I can’t believe Queen Elizabeth would have been involved in the pedophile ring but as her son Prince Andrew is definitely connected anything may be possible to protect the family.

Now, as to Trump. We are told that nothing has been found involving him and this is probably true. Obviously we have an in group here requiring admission. Trump was not a member of the in group, he himself called himself an outsider, so he never has been one and never will be. They absolutely detest him and always have. At best he has been tolerated. However, although never having been included he is in full possession of the facts.

This knowledge may have been a weapon he used to protect himself from the furious assaults made on him during the debates. In one of the debates he made a threat to Hillary that made her pull in her horns. The threat may have involved Epstein and the pedophile ring.

At any rate Trump may be behind the Epstein exposure as has been hinted. The Dems have made a big noise that Trump has withstood rather quietly for going on three years now. The Dems have shot their wad and have come up empty handed. Trump may have saved this scandal for election time and now he is humiliating the Dems and showing them up a sexual perverts.

For that reason the Dems may have staged the two massive shootings in El Paso and Dayton hoping to divert attention from Epstein as has been hinted. Trump came back to Epstein’s exposure forcing him into court and confession time. It would seem clear that it was time for Epstein to go before his Maker and confess his sins. Very little would get back to Earth.

Interesting to say the least.

The Total End Of MSM Credibility



The Total End

Of MSM Credibility


R.E. Prindle


Not only has Faux News been hi-jacked by Leftist commandoes, it appears that the Wall Street Journal has too. In the weekend (7/10-11/19) issue the paper has devoted a full two page article by one Clint Watts to ‘Our New Terrorism Problem’ followed by ‘lethal white supremacist attack.’

While we might think that Clint Watts is just another Leftist loony he has somehow acquired impressive sounding creds. Get this:

Mr. Watts is distinguished research fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and the author of “Messing With The Enemy: Surviving in a Social Media World of Hackers, Terrorists, Russians and Fake News,” [Stop that laughing this is serious business.] published by Harper (which like the Wall Street Journal is owned by News Corp.). He is a former FBI special agent and a former executive officer of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.

I’m always suspicious of ‘distinguished fellows. Bomber Billy Ayers of the Weathermen was a ‘distinguished professor’ at UIIlinois. And note News Corp own the WSJ and Harpers while publishing Watt’s book.

In fact the formula for responding to ‘America’s white supremacist terrorists emergency’ is quite clear- because of our hard won experience in fighting jihadists from Al Qaeda and its spawn, Islamic State we must swiftly and carefully apply the best practices of the two decades since 9/11/2001 to counter this decade’s domestic terrorist threat by passing new laws, increasing resources and enhancing investigators capabilities.

What sort of hot house steam room is this guy and his fellows living in? There is no White Supremacist threat. In a country filled with revolutionary Moslems, Mexican revanchists, Chinese expansionists and what have you this noodlehead thinks that a non-existent White Supremacist organization is a major threat that pushes all other concerns aside and needs more legal erosion of our rights, spending more vast sums of money and heavier surveillance of no one knows whom while foreign terrorists are given a free hand, free from any suspicion, and their anti-American operations funded by the US government. Politicians tremble in fear of being called racist by their enemies so they wage war against Americans. Is anyone paying attention to this nonsense?

Watts has a seriously compromised intelligence. Has he heard of the Democrats’ suicide contingent and its large and well funded and armed paramilitary outfit called antifa for which the police authorities are not to interfere in their criminal activities – that they are to stand down and watch antifa destroy property and brutalize people? They say interfering will only make the problem worse?

And the Wall Street Journal has the audacity to endorse and publish Watts’ bushwa? Good god almighty.

I do not hesitate to say that Watts and the WSJ are so stupid that Watts can say and the WSJ publishing this:

Lacking any centralized leadership white supremacist terrorism overwhelming involves the online self-radicalization of isolated young men. As a result, there is no terrorist headquarters to discover and target.

Now, Watts has just compared the non-existent White Supremacist threat of isolated, self-educated on the internet men with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State that has headquarters that can be located and multiple nodes that can be activated as headquarters if one is destroyed and unlimited funding, as does antifa by the way, into the hundreds of billions if not trillions, much of it which has been provided by the US government itself under Obama, one hundred and fifty billion at one swipe, and these Moslem military units remain undefeated to this day, twenty years on but a few self-educated so-called White Supremacists with neither organization nor money are an emergency?

Watts has no credibility and I might add the WSJ has sacrificed theirs by publishing this bilious crap.

Now, who owns New Corp and what is their background?

Some Thoughts On The American Experience

Some Thoughts On The American Experience


R. E. Prindle


A couple articles in the weekend edition (8/10-11/19) of the Wall Street Journal merit comment. One is by our old flame, Peg Noonan. In reaction to the latest Liberal atrocities in El Paso and Dayton Peg is taking a Sentimental Journey via her favorite songs to when America was America and everything was alright. Unfortunately she chose that inane song Moon River to float down stream on her memories. Perhaps Peg should listen to the song more closely and then relate it to its nutty but also enjoyable movie Breakfast At Tiffany’s.

Well, Peg also sent me off on my own sentimental journey but not as a song but to the mythical American locale called Dog Patch. Dog Patch was created by the child abuser Al Capp (ne Kaplan) in the daily and Sunday comic strip of those far off ‘sentimental’ days. Al was more or less an early Jeffrey Epstein. He was Jewish too; this counts whether you recognize it or not.

The comic strip was called Li’l Abner. It featured a bozo hillbilly and his ditso blonde girl friend, Daisy Mae. Hot stuff. As innocent as the strip appeared it was actually an insidious demeaning of the ‘native’ stock. Al’s folks were immigrants of course, thought few wish to recognize the negative aspects of immigration.

Capp began his strip in 1934, I became aware of and familiar with it from about 1950-54 when I was twelve to sixteen. Apparently I was becoming more alert because I also stopped reading it and Mad Magazine, another Jewish creation, in 1954 also for the same reason. Not because I knew either was Jewish because I wasn’t that aware, but because they ridiculed everything that I valued.

Capp began the strip in 1934 simultaneously with Erskine Caldwell’s two novellas, Tobacco Road and God’s Little Acre. Caldwell was openly vicious and hateful in demeaning Southern Whites but certain Northern Whites revered the volumes. His two books codified Hillary Clinton’s concept of the Deplorables and the distinction between good and bad Whites that has been institutionalized today. Capp was more insidious and less open than Caldwell and actually adorable if you weren’t reading carefully.

Daisy Mae, Abner’s girl friend, established the fashion for girls’ jeans with the legs cut off at the crotch. His wicked woman character, Sadie Hawkins, even had a day set aside for her during my high school days. By high school however, I had come to a realization of what Capp was doing and I was actually hostile to the concept of Sadie Hawkins days, which I found demeaning. And, Capp was intentionally demeaning.

He was revered as a comic genius until it was discovered that he had a fixation on little girls, the knowledge of which demeaned him as much as he was demeaning Whites with his Dog Patch.

When Peg was mooning over Moon River my thoughts turned to Al Capp and Erskine Caldwell. For a song my thoughts went to that great American classic, Frankie and Johnny—rum tum tum,