Reindustrialization Of The US

Reindustrialization Of The US


R.E. Prindle

We may have the next advance in the Money Trust/ Democrat strategy coming up.  Motorola  has come up with a new phone that is a major advance in Smart Phones.  The intend to build a factory in the US to manufacture it, one supposes for worldwide distribution, and the components are also to be manufactured in the US.

So now, having shipped manufacturing jobs out of the country it is apparently now planned to create manufacturing again.  This will apparently be governed by politics and social engineering.

The plant is scheduled for the Red State of Texas.  Other new manufacturing may well be probably focused in Texas or other stubborn Red strong holds.  Thus, let us say 1000 new manufacturing jobs are created in Texas with 400 secondary jobs created.  The Democrats then try to turn Texas Blue by boasting of the real, not government, jobs they’ve created bringing true prosperity to Texas.

There is more than enough manufacturing out there to do the same in other staunchly Red areas thus hopefully shifting them into the Blue too.

At the same time whole new work forces with new probably lower wage schedules will be recreated.  Of the factories shipped overseas the great majority of the work force was White.  That couldn’t have been changed without a great deal of friction.  A White work force will not be the case with the new factories.  They will likely be located in highly diverse areas so that while 60%+ of the US work force is White the new employees will undoubtedly be only 30 to 40% White with the majority Black, Brown and whatever.

The Whites employed will probably be women thus emasculating the White male in the Negro fashion where the woman has always been the provider.

While this may seem to be early to project a trajectory in the reindustrialization of the country this step is actually far along a trajectory that began in the Clinton administration, jelled in the Bush fiasco and is being deployed in the high humor of the Obama finale.

We know now what the goal is.  Assuming a degree of prosperity can be recreated by 2016 to show what Obama and the Democrats have done, defeating the combine in light of reindustrialization  may be very difficult.

The fight is just beginning and it’s going to be treacherous.

How Not To Be Offended


How Not To Be Offended


R.E. Prindle

     Here yet another indication of the progressing failure of globalism and multi-culturalism that should destroy any Liberals expectations and send them spinning into a deep depression.

     News from 1/13/12:

          …we’re off to India with an issue that’s a problem not just for Google, but also for Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft.  Indian government has approved a court case that seeks to hold the aforementioned companies responsible for material deemed unacceptable and/or offensive.  According to the Wall Street Journal, the push for the companies to filter (censor) content came out of an individual complaint over obscenity and content that may be offensive to people of different races or religions.  An Indian court has ordered top execs from the companies to appear before it in March, according to Reuters.  The Reuters report also includes this threat from an Indian judge:  “Like China, we can block out such websites (that don’t comply).  But let us not go to that situation.

     St. Lenny Bruce can be heard protesting from his grave; he who made obscenity legal for TV, Movies and the drawing room.  It does appear that not all cultures are compatible or else we have an international conspiracy against freedom of expression.

     In any event unless the Four are willing to capitulate to censorship the www will lose India and become the www-1.  Well, I say let India ban the web, though I do have a valuable readership there.  I guess we all have to make some sacrifices for freedom, don’t we?

     I can’t believe the loss of India would affect the Four all that much and, even if it did, the loss of freedom would affect the www even more.

     It is clear that different cultures have different standards of freedom of expression.  All cultures are obviously not equal.  To fear offending any one person is to offend all others making offending universal.  What do I care what offends anyone else if it doesn’t offend me and why should what offends me be denied you if it doesn’t offend you.  Expression grinds to a halt.  It is called give and take.  If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.   Any individual having determined a site is offensive to him, no matter what the site is saying or showing, nothing is easier than to avoid that site.

     It is totally irrelevant what is contained on any website; it can’t be offensive unless you voluntarily go to it.  You have to search a website out.  If it is willfully obtrusive then it can be removed.  So, India has no valid complaint.  Don’t complain about a site; don’t go back.  Nothing even to turn off.  Blogger’s trick of quarantining sites that ‘offend’ some obnoxious twerp is indefensible.

     If we’re going to have globalism then everyone on the globe has to cooperate.  If you don’t like a site, don’t visit.