Cows, Milk And Madoff II: The Long Con


Cows, Milk And Madoff II:

The Long Con


R.E. Prindle

Kevin MacDonald:


     Kevin MacDonald is hot on the trail of the financial malefactors of which Madoff is a star performer in the above article.

     As Kevin notes here and demonstrates in his book: Culture Of Critique this is not a phenomenon of recent origin but dates in its most recent phase to the turn of the twentieth century and in its most modern phase to the French Revolution.

     It’s what the criminals call a Long Con.  A short con is a fraud that takes a short time to accomplish; a Long Con is one that takes preparation and skill in execution over a long period.  Alfred Rosenberg who wrote The Myth Of The Twentieth Century notes that the international money trust was from the beginning a pyramid scheme although as he expressed it the debt structure inherent in the money system must end in an implosion.

     Kevin who is an evolutionary psychologist is right in equating the structure of the financial scheme of the both the macro of international credit and the micro of Madoff, actually a very large scheme, with a basic Jewish approach to gaining credibility.  First one gains the confidence of the the In culture, in this case the Jewish, which then promotes the actor as an infallible genius until the Big Lie is generally believed.  This was successfully done with Freud, Einstein, Franz Boas, the mental midgets of the Frankfurt School and to a lesser extent the virtual non-entity of Greil Marcus.  Bob Dylan by the way is also a beneficiary of the process.

     The method of all these groups is to magnify the importance of Jews and diminish all others. By such stealth methods a feeling of intellectual superiority and omnipotence is built up.

     As Kevin points out in the Madoff case, the financier began his pyramid scheme with a cadre of Jews.  The initial investors in such a scheme may reap substantial benefits which is necessary to tout the scheme to outsiders.  In Madoff’s carefully orchestrated scheme each step of the pyramid required an increase in the size of the investments.  Thus over a period of decades Madoff required increases into the hundreds of millions and even billions.  The goyim were tapped for these substantail sums while payouts were still going to the original small Jewish investors.  These early participants did very well indeed.

     As in real life all good things must come to an end.  The big losers were gois.  ‘Fearing an anti-Semitic backlash’, and why not, the Jews were prepared.  Madoff was accused of being one inexcusable boor who would even defraud his fellow In group.

     Various Jewish ‘charities’ lined up to say how they had been defrauded, some even had to close thier doors.  Thus while laughing up their sleeves at how they had defrauded the gois, obviously using their extra intelligence gene, they then had the pleasure of baffling justified censure by enlisting the charitable sympathies of the defrauded.

    A good joke overall but why is the Jewish culture the only one laughing?

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