George Soros Put His Money Where His Mouth Is

George Soros

Puts His Money

Where His Mouth Is


R.E. Prindle


Check out the 9/20/16 Wall Street Journal for a great self-aggrandizing blurb by George Soros that George grandiloquently titles: Why I’m Investing $500 million dollars In migrants. George apparently thinks this is such a charitable act that he doesn’t need any candles lit for his grand entrance into heaven.

The WSJ highlights Georges bit with this quote: I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives, and businesses founded by migrants and refugees.

Not that he is donating, this is not a charitable gesture, he’s going to invest expecting one might think to at least double his money. Heck, imagine if he found another Microsoft. That would turn his money green.

So, put simply, without grandiosity, it’s nice to know that George has 500 million to invest. Of course, who wouldn’t have half a billion to invest after looting the British treasury of billions.

Remember, one of George’s ‘social impact initiatives’ was the burning of Ferguson, the defamation of the police, and not a few deaths. Now, that’s social impact.

There are other bigger social impact initiatives George is interested in such as what he calls ‘forced migration.’ As we all know George is Jewish and that Israel, the home of the Jews, is largely responsible for the war in Iraq that created this ‘forced migration’ and that migration is now directed and encouraged by Israeli agents to move ‘migrants’ out of the area especially to Europe. Mama Merkel is believed to have taken a large bribe to allow a million edging toward two into Germany almost overnight. Perhaps that is a social-impact initiative George is funding.

Gosh, you know, George is part of the supposed most intelligent race on earth with an awesome average IQ North of 110. That’s brainy and I’ll bet George has a 160-200 IQ to help bring that average up. That’s super smart. Although it is only those Jews who have been in contact with Europeans for thousands of years who supposedly have that 110>, Jews in contact with areas out of Europe only sport an 85 but they’re catching up fast, I’ll bet.

So, while George is spending all this money to raft sub-Saharan Africans across the Mediterranean one wonders why he doesn’t think to plunk that 500 million down in Lagos and organize a bunch of startups on those ‘forced migrants’ home turf where the people have their roots, memories and traditions.

As George says, (I) will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technologies which seem especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face.

Nigeria? Perfect for your more or less charitable efforts George. Nigeria has it all. Oil and tech and computer skills. Gosh, they’ve made tens of millions soliciting people in the West by computer to help them get hundreds of millions of petro dollars out of Nigeria for investment in the West.

A little kick start like 500 million and we’ll have the Silicon River, opening jobs to tens of millions of Africans allowing them to stay home. No more forced migration. Why, a lot of African migrants to Europe and the US might even drift back to Africa in ‘unforced migration.’

Think about it George, you might not be looking at the problem from the right perspective. Why force these people looking for a better life to move George when you can create a better life for them right there at home. Tech and oil: Think George. Use that massive IQ.

Kamau Kambon, Harriet Tubman And Whiteness



Kamau Kambon, Harriet Tubman And Whiteness


R.E. Prindle


The war against Whites and Whiteness goes on. While the placement of an inconsequential Negro ex-slave, Harriet Tubman, on the twenty dollar bill shoving Andrew Jackson into the trashbin of history may seem of little moment the intent is more significant than the deed.

While the uproar of a few years back caused by the Jew Noel Ignatiev and the Negro Kamau Kambon has receded or perhaps has been memory holed their legacy comes nearer fruition step by step. Speaking for his Jews Ignatiev intoned that Whiteness must disappear from the earth while for his Negroes Kambon merely wanted Whites exterminated.

Both come closer. Remember that hetero-White men have been marginalized, made inconsequential by the Jewish Hate Law that makes him the only ‘unprotected’ racial and sexual group in the US. In other words, he has been placed outside the law.

That key piece of legislation having been achieved, the erasure of the White past goes on. Sports teams from basketball to football are now nearly all Black and Brown while fewer and fewer White players are even considered for the leagues. Based on the ridiculous proposition that the White 67% of the population is incapable of playing while a mere 14% of the population is so capable they provide 60 to 90% of team personnel.   Did I hear the word: prejudice?

On the Supreme Court if Obama is successful seven out of nine judges will be non-White or female while no White Protestant is deemed worthy of inclusion. Four would be Jewish and one Black while five are Catholic. Any other appointee should Obama appoint him would doubtless be a woman or non-White, but not a White Protestant.

As the non-White percentage grows street names, statues, and public buildings will increasingly obliterate the memory of Whites. This is inevitable. Historically when one group replaces another they appropriate religious shrines and public honors.

One may expect a continuing distortion of history taught in schools as White contributions are minimized and the deeds or whatever of non-entities like Harriet Tubman are emphasized.

The process as you can see is actually well advanced. The team of the Jewish Jack Lew and Negro Barack Obama are rapidly pushing it forward. Even something so obvious is either going unnoticed or applauded by limp wristed Whites. Indeed, Quisling collaborators.

Both the Republican and Democratic establishments apparently unable to recognize the disappearance of their influence assist in their demise. They are even trying to kill the candidacy of Donald Trump who appears to threaten their lassitude.

The placement of Harriet Tubman on the twenty is significant. It is a sign of the continuing displacement of the White majority that should be in its prime.

Welcome to the New Stone Age.

Shame, Shame On You Rachel Shukert





R.E. Prindle


The shameless writer for the shameless Tablet Ezine has done it again. For a people who run a vigilante bureau called The Anti-Defamation Society the Jews are quite shameless in defaming other people.

In this case Ms. Shukert has selected a blameless little seven year old angel to defame as a ‘Fascist’ eighty odd years ago. Enough that the Jews seek out a ninety-four year old man and require he get a five year prison sentence for following army orders also eighty years ago as a mere teenager, but now this shameless cowardly act?

Does Ms. Shukert not realize that the war is over or is that Ms. Shukert’s and Tablet’s point- their war is not over. The Jews are waging their war on Europeans as relentlessly as ever and perhaps even more damagingly than the carnage they unleased on Europe and the West from 1914 to 1945.

That poor little seven year old angel Ms. Shukert is defaming is none other than OUR Queen Elizabeth; herself now a sweet little old lady of ninety years. How vicious can Ms. Shukert be? Is no one too young or too old for Ms. Shukert to defame? Perhaps she would like to imprison OUR Queen for five years along with the ninety-four year old German gentleman.

Shame, I say, shame on you Rachel, your viciousness is absolutely unforgiveable. Do not, I repeat, do not apologize; your apology will not be accepted. Suffer in hell forever you despicable bigot.


All the respectable people in the world.

Warriors On An Invisible Front

Warriors On An Invisible Front


R.E. Prindle


Recently in Connecticut a fuehrer of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League complained about a garage sale that was selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia. While the vigilante official acknowledged that no law was being broken nevertheless in the crusader’s opinion the mere showing of these historical artefacts constitutes ‘hate.’

Well, it may be said as well that Jewish artefacts such as the Magen David is a hate emblem also. While wearing or displaying the Magen David or waving an Israeli flag should be hate also. Why shouldn’t anything that a particular group finds ‘hateful’ not be banned? Let’s be fair and make a list.

In point of fact what Jews consider ‘the good war’, that is WWII, was the central historical fact of the twentieth century just as the Civil War was the central historical fact of the nineteenth century in the USA and CSA. As artefacts from all combatants and this includes the Jews have a deep intrinsic interest to everyone why should the Jews be allowed to erase these significant memories from the history books. I consider such an act evil or satanic. I have a right to my history as the Jews have to theirs.   I am under no obligation to accept their interpretation of the past. I can form my own.

Jews are not free from ‘hate.’ Even their reaction is evidence of hatred, their wars on Christmas and Easter are evidence of hatred. Their current war on ‘Whiteness’ that they say there is no room for on Earth is genocidal hatred of the worst degree.

Yes, the Jews know how to hate and they know how to incite hatred.

We are warriors on an invisible front fighting with words and ideas. Are our weapons inferior to those of the Jews. We cannot tolerate Jewish visions of self-righteousness. We should quietly tell them we will not tolerate their incivility or listen to their unjustified complaints and then turn our backs on them to show them their invisibility.

Ignore and isolate them as we go on our way. Their opinions carry no weight with us. We are tired of being reviled by the haters of haters. Ignore them, put their opinions down. Oh pshaw them. They are not the conscience of our world.


You Have To Be Jewish



You Have To Be Jewish


R.E. Prindle

I’m not White; I’m Jewish.

Current Jewish anthem.

Noel Ignatiev, the Jewish Harvard professor, a couple decades or so ago lectured us all that Whiteness must die, disappear from the face of the earth.  Today’s Jews are moving the plan along by divorcing themselves from Whites.  The current anthem they all sing along to is ‘I’m not White, I’m Jewish.  Let’s hear it again:  I’m not White; I’m Jewish.’

Reet petite, that’s alright with me.  Let’s hear it again; it clarifies the 1914-45 turmoil a bit while getting Wolf Hitler off the hook.  It appears he knew what he was doing even if he wasn’t able to do it.  Now that the Jews have left the building to become just another race along with the Negroes, Chinese etc. we don’t have to take them seriously.  Anti-Semitism- where is thy sting?

Anent, our good friends at the Jewish Daily Forward have published a piece titled Nazi Museum Documents Munich’s Ignominious Past- And Puts Hitler In His Place.  While we weren’t watching, at least I wasn’t, German cities began building National Socialist museums.  Gavriel Rosenfeld’s article celebrates the opening of Munich’s.

One wonders why Gabe thinks Munich’s past is ignominious.  I guess you’d have to be Jewish to think so.  True, the Nazi Movement began in Munich but that was a combination of accidental circumstances not foresight.  Munich certainly didn’t plan it.  Besides what does Munich have to apologize for?  Now that the Jews have officially separated themselves from Europeans, Aryans, Whites, whatever, that is, declared the autonomy they have clearly always believed they were we’re relieved of any obligations to them, if we had any.  It also clarifies WWII.

The Jews were clearly functioning in their own interests, inimical to those of Aryans.  In fomenting the two world wars calling in the US and USSR in WWII to exterminate the Germans for them was genocide; they created a hellstorm that lasted thirty-five years in which the lives of hundreds of millions of Aryans were snuffed or made miserable beyond belief.    And then they whine that they too suffered collateral damage.  Like, who cares?  It’s undeniable as far as I’m concerned.  Merited.

In the US they pout and point fingers screaming their war cry of J’accuse because Roosevelt didn’t stop the war he was fighting for them and remove the five million Jews from the combat zone to safety in the US.  Boy, do we White boys fighting their war feel bad because the thoughtless FDR who had already put us in jeopardy to fight the Jewish war, the one they call the ‘good war,’  didn’t stop the war for their benefit.  Fuck that, as Lenny Bruce would say.  There wasn’t anything good about it.  Too bad a few Jews died along with the hundred million Whites.  What are the Jewish deaths to us; we mourn our own.  The Jews aren’t White anyway.   What’s are they to us? If they dislike us so much they don’t want to be thought of as White I’m not hurt.  OK, you’re not White, you’re Jewish.  Perfect a vanishing act; we’ve had enough of you.  I’m not Jewish; I’m White.

The Supreme Court Vs. History And The Law



The Supreme Court Vs. History, The Law And Homosexuality


R.E. Prindle


Posted on Medium is an essay by Zach Herz discussing law, history and Justice Alito.  Zach says (my interpolations):

On April 28, Supreme Court watchers got an impromptu lesson in Greek history from none other than Samuel Alito.  While hearing arguments on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans in Obergefell v. Hodges, Justice Alito decided what we really needed to be talking about was Plato:

Justice Alito:  But there have been cultures that did not frown on homosexuality.

Prindle:  Name one.

Justice Alito:  That is not a universal opinion throughout history and across all cultures.

Prindle:  Name an exception.

Justice Alito:  Ancient Greece is an example.

Prindle:  Do you have any evidence to prove that?

Justice Alito:  It was well accepted within certain bounds.

Prindle:  Certain bounds?  That is not universal but exceptional.  You disprove your own point.

Justice Alito:  Well, they had marriage didn’t they?

Prindle:  Where are you going with that?

Justice Alito:  …they had same-sex relations did they not?

Prindle:  That’s why they were despised across all times and cultures.

Judge Alito:  So thus limiting marriage to couples of the opposite sex was not based against gay people, was it?

Prindle:  The period of which Justice Alito speaks was the triumph of the Patriarchy over the Matriarchy.  Men had discovered their part in the reproductive process.  They had learned, as they expressed it, that the female warehoused the foetus during incubation, the male being the true progenitor or inseminator.  Therefore the wife was sequestered within the home, not allowed to come in contact with any man not her husband who might impregnate with his genes rather than the husband’s.  Viz. current Moslem customs.

There was no need for debate about gay marriage since all gay unions were sterile.  Marriage between gays was and is a farce.  Even so, no one cares whether gays marry but there is no need or requirement for the State to recognize it.  The marriage is meaningless.  Let them go through a ceremony, something like a Black Mass that mocks the Holy Mass.  Who cares?  What’s the fuss?  Why is the Supreme Court even listening to such nonsense?


In my reading I have found no society that didn’t despise homosexuality.  The Araucanian Indians of Chile for instance made ‘gays’ wear their clothes inside out and walk backwards.  All the Indian tribes of America despised ‘squaw men.’  All societies imposed civil disabilities of some sort on them.

In Greece homosexuality was not universally accepted.  In the Theban army Homos were segregated into a unit called the ‘Sacred band.’  In this case Sacred means untouchable.

There are no obvious homosexuals in Homer’s Iliad which means either that there were no Homos in the Greek army or they were unmentionable.

Juvenal, the Roman poet, speaking of homosexuals in his Second Satire says:

Quote:  You’re castigating vice, you the most notable dyke among all our Socratic fairies?

Juvenal clearly designates homosexuality as a vice while castigating the sin as one of Socrates and his followers, not specifically Plato or anything universal , as Justice Alito alleges.

Whether homosexuality was a matter for marriage or acceptance is beside the point.  There is nothing in the Constitution dealing with sexual matters.  Nothing in the Constitution gives Supreme Court Justice Alito who is totally ignorant of history or the nature of vicious homosexuality authority to legislate about it in any manner.

It is always a treat to hear the Justices’ opinion on whatever but they should keep their drawers up and zipped.  Sexual mores and customs are beyond their competence.  If the Court can tell me who or what to fuck this is expressly denied by the Constitution.  They call it slavery.  A real no-no in that there amendment.  Fuck the Court decision.  Nice to have their opinion.  Now they should get straight.

Beware The Great White Lone Wolf


Beware The Great White Lone Wolf


R.E. Prindle


I get it!  I get it!  I get it!

How could I be so slow?  First Obama issues a dire warning that the greatest terrorist threat in America isn’t organized Moslem hostility, oh no, no, the greatest terrorist threat in America is the Great White Lone Wolf.  Ils sont partout.

And, lo! and behold!  a Great White Lone Wolf appears out of the woodwork with his newly purchased hand gun and fifteen extra clips of ammunition.  He had a big job in mind.  He invades a peaceful Negro church full of old bent Negroes who seeing his woeful countenance volunteer a helpful hand.  No bigotry in this Negro place of worship.  And, what does this bastard Great White Lone Wolf return the good will?  He murders as many of the whole lot as fast as he can reload.

We are told he went through multiple clips and only bagged seven Negroes out of the whole church full.  Lucky for them the Great White shot like a Negro.

The MSM assures us that he was not connected to any other internet White Supremacist organization or other Great White Lone Wolves.  Of course not, superfluous for the MSM to mention it.  If he were associated with anyone else he wouldn’t be a Great White Lone Wolf would he?  I’ll answer that myself!  NO.  N-O. NO.  Period.

But, guess what The Great White Lone Wolf high school dropout did.   He wrote a neatly typed, well written, thoroughly coherent ‘manifesto.’   Of course, he wants the world to know.  The manifesto is a forgery much more obvious than the Protocols of Zion or the Donation of Constantine.

I can imagine the NYT editor, or perhaps Barry himself, sweating away beneath his lamp:  ‘Let’s see,’ he mutters to himself under his breath, ‘I’ve got to get everything I know these guys think in, oh yeah, and a couple crudities and grammatical errors.  Uh yea, and then a couple of really awkward expressions.  Hmm.  This is beginning to look like my own writing.  Oh well, never mind.  There, that should do it.’

Yeah, it should have, but it didn’t.  Hey, hey, boy, nobody gets by me.

We know there’s a few million more Great Whites out there, I mean, just look at those gun sales.  It is a fact, most of those guns are going into the hands of Great White Lone Wolves.

Once these church shootings begin, Holy Ground for Christ’s sake, and burning of Negro churches down South, nobody wants to burn a Negro church up North, gets rolling there won’t be a Negro left alive.  Stop it now!  Arrest and incarcerate any Great White who looks suspicious.  If you see one tell on him.

Barack Obama Our Lifetime President


Barack Obama President For Life


R.E. Prindle


In light of the Rainbow Nation stuff I can now confidently predict the result of the next election.  There won’t be one.  Hints are now being given that people are saying they would like to have Obama as a lifetime president.  i.e. dictator.

Such mutterings have usually foreshadowed action.  Therefore I predict that a ‘grass roots’ clamor will go up that the third term law is antiquated and that the cry will be to make Obama a lifetime president by acclamation.  ‘No reason to step down.’  will say Obama.  Done.

There won’t be an election folks.  Obama is your great Negro father now, for life.  The Rainbow Nation and its dictator are here.  Obama will be able to create laws by fiat.  His will will be law.  Get ready you have been advised.

The Charleston Rainbow Nation

The Charleston Rainbow Nation


R.E. Prindle


Now we see what the Charleston shooting was all about.  It was the US/Confederate flags vs. The Rainbow Flag of the New Order.  The White House become the Rainbow House and the US flag is displaced right before our eyes.

I wasn’t clear what the fuss was all about over the St. Andrew’s Cross that the shooter sported on his license plate but it all becomes clear now.

It was in anticipation of the Supreme Court going gay.  However the Supreme Court cannot legislate anything and that is what they’re attempting.  Laws are passed by Congress not by the Court.  The Court cannot legislate mores and customs and describe it as interpreting the Constitution.  So, while we thank them for their opinion it is time for them to sit down to a good lunch and forget it.

The collateral damage, the sacrifices of the dear old Negro ladies was merely in some mysterious way collateral damage to make an attack on the Confederate flag and indirectly on what is commonly called Old Glory.  The ‘White Supremacist’ was necessary and somehow in Obama’s mind the case of the Old Order is now closed.  More than ever I think the kid was hypnotized.  He’s now down the memory hole anyway.  No trial is necessary.

The inmates have now seized the asylum.  If you haven’t read Edgar Allan Poe’s The System Of Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether now is the time to do it.  If you have read it, read it again and refresh your memory.

Now is the time for the keepers to retake the asylum and put the inmates back in their place.

Never jump the gun; wait for the other shoe to fall.

Wagging The Dog In Carolina

Wagging The Dog In Carolina


R.E. Prindle

A shooter in Charleston who is Aryan?  Let’s see what the racial implications may be.  Surprisingly South Carolina has a relatively low percentage of Negroes.  There is a larger Negro population in Chicago and environs.  I would have imagined South Carolina at 50 or 60% but it is a low 27%.  Aryans account for 66%

While the narrative concerning the shooter may possibly be correct as far as it goes, what might the results of the disaster be as a thought experiment of Obama and his Beards.  Especially the Beards who are controlling the situation.

The question is can the Negro tail wag the Aryan dog?

The Negroes vote as a block so that they can be directed to vote yes or no on any issue as a block of 98-99%.

Of the Aryan votes on a Negro issue the Negroes can count on at least 20% of the Aryan vote while it could go as high as 45%.  20% to 30% is a given.  Aryans are not going to block vote.  They’re not smart enough.

If one subtracts 2% to 3% as the Jewish vote, they will block vote Democratic or Negrophile by an 80% minimum. So that raises the negro percentage to 29% and lowers the Aryan to 64%.  At only an Aryan 30% vote that lowers the Aryan % to only 47%.  Therefore depending on the percentage of the races that turn out to vote the Negro tail will always wag the Aryan dog.  The apparent Aryan population advantage vanishes.

The purpose of the shooting apparently was to raise the level of Aryan guilt for the purpose of gaining political control of both Charleston and South Carolina and indirectly increasing the US vote.

If the ploy is successful, and it will be, then similar shootings in other minority Negro cities can hardly fail to provide a Negro voting majority.

The result of the thought experiment is that Negroes have permanently captured the government of the United States.

Now, in that connection consider what is happening in the Jewish demographic.  Do not think for a moment that the Jewish demographic is not separate from the Aryan demographic.

Once the Negroes have control the laws and their enforcement are at their will.  Negro law will replace what they consider Aryan law.  It will be a decided disadvantage to be Aryan or White as it is currently phrased

As Jews have bred themselves to be as white as possible they must now dissociate themselves from Whites even though they look white to the Negro.

Currently a song is being performed to indoctrinate Jews to distinguish themselves from Whites.  That song is “I’m Not White, I’m Jewish.  It is performed as Negro rap.  (See link above.)

It would seem then in the coming Aryan holocaust that the Jews are relinquishing ‘whiteness’ and aligning themselves with the Negro.  As they are currently directing the current Negro revolution I think the conclusion is clear.  If the Aryans can’t see the advantage to block voting and turning out in a solid block then my advice is praise the Lord and keep your powder dry.