The Crime Of The Jews



The Crime Of The Jews


R.E. Prindle


Thirty years ago the arch Jewish criminal Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life imprisonment for selling out the US to his premier loyalty Israel. Under cover of being a dual US citizen Pollard obtained employment with Naval Intelligence. Like a modern Alfred Dreyfus he began selling reams of top secret information to his country of allegiance, Israel.

This information resulted in the deaths of scores of US informants inside the USSR. Pollard thus murdered every one of those agents when the information sold to his home country was given to the USSR in exchange for the release of a few Jews posing as citizens of the USSR for aliyah to Israel.

Nor was that the full story of Pollard’s and the Jews’ treachery. For the last several years Pollard has been languishing in one of the US’ country club retention centers. Now, our fey president has given Pollard a pardon.

It is said by the Jews that Pollard has suffered enough for releasing the documents to what after all is the US’ number one ally. Israel is no one’s ally. He has suffered enough for a crime committed only thirty years ago?

Consider the state of Jewish comparative ethics: Tablet Ezine’s top writer the lame brained Rachel Shukert published one of her articles recently. Her horrendous claim is that in 1933 a seven year old child was photographed giving the honorable Roman salute to the passing parade of Oswald Mosely’s British Nationalist Party. Seven years old, eighty two years ago! A young girl, an angel, a child. Ms. Shukert wants us to denounce this child, now a ninety year old woman for giving a time honored salute! Johnathan Pollard murdered dozens and is excused while the Jews want the resignation of a ninety year old woman who at seven gave a Roman salute?

Indeed, after Ms. Shukert cheers a mass murderer like Johnathan Pollard released from prison after only thirty years? Really, what is wrong with Rachel Shukert and the Jews?

Yes, that little seven year old angel was none other than OUR believed queen, Elizabeth.

Perhaps Ms. Shukert and her demented Jews want the Queen to step down because they are ‘offended.’ Fired from her role as OUR beloved Queen by Jews? Really!

Johnathan Pollard- Queen Elizabeth; Queen Elizabeth-Johnathan Pollard? It is even obscene to couple their names; a mass murderer vs. the Queen of the Western World. And the insane Rachel Shukert thinks we will give the choice to Johnathan Pollard? Fie, fie, for shame; you disgust us. Now you know why Wolf Hitler did what he had to do.

Pt. 5: Henry Ford And John Roy Carlson

Henry Ford And John Roy Carlson

Part V

The Seamy Side Of History


R.E. Prindle

        The so-called holocaust had nothing to do with the Jewish agenda.  It neither began nor changed the direction of the agenda.  It was merely an unexpected incident that while no more or less painful to the Jews compared to European suffering could be turned to advantage and it was.

     Neither did the International Jew articles in Ford’s Dearborn Independent initiate warfare between Fordism and Judaism.  The articles were merely an incident that could be turned to Jewish advantage.  The true struggle was between the Semitic Weltanschauung and the Aryan Weltanschauung.

     It has been noted that poverty in today’s State of Israel is among the highest in the world.  How can this be true among a culture which for the last two hundred years has promoted itself as a nation of financial wizards?  How is it that in Ford’s America poverty was the lowest in history while in today’s Judaic Israel poverty is the highest?  How evil could Ford have been?  Or, was he merely misrepresented as evil for sectarian reasons?  The answer is quite simple.  The Jewish mantra is that the poor shall always be with us.  In other words, Judaism wants and needs them so it creates them.  Witness the growing poverty in the US now that Jews have financial controls in their hands.

     Seeping into the Aryan consciousness via the Catholic and Protestant religions Aryans were embracing the concept.  Of course, Catholicism virtually worshipped poverty in the Middle Ages while today Protestants have the lowest average income of Jews, Catholics and Protestants.  Thus in the US they serve as the poor for a Jewish elite.

     Now, Henry Ford was as much a messiah as the next guy and he thought he had discovered the means to eliminate poverty which to a very great extent he had.  You may imagine the Jewish reaction, as well as that of the churches, when Ford announced that he was doubling wages- that is a 100% percent increase by fiat without union negotiations in one moment.  This wage increase went a long way toward eliminating poverty in the Michigan auto belt from Detroit to Saginaw-Bay City.  Indeed, the most poverty stricken element of the population, the Negroes, flocked to Detroit and Michigan to take advantage of the situation.  Thus Ford did what no one else, including the Negroes, had been able to do, improve their lot.  As other industries were compelled to follow suit the US wages already thought high became the envy of the world.

     It was at this point in 1914 when the destruction of Ford and Fordism was determined upon.  There was no other cause.  Judaism is incapable of evolving or changing so in many ways when Ford said:  ‘If that’s what History says, then History is bunk!’ and then changed the paradigm to universal prosperity it was a bigger blow to Semitism than the so-called holocaust.

     While the Jewish agenda in the US was set in 1898 when the international Jewish government of the Alliance Israelite Universelle  was brought  from France to the US Ford gave the Jews a focal point to highlight the ‘anti-Semitism’ in the US.  After 1914 a new Jewish goal of dismantling Fordism was created.  That goal has now been resolved in favor of Judaism.  The jobs have all been exported; there are no longer US manufacturing jobs while those remainders that do exist will have to have wages reduced to meet foreign competition in a ‘free trade’ world.

Israel, Jonathan Pollard And States Rights

Israel, Jonathan Pollard And States Rights


R.E. Prindle

Rev. Yona Metzger

     The news from our quasi-51st State, the one with the special relations, Israel, is that our fellow citizens led by a rogue religious figure who doesn’t know the difference between a secular and religious Nation, and Governor Netanyahoo, once again confusing separation of church, or rather synagogue in this case, and State are demanding special consideration over the fifty older States, outremer.

     Rabbi Metzger and Governor Netanyahoo are demanding that a felon convicted in Federal Court be released for religious reasons.  Pollard is a Jew, while religion doesn’t come into consideration under the Constitution.  While our fellow citizens, over there, are used to wagging the dog and making the rest of us jump through the hoop when they demand it, I think, those high handed attitudes are due for a change.

     Let me remind this Rabbi Metzger that as a cleric he should shut his mouth and tend his flock.  As for Governor Netanyahoo, while we respect his opinion he should remember that he is only one of fifty-one and if he wishes to wag the dog he should go the end of the line.

     This preacher Metzger and Gov. Netanyahoo are demanding that this felon, Jonathan Pollard, be released or they will somehow disrupt the 2012 election depriving Barry Obama of a second term.  While I do think Barry should be deprived of a second term or even having his first rescinded, but for different reasons, I don’t believe a little tiny quasi-State like Israel should have a bigger voice than, say, Alaska, Texas or California.  Is Israel even as big as Rhode Island?  Can’t you spit across it?

     My advice to Metzger, Gov. Netanyahoo and the State of Israel is get in place at the end of the line and stay there.  Wag away and be friendly.

Gov. Netanyahu Demonstrating What He Will Do If He Doesn't Get His Way

Nick Sarkozy And His Incredible Soft Holocaust


Nick Sarkozy And His Incredible Soft Holocaust


R.E. Prindle


You vill do as I say!

     After the fact of the Hard Holocaust of Wolf Hitler sank into the Jewish psyche the rage called up images of the holocaust of the whole European or White Race.  The irrational Jewish mind spread the blame to all Whites even though they always insist that you can’t blame a whole people for the actions of a few.  Visions of vengeance crashed through the hive mind.  Their own crimes against humanity over the millennia sank into insignificance  The Holocaust was the crime of crimes to them that no Jewish woman had prevented unlike the threat of Haman still burning in the Jewish mind two thousand years after.

     At the same time Adolf Hitler became as a God in their minds, perhaps as significant as Yahweh himself.  Sigmund Freud would have called it licking the boot of the oppressor.  They began to mold themselves  in His image  And like Him and His disgust with the Jews they began nourishing the holocaust dream against the Aryans.

     But how?  Force was out of the question.  Even in their wildest, but psychologically rewarding, dreams they couldn’t create Jewish Auschwitzes to burn the Whites alive.

     But, they could play on the benevolent nature of Whites and make them fear of being thought of as racists; they could make every White person on the planet feel guilty for the Hard Holocaust.  Sigmund Freud had tought them how.  Edward Bernays had demonstrated the process.

     And thus by inundating Europe and America with Africans and other coloreds force intermarriage on them thus destroying Whiteness on Earth.  The vengeance of vengeances.  The SOFT HOLOCAUST.

     Patiently they set to work undermining White society.  Africans flowed North into Europe as though by magic.  Moslems were recruited and encouraged to emigrate.  And then some nerd Jewish politician, the rather pathetic Nicky Sarkozy succeeded in being elected President of France while at the same time almost as if by miracle the conspirators succeeded in electing a Negro of direct African descent as President of the United States Of America.

     Through the subversion of the United States the Jews, an insignificant people of the small insignificant State of Israel were poised to realize their dream.  They had subverted the power of the United States making themselves thereby the most powerful people on Earth. White soldiers were sent to fight their wars for them, dying instead of them. 

     This weird little twerp, Nick Sarkozy, could turn France Black in a snap.  Of course he had to dissimulate a bit, lie that is, and pose as a ‘Conservative.’  The ruse was absolutely transparent except apparently to the majority of Frenchmen who elected this Jew to rule over them.  Kind of like a troop of mice electing the cat  It’s only necessary to fool most of the people one time.  And Nick did.

     Now he’s flooding France with Africans and Moslems.  However the French women are very slow to interbreed with the African men delaying the gratification of the Jews to see Europe commit suicide before their eyes.  In order to hasten the Soft Holocaust Nick Sarkozy, the Boy Wonder, is seeking legislation that forbids Whites mating with Whites.

     The Soft Holocaust.

     Heil Nicky!

     Heil Wolf Hitler!

     Heil God!

Helen Thomas- Victim Of Hypocrisy

Helen Thomas-

Victim Of Hypocrisy


R.E. Prindle

Gosh, Wayne State U is going to refuse to award the Helen Thomas Diversity medal because she’s now designated a bigot.  Who has she acted aggressively toward?  Well, no one.  In the free for all of party politics she has pointed out the obvious truth that the Jewish Party are a bunch of hypocrites.

The hypocrites of the Jewish Party, who claim to be the staunchest supporters of free speech have shrieked at Miss Thomas:  You can’t say that.  What did she say?  The Jews own Hollywood.  Who but a hypocrite or ignoramus could deny that?  So they want to take away Miss Thomas’ Diversity badge?  Oh man, it looked so good hanging from her breast, too.  How shiny is the Diversity badge of the Jews?  Not very.  They might even compete with Miss Thomas for the bigotry prize.  In their home citadel of Isreal where they can let their hair down and be themselves the Jews post signs on the road reading: Jews Only.  Others will be arrested on sight.  You’re one of the others, my friend.

Poor starving Africans seeking admittance to the land of milk and honey are rounded up and put in concentration camps under the burning, unforgiving sun of the Negev Desert because no Blacks are allowed in Israel.  Why not?  Because if Blacks were admitted that would change the complexion of Jews.  So the Israelis practice apartheid on the home turf while blasting Miss Thomas for her lack of diversity in the New Promised Land.

Ah, those nasty olde anti-Semitic canards.  How time-worn they are.  Not that Jews are that keen on Whites either.  Noel Ignatiev is lying low for the moment hidden away at some Massachusetts art college.  In his Harvard heydey, before he made his point too clear, the olde race monger was proclaiming from his bully Harvard pulpit and those of other presitigious universities of this once fair land that Whites had to be destroyed by any means necessary.  Shades of Adolf Hitler!  Apparently the Israelis have concentration camps for Whites as well as Blacks.

So what does diversity mean to Jews?  It means whatever they want it to mean and that means that anyone who has the audacity to criticize them is not Diverse enough.

Of course the idea of Diversity can be changed to equal the home version of the Jews at a moment’s notice.  But, only if the Jewish Party is the party in power.  Then Diversity is reduced to the slogan:  Us vs. Them.

Land Reform, Communism And Israel


Land Reform, Communism And Israel


R.E. Prindle

     Adam Kirsch of Tablet Ezine reviews a new book that he says ‘examines the debt 17th century republicanism owed to Jewish sources.  The book has the improbable title:  The Hebrew Republic by Eric Nelson.  Both Mr. Nelson and Adam Kirsch would seem to have difficulty distinguishing a religious theocracy from a secular republic.  At no time in the history of Judaism has the governing concept been other than theocratic.

     Our two authors seem to believe that the notion of republicanism sprang full born from the minds of Puritans who had been reading the Bible for the first time.  The authors seem to be unaware of King John and the Magna Carta of the thirteenth century and the evolutionary steps that led up to the seventeenth century and the beheading of King Charles.  Nothing all that sudden about it nor from my own reading of the Bible connected except in the most tenuous way with Hebraic theology.

     Nelson bases his argument according to Kirsch on the prophet Samuel’s relaying the Hebrew request for a king to God who then says:  ‘They have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.’  This would indicate a transition from a pure theocratic state to a human kingship.  No room for republics at all.  Nor was the puritan government in Massachusetts, derived from the Bible, a republic.  It was a theocracy as was Israel.

     Completely disregarding the fact that communism was current in the oldest human gatherings we are led to believe that the very impractical Jewish concept of the Jubilee year was the first instance in history upon which all such future distributions were based hence Jews are claimed to be the initiators of communism.

     Quoting a supposed ‘republic’ theorist, James Harrington of the seventeenth century the author Nelson refutes his own arguments when he quotes Harrington as referring to ancient Israel as a ‘commonwealth’ which is quite a different thing than a republic.  It would seem that Harrington was more of a communist than a republican.

     In fact, then, this Jewish concept of  ‘communism’ has always been stoutly resisted by the West.  The West prefers a secular republic to a theocratic commonwealth.

     Very likely the early human settlements were ‘commonwealths.’  So, while one has to admire the astonishingly remarkable government of today’s Isreal it seems to resemble ancient Israel of Samuel and the kings rather than any republic from the seventeenth century on.  Perhaps the Jews invented the republic but never used it because they were too busy with other forms of government.

     But, then, perhaps it’s all in the way you look at it.


Wagging The Dogs- Israel, The United States And Great Britain


Wagging The Dogs-

Israel, The United States And Great Britain


R.E. Prindle


     Wow! Tablet Ezine has been running an astounding cornucopia of revealing articles.  The latest is called The Truman No Show, linked above, by Adam Kirsch, a review of a book by the prolific Allis and Ronald Radosh titled A Safe Haven- Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel.  I won’t be reading it.

     At the time in a brief moment of gratitude after Truman had aided the plunder of Palestine from the Arabs and confirmed the nascent Israelite State eleven minutes after  it declared Palestine its own, the Chief Rabbi of the new State said of Truman: 

     When the President was still in his mother’s womb the Lord had bestowed on him the mission of helping His Chosen People at a time of despair and aiding in the fulfillment of His promise of Return to the Holy Land.

     Zany to the teeth at it s best but in this day and age one could denote the gush as demented.  Well, that was then and fifty years later, gratitude no longer needed,  the praise is dismissed as irrelevant.  Mr. Kirsch in his own voice speaking today derogatively says of Truman:

     To Truman- a former haberdasher turned machine politician, and an accidental president who came to office in the giant shadow of Franklin Roosevelt- this kind of praise was more than welcome.

      The value judgment that ‘this kind of praise was more than welcome, I find dubious.  Such fulsomeness is more appropriate to Oriental sultans than a simple Missouri, midwest former haberdasher who lucked out in the giant shadow of Roosevelt.   Who,  by the way, is also currently panned by the Jews for not stopping the war with Hitler long enough to remove the Jews from the scene of conflict.

     Not exactly a paragon of gratitude Kirsch next levels his scorn gun at the British.  Kirsch mistakenly calls Palestine a British colony.  In the aftermath of The Great War Britain assumed management of Palestine as a Protectorate.  Having provided the means for the Jews to begin the occupation of Palestine per the Balfour Declaration the Jews became critical of the way their benefactors managed the Protectorate.  Apparently not having learned the skills of catering to the Jews in the Mother’s womb,  ‘the Jewish population of the Yishuv was deeply resentful of Britain, and an extreme faction-the Irgun and the Stern Gang- had turned to vicious acts of terrorism against the occupiers.  My italics.  Vicious doesn’t quite cover it.

     By calling the British the occupiers and not themselves Mr. Kirsch puts himself in the demented class of Isaac Halevi Herzog, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel of the fulsome praise.  But having used the British to achieve their goals the Jews now cavalierly dismissed, one presumes, the occupiers of the land.

     Moving back to 1948 and Truman Kirsch dismisses Truman’s 11 minute pause in recognizing the Jewish State in this manner:

     …it was, signficantly, a response to a fait accompli.  America did not create the Jewish state, or defend it in the war of independence that immediately followed its creation.  At most…Truman’s sympathy was a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the creation of Israel.

     Well, screw Truman, anyway.  But a sufficient condition of the creation of Israel was the billions in US currency lavished on the ‘independent’ Jewish State as well as the enormous amount of cash the US allowed to be sent to Israel by resident Israelis in the US.  Major criminals, who plundered the American people of billions like Meyer Lansky were also instrumental in shipping enormous amounts of illegal weaponry from US shores that the US also allowed to leave.

     But hey, Mr. Kirsch would undoubteldy say it was the Jewish due as His Chosen People.  If American soldiers weren’t sent to do the fighting for the Jews the very least  the US could do was send enough free munitions to dwarf lend-lease to both Britain and Russia.  Necessary perhaps but not sufficient for any kind of gratitude.  What kind of world did the US and Britain think God created for His Chosen People anyway?

The 9/11 Conspiracy And Paying The Law


The 9/11 Conspiracy And Paying The Law


R.E. Prindle


     There is a nagging suspicion that something is not right in the explanation of 9/11.  There always seems to be a couple pieces missing from the puzzle or some being swept under the rug.

     I have always assumed that the conspirtors just got lucky in that the towers fell down; just a coincidence.  But then the planes were fully loaded with jet fuel.  The fire was instensely hot; I’ve been told in the range of 3500 degrees at which p0int the steel structure would melt.  But I can’t believe the religious fanatics who flew into the tower ever knew that.  I can’t believe the Moslems thought that all out.  I think they thought they would knock the towers over.

     That kind of planning must have come from somewhere else.   The Moslems were just patsies to pay the law.  One asks the question how the Israelis and Jews knew the attack was going to take place?  We know they knew because they had their cameras in place at just the right angle to film it.  I have no doubt that the film arrived at the TV stations so promptly because of them.  I mean, why would anyone have their movie camera trained on the towers for several minutes or even hours to catch that exact moment?

     Now, if the Israelis and Jews knew of the exact moment in advance was it because spies had gotten the secret from loose lips or was it because Israeli agents had cooked up the scheme and suggested it to Arab networks who recruited fanatics while the Saudis funded the scheme which was covertly directed by the Israelis and Jews.  If the Israelis knew did they advise President Bush?  Is that why he vacated the White House that morning and was down in Florida playing teacher to kindergartners?

    Who else but Moslems and Jews wanted such a masterstroke against the Empire and was able to do it?  Our eyes turn toward Chicago where a nasty little man named Bill Ayers festered.  Ayers had a history of bombing America.  He even had previously bombed one of the targets- the Pentagon.  He very probably was in on the planning to rob the Brinks Truck in the nineties.  As the leader of the Weather Underground he must have formed alliances or relationships with all the terrorist groups White, Black, Moslem or Jewish.

      It may be a coincidence that his book celebrating his earlier terrorism, Fugitive Days, was released at the time of 9/11 in which he is shown in a Chicago alley dancing on an American flag.  The flag on the ground may have symbolized the twin towers in his mind.


     Perhaps the earlier fertilizer bombing of the foundations of the tower by Arabs drew his attention to the towers as a symbol of the America he hated.   Now, the crime was so heinous with the potential of tens of thousands of deaths and billions of billions of dollars in damage that it was necessary to direct attention elsewhere- find someone to pay the law- be a Fall Guy.  The Moslems were so dumb they were eager to accept the role.

     To pay the law is a criminal concept made known by the nineteenth century French crime writer, Paul Feval.  For every crime committed the law requires a conviction so that in planning the crime the criminals also set up a victim to pay the law so that the case can be closed and the search for the real perps ended.  Thus Lee Harvey Oswald paid the law for the assassination of Kennedy.  As he himself said, he was just a patsy, the sacrifice, the paid stamp that ended the investigation. 

     I think the Arabs while certainly guilty while being dupes paid the law for the perps of the WTC.  There was no need to look further even though there is plenty of evidence for the complicity of others.


     Quite probably any further inquiry will be baffled by the interested parties but the tracks do lead to the Israelis and Jews, Ayers and Chicago.   If you haven’t figured out yet that the Weather Underground is now in the White House, look at it closely again.


Georgia On My Mind


Georgia On My Mind


     This post isn’t mine.  It comes from the Mat Rodina site which is worth checking into every few days or so.

The blogger is a Russian and has some interesting takes on things.  This one on Israel, Iran and Georgia is especially interesting.  The rest is the essay from the Mat Rodina site.

War With Moscow Saved Tbilisi

     One of the twists and turns of fate and politics was the probable savior of Tbilisi from Tehran’s destruction, by the war with Moscow.  Allow me, dear reader, to explain.

     During the six days it took Russian forces to respond to the Georgian genocide, crush the US trained force and capture Gori, it was discovered that the Israelis were directly arming and funding the Georgians.  Never mind what this meant for Israel-Russian relations, since Russia is Israel’s second largest trade partner, primary supplier of oil, gas and tourists.  Through captured documents, confessions and an indirect admission from Jerusalem, it was discovered that the reason for this was the Georgian allowance for Israel to use southern Georgian airbases in the upcoming strike on Iran.

     Now, this reveals something else about the absolute lack of intelligence at the Georgian top.  There is no doubt that Tehran would relatiate with whatever it had.  Of course, this would mean missiles and gas.  Israel and its cities are prepared, with distribution centers able to provide hazmat masks and suits for every single citizen and plenty of tourists.  Bomb shelters as well as advanced anti-missile systems add to the defense.

     Georgia and specifically Tbilisi, has none of these and is absolutely unprepared.  Furthermore, geographically, Tbilisi is extremely vulnerable to such hits.  The city lies along the Kura River, girded by two ridge line on either side of the city.  Any hits along this area and the the heavier than air gases often used in chemical weapons, would simply slide down the hills, causing mass casualties.

     Thus, if not for the war with Moscow, Israel would have sacrificed Georgia in its war with Iran, with hardly a second thought.


    To say funded by Israel is humorous.  Israel has less money than the US from which it derives its economic well being.  The author might as well have said funded by the US.


Ray Has Questions


Ray Has Questions


R.E. Prindle

Related Posts:

Greil Marcus, Bob Dylan, Bill Ayers & Barry Obama

Ray’s Take On 9/11

     Ray brought up some objections, questions and thoughts:

     I re-read your piece last night.  Your evidence against Bob is rather slight.  You have Greil M. using his lyrics about a flood for his own purposes… You have the lyric I cited that was not even a part of the original article.  Then you hammer your “point” home with the “religious fanatic” label and his ability to be at all places under cover of the music thing.  Less than slight is more like it.

     Your evidence against Ayers is better.  Al least he wears his evil heart on his sleeve.  He is obviously capable of just about anything.  Whether he did it or not is another issue.

     I have a couple cquestions.  I have always wondered about the 9-11 thing and I like a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone.  I had heard the Israeli angle- that Jews were evacuated or missed work that day, indicating prior knowledge.  What was your source for the “Israeli cameras” you cited?  And when and to whom did Obama (you said Baracka,- is that someone else?)- supposedly blame the Israelis for 9/11.  I had never heard that one.  if true, it could have derailed his election.  Why would you wait until now to mention it?

     Ray, #1 the analysis is tentative and speculative.  The Marcus quotes are really the smoking gun.

     Leroi Jones alias Amiri Baraka was the poet laureate of New Jersey at the time.  Liberals, who are all bigots, cannot conceive that New York Negroes might have their own sources and opinions that differ from theirs.  Any criticism of the Jews is construed as anti-Semitism.  Baraka had the gonads to speak out and paid the price.

     The Israeli filmers is an established fact.  No question.  It’s on the internet, look it up.

     If the Jews were behind the WTC it then follows that in one form or fashion the Saudis were maneuvered into being the perpetrators.  I don’t think the Pentagon was high on the list of Saudi targets but it was important to the Yippie/Weather Underground crowd.  Abbie Hoffman and his crew tried to levitate the buiding off the planet.  Ayers and his bunch bombed it.  Ayers book Fugitive Days recalling the ‘harships; he suffered ‘because of the bastards’ was released on 9/10/01.  The next day the Pentagon was bombed again.  Not conclusive proof but the trail is leading back to Chicago, hence Ayers, Obama, Marcus and Dylan.  Whether it was Chicago in daylight or After Dark I don’t know.

     Baraka’s claims and the Israeli filmers pretty conclusively involve the Jews in the planning stages.  And then both Marcus and Dylan are Jews.  Both travel around ceaselessly and thus have opportunity.  Not conclusive once again but the Dylan release of Love and Theft on 9/11 (Love of whom and theft of what?) points to community.   There is community and continuity.

     Dylan has a song on the CD that fits perfectly for Marcus’ use.  Marcus has less than two weeks to read Ayers book and listen to Dylan a couple of times, just like there was nothing of interest on TV and he had nothing else to do.  Compiling those quotes mocking the pain of we citizens of the US couldn’thave been that easy to cull or had they already been collected?  Ayers, Marcus and Dylan could have had the quotes arranged in advance.  Marcus could have easily had advance copies of Dylan’s CD and Ayer’s book.

     So, Ray, what I’m saying is this angle should be investigated and explained.  I’m sure Ayers is in there somewhere.  That ex-Oakland DJ in with the Saudis who sponsored Obama at Harvard met with Ayers in Chicago several times.  All roads lead to Chicago.